Curiosity got the better of me, so here I am! Hello!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Hello, fellow Steemians!

Truely a pleasure to meet ya'll! I'm Krishnendu, A 21 year old Animator and Artist from India.

I'm an absolute nutcase of a human being with an incredible need to satisfy my curiosity.

I'm currently pursuing my bachelor's degree in Design from National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad.

When I'm not working myself to death( a very rare occurrence) I like to doodle for fun, let my neighbours know what good music sounds like (sorrynotsorry) and dance around like a flamingo having a seizure. I also enjoy annoying my younger sister, stuffing my face with food, reading books, narrating stories about my childhood shenanigans, making new friends, watching documentaries, going for long walks, singing my heart out ,playing hide and seek with my German Shepard (his name is Shadow) , so on and so forth.

I began drawing at the age of three, after my mother bought me my first box of crayons. I haven't looked back since. I started off with nonsensical scribbles which slowly evolved into barely recognisable forms, and eventually into something more. My parents noticed this and began to support me, especially my mother. Whatever I have managed to accomplish up until today is thanks to her support, without her constant encouragement I wouldn't have been able to go down this path as my field is really looked down upon in India. Most kids only have a few options, be a doctor, an engineer, a lawyer, you get the idea.

The reason I decided to join Steemit is to reach out to a larger audience. I shall upload one piece of art per day, including the process that went into creating it. I create Traditional and Digital art, inspired by the people I meet , conversations i have and my experience as a young adult trying to find her way in the world. I dabble a little in photography so those will be put up too.

So welcome to my little art gallery, please join me in my journey to becoming a better artist and a better human being. I hope you like what you find. :)


ps: If you wish to follow me on instagram,


Welcome on Steem... you got really nice drawing skills..

Hello, welcome to Steemit! This place is amazing.

There are some great tools for Steemit to help too like the Steem Follower tool that will get you more upvotes and followers.

And most importantly, Have fun!

Thank you! I'm really looking forward to having fun here. :)

dance around like a flamingo having a seizure

I'm dead. Bahaha. I'm so glad to have you here, as your personality will be really refreshing amongst all the seriousness of the crypto/bitcoin/techytechtechtech stuff posts! I really look forward to seeing some of your work. (I don't have a drawing bone in my body!) Good luck! :)

Hahaha. Really? Its that serious here? and thank you. I hope you like the work I upload. :)

The well upvoted posts are very serious, but luckily there is at least a few accounts making headway that are more relaxed, like travel blogs and a few food blogs and this one girl I follow is a pole dancer, and she is super freaking cool! @polebird But yeah, other than that, if you click on the tags that are #steemit or #bitcoin or #cryptocurrency, unless you have an unhealthy passion for those things, just prepared to be bored out of your gourd. Bahaha. But also prepare to learn about that stuff, because it's all part and parcel of being here I guess! :)

Ah yes, I had a good look around and you 100% right.

Welcome! Cute cat, very beautiful dog, nice drawing, and I too loved the flamingo line. Great that your mom has been supportive even though it is outside the norm of your culture. I look forward to seeing more of your work as well.

Like I said on my post, don't get discouraged and just keep posting good stuff and your audience should come.

Now that I know you are an artist and a photographer - I would also suggest entering some of the contests that are around. The winners get some Steem. One I just submitted a photo for is @photocontests and @jerrybanfield also just started a photo contest within his work he does to advance the site. I am sure there are drawing contests out there somewhere too.

And keep living like that flamingo!

Oh hello! Thank you for checking out my post. Really appreciate it. And thank you for your kind words. Yes, I'll have a good look around to see if i can find any contests.

Welome @steemit! Nice cats & dogs ;-) Follow The best of Cointelegraph and get some wealth

Belated welcome my dear! Ur just so pretty and Krishnendu whaaat an beautifull name! Looking forward to ur creations even i checked some out alrdy <3

Hahaha, Thank you so much :)

Cool! Welcome to Steemit! 🙂
Nice to have more talented Artists here and a beautiful one I must add.

Take a look at @steemartists and join our growing community of artists

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