Musica Poetica comes to SteemitsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #introduceyourself6 years ago (edited)


We are Musica Poetica, an Early Music (Baroque and Classical) Orchestra based in The Netherlands. We have come to Steemit to try and find a new audience and possibly a novel new funding stream.

Audiences for Classical Music is in decline. Part of the problem is that audiences are forced to come to concert halls at appointed times, and are subjected to traditional rules of silence and non-interaction. These rules are particularly intimidating for newcomers and the curious, and leads to the idea that Classical Music is for the elite and is not to be enjoyed. Perhaps it is time for musicians to find new ways of connecting to our audience, instead of blaming the audience for their lack of interest.

Funding for Classical Music across the world is in decline, and orchestras are notoriously old-fashioned in seeking ways to continue funding themselves. Generally, this boils down to finding patrons or government subsidies. Unfortunately, the strategy of winning these funding streams tend to have more to do with politics and "who you know", instead of a clear-eyed assessment of artistic merit. As a young orchestra, we are looking for ways to get around these problems whilst hoping to present our music to larger and more diverse audience.

Hopefully, we can find a comfortable home in the Steemit ecosystem and we look forward to entertaining you. Below, you can read more about what makes us tick as an ensemble.



„Musica Poetica is that discipline of music which teaches how to compose a musical composition […] in order to sway the hearts and spirits of individuals into various dispositions.“ (Joachim Burmeister, 1606).

The ‘Early Music’ or ‘Historical Performance Practice’ movement strives for a historically appropriate style of performance on the basis of surviving scores, treatises, instruments and other contemporary evidence. While, to begin with, it mainly concentrated on performing repertoire from Renaissance and Baroque, today the movement has spread to include Classical and Romantic repertoires. Although, initially, the movement was small and clearly distinct from the conventional classical music scene, some early-music conventions have been widely accepted and absorbed by the mainstream classical music market during the last two decades. However, in the same process musicians have lost interest in research and experiment and formed a mainstream of historically informed performance practice, which heavily relies on established clichés of ‘historical’ practices.

The ensemble Musica Poetica swims against this tide and strives to renew the radicalism of the movement’s first decades.

Boysen is convinced that the best possible understanding of the music from this time and its different styles, as well as a high technical standard of playing, will lead to convincing and stirring performances. Thus, he combines results from his own research and experiments with interesting repertoire and a distinct musicality.
Audience response during and after live performances, and the number of very positive reviews of Musica Poetica’s work seem to confirm Boysen’s belief that critical research of historical sources, analysis of the works and adequate rehearsal periods are not simply boring theory exercises, but rather help to communicate with the audience.

The group is composed of musicians from all over the world who specialise in Early Music, having completed their studies in the conservatories of the Netherlands. They share an interest in performing music from the 17th and 18th centuries from an historically informed perspective, using instruments from that period and informed by historical sources. The size of the group is flexible and depends on the chosen programme. It performes as a chamber group as well as an orchestra including choir.

In 2015, Musica Poetica started her own concert series at the Koninklijke Schouwburg (Royal Theatre) in Den Haag. This series was so successful that the musicians were invited to continue the series in season 16-17 with a twofold amount of performances.

The group’s performance schedule so far has included concerts and live radio broadcasts in Germany, France, Spain, Czech Republic and the Netherlands. Musica Poetica performs regularly in festivals and concerts around Europe such as the Schleswig-Holstein Musikfestival, Festival Mitte Europa, International Buxtehude Festival Lübeck, Itinéraire Baroque and the Holland Festival Oude Muziek.
The group also appeared in theater productions of the O.T. Opera Rotterdam (Orfeo Intermezzi, 2005), the Utrechtse Spelen (Molière’s/Charpentier’s Imaginary Invalid, 2009 and 2011) and Opéra Mosset in France.

Musica Poetica has recorded several CDs with music from the Düben Collection, works by Christian Flor and Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach.


Hi @musicapoetica,

Belated welcome to steemit. I'm thrilled to see the way you've been contributing to the #classical-music category here, so thank you very much to the whole group! I hope we will continue to see more Steem block chain adoption among classical music enthusiasts from "the real world."

