Hello Steemit friends, Im from the land where fairies and magic are real.

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Whatsup guys,

My name is MaiAnh, I was born, raised and based in Vietnam until 5 years ago, then i came to the USA to continue my study as a college student. I cannot tell you how thankful I am for this opportunity, as I was able to meet, lived and be friend with people from 50 countries all around the world. So stick around if you are interest in the stories of my life and the wonderful experienced I shared with my international people. Please don't be hesitate to tell me your story, I'm interest in making new friends and learning about your cultural experiences.


So let me start with the basic:

  • Im a stylist, I love fashion and make up, I have a bunny name Coco Chanel.
  • I design clothes and do a lot of DYI home decor. (I'll deffinitely share my journey of creation with you guys if you guys interested).
  • I have a really "International life style", well cause all my friends are the craziest International students.
  • I love travelling, been to 7 countries and 12 states around the US, because every day is a new adventure my friends.
  • I love being model for pictures (cause Im too short and too cute to be a professional model, hard truth but it ain't stopping me).
  • Im a free spirit artist, New Age philosopher, Higher Consciousness believer and a story teller.
  • Magical being having a human experience.
  • I love to study about religions, ancient civilizations (I'm obsess with ancient Egypt)
  • I love music and dancing.
  • Im a perfectionist, you could say it is both a blessing and a curse.
  • Risk taker, Risk Management and Insurance Majored.
  • Currently building my dream empire and expanding my circle. :)


I started designing clothes since I was around 12, when my aunt came back from a trip to France and got me a sketchbook with dolls for drawing on clothes. Then I kinda forgot about it as I went to college, until this year when one of my good friend got me a sketchbook and encourage me to continue my journey, I'm just so thankful for that. I hope this will be a good new platform for me to express myself and my arts.

I was raised in a family that practice the combination of Buddhism, Taoism and Cao Dai - The Eye (a religion which i cannot find in English yet but it is well known in Vietnam). They taught me and my brother a lot of life philosophy since we can first remember. I love my family so much and they are the love of my life. I believe and respect the wisdom and knowledge of the religions with all my heart, but I was always the black sheep of the family because I know I was different from how they wanted me to be, I was rebellious, I like to be sexy, looking good with perfect makeup, I like stuff that is "not pure" or "demonized" by the society, and that fashion is just "materialized", that you cannot get a job if you follow fashion design. And for so long I was always living the "double-life". So in some of my future post, I will write about how I decided to step out of the closet, and express myself to the fullest to the world, because I want to be strong enough for my family to except me for who I am. Fashion and makeup is not just for show, it takes dedication and self love, it can transform you from the inside.


Okay, so I hope I still got your attention if you already reading till here, you guys probably wonder why "the land where fairies and magic are real", I told you I'm a story teller, magic is embedded in our country history, Its a place where angles, fairies, god and goddess warriors once fought for our freedom and will fight along our side till the end of time. We the people were born from the same embryo sack, the combination of the love between a fairy form above with the sea god. Ask any Vietnamese kid and they will tell you the story about our historical and magical history.

I am a girl with a big dream, people told me that I'm just a day dreamer, and was raised to keep my mouth shut to be a lady and fit in with the society, but know I can be so much more. They said if you believe you can change the world to be a better place then you are half way there, because not so many people are that "crazy" to believe they can do it. So I hope my stories and message will get out there, so we can understand each other more as people, erase the imaginary borders between countries, religions and races in our minds, as we are stepping into a New Age. Together.

Okay so that's lot about me already, hope you will join me in my journey, tell me about your story too, I would love to hear it.

Be my friends, it's fun.
-she said.


P/s no.1: I'm just trying to figure what is going on here and I dont know anyone yet, so I would really appreciate some tips and coaching advice from you guys. :)
P/s no.2: talk to me about #cryptocurrency too, I'm a newbie that love to learn.

Love you guys.



Thank you!! :)

Hey Mai!
Glad you have found the way to this platform - amazing introduction post!
First, you should head to the #fitness section to find some biceps exercise tips for your friends...ah, just kidding ;) I think with your ideas and stories you should hit up #art first!
I have been to high school in the US, so I can understand how you feel to get that chance! What are you studying?

