Hi guys !

Hey ! It's me


Well here's some facts about me ..

• I Hate Vehicles .. Cause i vomit when i get on it ..
•I like foods
•I like memes
•I like vines

Well im from the Philippines btw .. and my article is all about memes ..
I like to make people happy .. so im posting memes and yestersday i start uploading vines.
Memes always made me smile, when im sad, in pain or anything that's not emotionally good ..
So i want others to be happy like i am ..
That's why I'm posting memes 😊😊

Im not made as a good writer but i do what i do .. and I'm happy about it so what ..

images (10).jpeg

Thanks for reading !



Steemit: @memeitbaby

DTube: DTube@memeitbaby



Were you always that way in regards to riding in cars or was it something that happened later in life. I couldn't imagine going without a vehicle but that's mostly because Memphis is not a very walk-able city

i guess i can say yes .. but even thou i don't like to ride on a vehicle im still forced to ride it for when im going on far places.
thank you for commenting :) an upvote would be appreciated :) follow me and ill follow back

Welcome to Steemit! Hope you like it here :) I followed a few days ago when I noticed you post a lot of memes :P I've been using Steemit on/off for around a year I guess. I like the community and it's a fun platform :) I hope you enjoy it as much as I do (if not more). I've been starting to post memes myself. But not as much as you do. You can check them out if you'd like :P

sure will do .. thanks for the welcome .. well i think it's a fun place too and im posting something that i like so you can be sure im having fun ^^ .. i think im using steemit for about a week now .. more or less ..
thanks again for the welcome

Welcome to Steem. It's an awesome community. I followed you. Please follow back. Good Luck.

Welcome @memeitbaby , great to have you here! Will look forward for your memes! I followed you and I hope you will follow me too :) Let's grow TOGETHER!

I believe my recent blog will give you VALUE in solving your everyday life problems, please check it out https://steemit.com/life/@wild-forest/solve-your-problems-effectively-man-on-the-moon-contrast // More exclusive content coming up :))

sure ill follow back and thanks for the tip :D

cars can help us and cute bird

Welcome to steemit!

I don't really like vehicles too. (mostly taxis and buses)
But I will have to be in a bus for 7 hours in a few days :(

Don't forget to learn which passwords to use and when and how to secure them, very important.

welcome @memeitbaby
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