As you're already aware, we shared this post on the Steemit's Best Classical Music facebook page, and included in our latest Roundup post.

No problem, better late than never! Hopefully when our artistic director gets around to it, he will release a whole heap of writings and program notes for me to use. They are a treasure trove of information!

Hello, Musica Poetica! Hope to see some videos or music soon!

Hi, hopefully they are coming soon!

I think we are a part of something truly special here, and I welcome you! Another early adopter to this amazing technology.

We think this is a great platform here. A chance to reach a wider community and also potentially gain some reward for creating content. Pretty much what we were trying to do on Facebook and YouTube, but for free. For Steemit, it appears there is not giant company taking the cut (or sometimes, the complete pie.).

I'm happy to find you on Steemit. Although I made my living as a scientist, performance and listening to classical music was a big part of my life, and I became particularly interested in period instruments. No one else I knew had even heard of the art.
I played trumpet, and back in the 1970's I discovered Edward H. Tarr and wanted to learn to play the baroque trumpet. I was fortunate to meet him on two occasions when he toured in the USA. But how could I find a baroque trumpet in rural Kentucky? I knew of reproduced instruments made in Europe, but only one dealer in New York sold them and I couldn't afford one.
My determination was resolute so I made several instruments myself from disassembled valve trumpets. I learned to play it and became good enough to perform in public on my homemade reproductions! In my circles, I was the only-lonely musician who was interested in learning the technique. I knew it was cool before my peers. I had set of three matched instruments, but nobody to play duets or trios. I did play solos with a local chamber group and at many churches, weddings, and even a funeral. I especially liked performing with a pipe organist, who was very enthusiastic and supportive.
I invented my own tuning hole configuration that only required two, instead of the three- or four-hole systems adopted by the established craftsmen. My system even allowed for a perfect B-natural, which is a challenge even for the pros. I contacted them and offered to trade my secret if they would fabricate a professional instrument to prove it's utility, but never got a response.
Eventually I stopped playing valved trumpets altogether and went totally "baroque"-pun intended 😉
Of course now period instruments and performances are well known and popular. I was ahead of my time, I guess.
My passion was evident when I was in high school and I wrote my first research paper in English class on the subject. I recently posted it on Steemit as a tribute to my teacher and lifelong friend who passed away last month:
I look forward to your future posts as a new follower, and thank you for your letting me tell my story.
Rick, @qiyi

Nice to have you follow us!

That is an incredible story of passion for the baroque trumpet. A pity that you missed the Early Music revolution in Europe, although I gather it is getting more and more popularity in America.

I'm afraid my personal (@bengy) experience and knowledge of baroque trumpet is a little slim, I am always amazed that trumpeters manage so well on instruments that are so difficult. I even know people that play with no holes! Anyway, I was on tour last year doing the Brandenburg concerti and it was a huge play every night for the trumpeter.

We have some performances up already and have more to come. We look forward to your feedback!

Please let any classical musicians or classical music lovers that you know to subscribe to @classical-music, and to start using the #classical-music hashtag, so we can try and grow our community! Join us at our Dischord:

@bengy I guess I would say I'm a scientist with a music background. I used my knowledge of physics and harmonics to devise my two-hole tuning aid for the natural/baroque trumpet. Thanks for the discord invitation...I joined.

Ha ha, I am your opposite!

Hola amigos de @musicapoetica, los felicito por su primer post! me gustaría invitarlos a que te unas a nuestra comunidad interactiva donde podrán conocer a mas personas y compartir tus post para recibir apoyo, visita mi ultima publicación para que te unas a travez del enlace, ya te estoy siguiendo


I'm afraid I'm not one of the ensemble that can speak Spanish (we do have a few, it is our second most popular language in the orchestra). Thank you for your congratulations, and we are looking forward to meeting you and the wider Steemit community!

Me temo que no soy uno de los que pueden hablar español (tenemos algunos, es nuestro segundo idioma más popular en la orquesta). ¡Gracias por sus felicitaciones, y esperamos conocerlo a usted y a toda la comunidad Steemit!

Congratulations @musicapoetica, you have decided to take the next big step with your first post! The Steem Network Team wishes you a great time among this awesome community.

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