P.S.: I gave you a little upvote + a resteem with @welcoming where you can meet other promising new users!

Thank you so much :)
That's so nice of you to say that, I studied Risk Management and Insurance and I graduated. May I ask what is resteem? :p

It's when i share your post on my page ;)

oh thank you so much, it's pretty confusing on here lol

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Thank you so much for the information :)

welcome to steemit, nice

Happy steemit !!! cheers

Thank you and cheers :)

welcome aboard! you will find a lot of things in here as well as awesome people i can guarantee that, the community is great and anyone i willing to help so i bet you will find many answers to your questions.

from what i read i can say i am pretty amazed with your interests and i say that in a good way. now about the ''double life thing'' i don't exactly know what you 've been through in order to get out of the closet as you said but it takes a lot of effort to manage to do so.
and that fashion is just "materialized", that you cannot get a job if you follow fashion design i think in this era it's the complete opposite you can really ''easily'' create a whole fashion empire out nothing, you got internet, online sales and a majority of people that doesnt really care who are you but what you are making and how much they like it and by that i mean i wasnt like 20+ years ago that you had to be someone in order to be related with fashion and make a living out of it. now once again i will express the opposite :P

dont hate me Fashion and makeup is not just for show, it takes dedication and self love, it can transform you from the inside basically the main reason is just for show :P and when we talk about make up that whose the basic reason it was made. people who feel insecure about themselves try to hide it as much as they can with various lies in order to get the attention of somebody and that somebody if he/she was let's just say a good person, with or without make up he/she would behave the same to you. we can argue all day about this i believe :P

finally oh god how much i wrote again..... for more info about how this works read the FAQ it was mayde and updated by other steemit users so you can pretty much get the big idea. other than this my personal advice for growth that i say to everyone and it may sound too mainstream is to read others posts that ofc you like and find interesting and dont just upvote by instead interact with them. that i believe is key factor that will distinguish you.

ahh what have i done again...

Oh please, hating is ugly haha, I welcome everyone opinions, it showed that my message has been heard and you guys took your time to write back to me. This give me a chance to clarify myself more :)

I agreed with you that it is very different now for the fashion industry because we have the internet, such a great opportunity and great time live in, but I grew up around the idea of "fashion is just "materialized", that you cannot get a job if you follow fashion design", I tried the business and felt once when I was 15-16, I was young and afraid to get up and follow it again. That is why I didn't choose Fashion design for college and still wonder why I did that. I just want to put it out there, and whoever is in my situation won't just hesitate to follow what they really want, and don't just take the long road like me.

I really have no problem with my bare face, but it is my job to bring beauty to life, I love make up and do other people make up. So why not perfected on yourself first, cause obviously people won't ask for makeup advice from someone who only wear make up once or twice a week. I have to admit I'm extra. It is just me and and I don't recommend that everybody should be like me. I'm just here to help and maybe inspire others.

I don't want one of my hobby to spread the idea of "faking it", it is more about "enhancing" the face feature that is already exist, it could give a lot of internal power to a girl, and trust me not every girl around the world is strong and empower from the inside, especially if you come from a country that degraded women. I have so many friends what never think that they are beautiful, they don't have the courage to express themselves fully and do what they actually want. Because when I see their eyes lit up when they see themselves in the mirror, that gave me the power to continue. I don't have the power to change the idea about makeup in the society, so I gave that power to other girls, and confident girls can do everything they wanted to prove it to the society. ;)

And thank you so much for the advice, I have to admid I didn't really go around much yet on here, still a bit overwhelm and trying to catch up with everyone ^_^.

