Another USSR child.

Hi people!
Last year a friend told me about Steemit and I've been meaning to make a post ever since, it definitely took me a while to jump in. Nonetheless here is my story.
My name is Ann, I was born in Soviet Union 30 years ago, Crimea region to be exact. It is funny because without moving anywhere else I lived in three different countries, as many of you know, after USSR collapsed Crimea became a part of Ukraine and now it is Russian.
Just slightly over 2 years ago I immigrated to the United States where I currently reside. I'm married and I have 3 cats, one of them I brought with me on a plane from Sevastopol. Leaving your country and starting everything from a blank page is not as easy as it seems I've learned, but I accepted the challenge and I'm happy about the choice I made.
I'm excited about making connections and building friendships with like-minded people, sharing our stories and experiences, figuring it all out!
I really do not want to overload my post with pictures, but I also feel like it might be a good way to introduce myself and let you guys have a peek into my world. Hope you enjoy!
Please welcome my kitties, Lena, Artax and one of the worst cats you could ever meet 2xFoot:


Things to do in Crimea:

  • Go to the beach! Duh!
  • Read a book and make a rock tower.
  • Watch the stormy see at work.
  • Also watch it being calm.
    I do not know anyone who doesn't enjoy wine, it's good.
    My new home. Detroit.
    That one time me and my husband went to Paris and ate all of their baguettes, fun!
    My garden last summer, needless to say I didn't have to buy any veggies :).
    I enjoy cooking, do you? Let's share our favorite recipes.
    Here's the one I left my home country for and moved away across the ocean.
    He's probably gonna kill me for posting this one...
    We save turtles on the road!
    Once upon a time I had tulips on my window sill.
    The End. Fin. Конец. But only for now :).

Hello, wife! Glad to see you're finally getting on board with posting!!! Killer intro post, btw. Keep it up!!!

Hi husband! TAKK!!!!!!!!

Welcome to Steemit! Very cool post. Loved all the pics! I live in Michigan too...2 hours west of Detroit!. I followed ya :)

Thanks a lot for the positive feedback, neighbor!

Great to have you here. Crimea looks likr a beautiful place, i hope to see more from you! I followed! 😀

Thank you! I will definitely post more, I have too many pictures haha.

Please do bring us more pictures and you lovely comments. You intro is well set up for many nice things ahead. If you have questions. Drop us a line in comment and we will answer your questions as simply-put as possible. Comment away! Happy commenting!

Welcome to steemit. Fantastic creative pictures ill look forward to seeing more posts by you.

Welcome to the community, nice to meet you:)

Thank you! Nice to meet you too!

Hi Ann, welcome to Steemit! Growing up in Russia is likely very far from my own background having grown up in Belgium, but I can relate with your experience of migrating to start a life in a different country. I have moved to Canada last year to live with my husband and especially the first few months can feel quite vulnerable having to learn new people, customs and language. I love how it's in those day-to-day experiences that one person can relate to another despite having an entirely different cultural background :)

Hey Kim! Nice to meet you and thank you for sharing your story with me. I agree, Russia and Belgium are quite different, I've been to Belgium once, to a small town called Dinant, I didn't get to spend a lot of time there, but I remember it was beautiful.
Moving away from everything you're used to and placing yourself in a new environment is challenging indeed, it is a good feeling to have people you can relate to though :).

I upvoted your post with whale power! Thanks to @htooms and #takemyvotes!
Follow our blogs @digicrypt and @htooms
Keep up the great work and keep Steeming!

Great story! Welcome to Steemit!

Hey! Thanks a lot, I'll gladly check out those blogs!

Hello! Great photos.

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