How Do You Prefer To Use Steemit? Enquiring Minds Want To Know!

Hello all! I was just introduced to Steemit and I'm enjoying the INCREDIBLE content on this platform... I guess when the content is paid for quality, quality is what you receive. And this is an AMAZING site with VERY TALENTED contributors. I hope I might be able to contribute what I can as well, and that it will be received with positive responses!

Quickly about me, my name is William Winterton. I've been an entrepreneur my whole life, and now that I'm nearing 40 and doing quite well from my own businesses I've found it necessary to give back to those who are trying to carve their own names into the landscape.

Most recently I have been involved with private lending for real estate, small business and other creative/angel projects. Spring of 2017 I began a service called MarketDisrupters, primarily a coaching platform for small business-owners who are looking to play hard against bigger and more established businesses.

Tell me about yourself- namely, how are you planning to use the Steemit platform to advance yourself, your business, your brand or your future? I look forward to a great relationship with you!

  • William Winterton

What’s up William! So awesome to see you here! Welcome to the community!

Thanks man! Looking forward to seeing some excellent content from you!

Hello :) from South Korea.
Nice to meet you!
I hope i can make global friendship with you as Mutual followers
I just follow you :)
my introduceyourself
Thank you ^^
check this out !
→ Event 2nd Mutual followership

Excellent- I will definitely reach out to you. Cheers!

Feel free to reach out to me if you are a small-business owner looking to make a positive impact... I would love to serve you in any way I can!

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