New on Steemit and super excited!! Im livin' it up in Las Vegas and loving every minute of it! Hi Everyone:)

Hi guys! My name's Danielle and I'm a single girl enjoying life in fabulous Las Vegas. I decided I needed a life change 4 years ago, and something about Vegas was just too tempting to resist. So I packed up my car and left NY and decided to give Sin City a shot. The rest is pretty much history. My friend told me about #steemit last week and I couldn't wait to check it out. He knew that I had been working on a local restaurant review blog and he thought this would be the perfect place for me to share. I agreed...but I thought why not include more then just restaurant reviews? I do a lot more then just eat (but I have to admit eating is my favorite hobby). My #life is filled with excitement in this crazy city, and I figured why not share it all?

Sooooo technology is def not my thing. It took all my effort just to figure out how to create this post. I admit I googled steemit for dummies, and I actually found some good help from the steemit community! Combine that help with a lot of annoying txt messages to my friend in Seattle and here I am! (I think lol) I would more then appreciate ANY advice that anyone has to offer me about being a successful member of this amazing new site. I'm eager to learn as much as I can so feel free to tell me anything helpful.

Now I'm verified....right?
I'm kind of one of those "jack of all trades" type of people, but I LOVE to create. I guess you could say that's my real passion. I'm a hairstylist, a crazy foodie and non-stop home cook, and a wine enthusiast. When I say a "wine enthusiast" I mean I'm REALLY REALLY enthusiastic ;) I've been spending time studying for my introductory sommelier test, and I hope to sign up for the exam scheduled in Las Vegas in November. As I mentioned above I've been working on a restaurant review blog for the average type of person. Every time I eat out somewhere I make notes and try to document my experience so I can hopefully share it with hungry people trying to figure out where to eat in Las Vegas. I've always wanted to share my personal recipes too, and this seems like a place where it would be welcomed.

So its pretty clear I love to eat #food, cook, and drink wine but I honestly just love to live and share with others. Whether its a pool party, a nightclub, or a hike in the desert I'm ready to go (and I'm ready to tell you all about it when I'm done)! Las Vegas has more to offer then I could have ever imagined when I moved here 4 years ago. It isn't just a boulevard with a bunch of giant flashy hotels. Its so much more then that. Good and bad, but still more. Living in this city has given me some unique memories, and a whole lot of interesting stories. I hope there's at least a few people out there that are interested in my journey while I continue to eat, drink, and live my way through Las Vegas!! <3


Hi everyone. This is a friend of mine from Vegas who wanted to start a blog so I introduced her to Steemit. Thanks for making her feel welcomed. :)

Thanks for your help! xoxo

Hot girl? Check
Steemit written out on paper? Check
Appropriate hashtag use? Check
Lives in Vegas? Bonus

My prediction: $1,000 at least!

recheck the paper--it's floating. My guess is photoshop magic.

Uhh or possibly just she's laying down and the paper is sitting on her breasts?
The pillows behind her kinda informed me on that. Also the writing on the paper is visibly deep.

Possibly is not going to be good enough any more. #introduceyourself has become a magnet for scammers. If this is actually real, she can post better verification (like a video)

Hi Smooth, I found a fraudulent post that you and @dantheman upvoted to $1600

Again, same pattern. Here is the source (@benslayton found it):

Story modified here and there to be bot-detection proof.


give me 1000sd @smooth

I know you are out to protect the site from scammers but she is a personal friend of mine. I introduced her to steemit on my last trip to vegas a week ago.

It's laying on top of me im not scamming anyone

ha, you're shorting yourself on that prediction :)

thanks guys! I wasnt sure if I was doing everything right (or anything right) lol

Pump up the jam! ;)

This one is going to $1,000 for 1 hour)

Welcome Las Vegas Neighbor!


Beeing honest, i think you post your story only to get some money. And the only reason why you get some upvotes because you are a pretty girl with big boobs. If i would post such a s*** i would get nothing. Only my opinion, dont take it personally.

Im sorry you feel that way, and I appreciate your support even tho you don't seem to like me very much. The site is based on the steam so of course money is a factor, but Ive been working on a restaurant blog for a long time now and getting paid nothing for it. I just thought I could include other Las Vegas experiences to make it a little more exciting, and I finally found a place to post where people are actually reading stuff!! Im sorry if you feel my post has been unfairly rewarded, but maybe you're judging me a little harshly? Oh and boobs actually aren't very big;)

Dont take it personally, i dont know you. I cant say if you are a bad or nice girl. Its more the situation that many girls try to make money with their look and gender. If there werent any pictures, you wouldnt have got so much upvotes.

"If i would post such a s*** i would get nothing"... FOR REAL

Idk how some newcomers here manage to get all that money just by introducing themselves or posting some mainstream, even useless stuff. Nothing against you @lasvegasgirl, actually it's pretty nice and interesting how your first post is getting such a good exposure (and money) with few SP in your wallet.

I upvoted for you. If some others upvote you, maybe you get enough money to buy yourself a set of boobs and make a new introduction post :-p

My god you guys seriously...

And either way you're like...

@lasvegasgirl nothing personal, it's just these posts keep gaining $2k to $10k for what amounts to "Hello! This is me!" then most never come back because of the leering or because they never hit the jackpot again..
I hope you'll stay, you seem nice. Can't wait to see what else you bring us.

16 hours ago and not made it past 2000 $ yet ? What happened ? Are we out of Steem ?

nice to meet you @lasvegasgirl and welcome! 8]

Somehow this looks like Putin meets Benjamin Button.

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