i will stick to the make up once again :P i totally get what you saying about yourself and as you said if you do it on others you just have to know what are you doing, it's like if i want to sale a weight loss product i can't do it while being overweight! i dont quite agree with the ''use make up to feel better and more confident'' ( you havent said yourself it's just the general belief that is an accurate fact). Moreover saying girls can't express themselves, feeling ugly etc etc is something boys have a harder time with and they dont use make up whatsoever, only anabolics :P

the truth is that make up is the easiest and fastest way to deceive everyone and yourself and make others believe you are beautiful so that you believe in yourself too ( now for how long and what life would that be it's another story) let's say we have sarah that with make up boost herself a 30% more of what she is ( i would it's way more than that but ok) then she uploads Instagram photos with filters and with a more careful approach 30% will be in a short period of time 50%+ of what she was. a couple of guys will start sending messages (i bet you know what i am talking about), her ego and confident will start to rise and boom sarah is now happy and confident with a fair amount of people and guys talking to her and flirting with her,till she finds out most of the people she meets with that kind of life would be complete trash, many problems will occur resulting in conflicts between friends and her own self and someday she will realize that '' i am not my self any more''

if you have low self esteem and don't believe in yourself while you are the type that want to have friends and dont be lonely the best way but the hardest one is to go out and talk with people being the real you. most of the friends you make will be real friends and long term you be happier

to make it up (make it up get it? i am too funny) i have some guides for you that i think are kind of unique out there and can help you way to much by people who know their stuff


and the above is some tools that will help a lot more as you grow for example you can check your followers how many are active, who are the followers that vote most of your posts ( your royal ones etc etc)


keep it up and i am watching you

Welcome to Steemit ✌️😘

Thank you so much :)

Great introduction @maianh.nguyen. I look forward to hearing about your journey from Vietnam till now. It's great that you are on steemit with an open heart and mind to share your experiences. I will try to send a possible dark angel to give you some steemit knowledge. PEace

Thank you :) this is such a great place to meet new and interesting people. lol dark angel? you working with dark entities?

For sure steemit is a great place to meet some characters. My dark angel friend is not a dark entity just a dark angel, it's different.

Welcome to stemit, so glad to have you on here! There is so much to write about, to read, and so many people to meet. <3 Let me know if you have any questions, I am usually hanging around in the minnow support group. I hope you come say hello and meet other cool people too!

Thank you :) great to meet you, is it like a chat room?

guess I'll see you up there ;)

Very Excellent Pictures!
Welcome to Steemit! Nice to meet you. :-)

Upvoted and followed!

I hope you have lots of fun here and make many friends! :-)
Thank you for sharing! :-)

Thank you so much :) Nice to meet you too.
Im really looking forward to it.

You're very welcome. :-)
Thank you for your reply! :-)
Wishing you happiness, smiles, sweet dreams and sunshine! :-)

thank you for such positive ^_^ you too have a wonderful day

Hello, MaiAnh, and welcome to Steemit.

From your intro post, we can see that you have a incredibly wide range of interests – from fashion to higher consciousness, from risk taking to life philosophy, from home decor to international travel. So I'm sure you'll find much of interest here on Steemit, and that you'll have much to offer and bring to this platform.

Also, it's great to hear that even though you are the rebel, the black sheep, that you still love and respect your family. Continue to be your rebellious self, continue to learn and grow, and you'll make them proud – no matter what you do.

Best of luck, and Full Steem Ahead.

Hi and thank you so much :)

Being the one who is different in the family is hard but it doesn't mean I will forget about my duty in this life to them :)

I just followed and skim thru your account and realized that you might be believing in the higher consciousness yourself, I absolutely love your information about the letters and alphabet and love to learn more about that, I studied a lot of numerology but I never have a thought about learning about the letters, I hope to connect more :)

Great to hear back from you, particularly in a thoughtful comment.

Yes, I truly believe that there is a higher consciousness that we can access and benefit from. In fact, it is within us ( or at least, within our capability), but it's something we have to learn or remember, not something that comes to us only through nature or through the external world.

Actually, I'm probably gonna do a series presenting lots of quotes from Advaita (non-dualist) philosophy, much of which points us toward understanding our higher consciousness. However, it might take a few months before I get around to that. As you might have seen from my blog, most of my posts are in series. That helps me stay focused on posting regularly, and hopefully it helps my followers know what to expect.

I'd say your English is near perfect, so I'm not sure how much my Vocab-ability series will help you. But it presents vocab items of an advanced level, so you might find certain entries in some of the posts that can help you increase your vocab.

If you know of any advanced-level ESL students / international students who might benefit from Vocab-ability, please pass on the links to them.

G'nite from Thailand...

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