Random Challenge #34 - Short long story of a Maracucha

Hi there Steemians! As you know I’ve been making the Random Challenge from @khackett and now’s time for the story of my life. If you’re interested just go to the post, read the instructions and participate!

So let’s begin with the easiest part. I was born in October 5th 1996, it was a Saturday late morning in my city Marcaibo and my mom always says that I would be (and I am) a hungry child because it was lunch time and all the doctors missed it because of me hahaha. I had black and a little curly hair and gray eyes, now at my 21 years old I have brown, natural super straight hair and brown eyes.

About my early childhood I’m just gonna talk about the memories I can remember the most, not in a really sequence. I started kindergarten when I was 3 years old, I was a fatty girl and petit for my age (I’ve always been small, right now I’m just 1,50 meters tall), from those 3 years I just remember very well that once I got to be the Queen of Carnival and in another time I went to a theater with some of my class mates for a dance performance, some festival with a lot of schools.

When I was 5 my little brother Alejandro was born, he’s exactly 5 years, 5 days and 5 hours younger than me. My birthday: October 5th, 1996 11:40 am. His: October 10th, 2001 4:30 pm. He was so pale and his hair so fair that I couldn’t see his eyebrows. He was a fat baby, I don’t remember it but I have a photograph of his first carnival in my wall, he was just 4 months and omg he had the biggest checks and legs, my mom was carrying him but with the arms extended so he could be in the picture “alone”, my mom says that he was about 8,5 kilos and her arms were shaking hahaha. Do you know Bebé Gerber? (Gerber baby). My bro was such a cute baby and he participate on the contest, didn’t win but he reached the final round.

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The school year here starts in September, we have vacations in December, start back at January and finish our classes in July. Middle school has 6 years and we have 5 or 6 years of high school (depends on the school, I made just 5 years). So I started middle school at 7 years old in a Catholic school, I used to be pretty quiet, always having a good behavior and excellent grades, my grandma helped my mom rising me up and they taught me how to act in the classroom, of course my mom’s a teacher in the kindergarten I studied so yeeaahh, she does not like at all the children with bad behavior xd. Also at 7 I began to study English, and finish the course 3 years later when I was 10.

So a few memories I have from my middle school time, once for example I remember I was 8 and Ale 3 and we were playing at my grandma’s with our cousin Dayana, 3 years older than me. He got mad because I took a toy he wanted, so he threw me a rock to the head. I freaked out, there was blood everywhere and my head was aching horrible. At the end it was just a really small superficial wound and it leave me a scar as big as a bean and the rock he used was the size of a baby fist. I was super mad; of course I was a kid, now I just laugh at how we get to that xd. Our relationship was full of fights but now we get along way better, we go out to the cinema or restaurants and share friends despite the difference of age (my boyfriend is his godfather because my brother wanted him to be!).


At 9 my parents inscribed me in art, I love to draw and used to make every type of drawings; I spent 3 years or so in art and made a few paintings. Also one time when I was 11 I became the sport queen in my school, which is ironic because I’m not an athletic person nor so much interested in sports, but it was a good experience. I started to participate in the Olimpiadas de Matemática (Olympics mathematics) in 4th grade. The preliminary test has 30 math problems of multiple options each problem, if you pass that one then you go to the Regionals and that test has 6 development math problems and you have to explain by writing step by step all the process and operations you did, each one of the 6 problems scores 6 points. 4 good answers is bronze, 5 is silver and a perfect test or almost is gold (these is a rough), only gold medals go to the Nationals, as well gold medals in the Nationals can go to the International and final test. Since my 4th primary grade to my senior year I won 3 bronze medals and 1 silver in the Regionals.


I started high school in 2009, 1 or 2 weeks before the beginning of classes my grandma died, I still miss her so much, and at that moment I couldn’t believe it happened. 2 years later I had my 15th years old party; here we do not celebrate the sweet 16th. It toke a year of planning and I couldn’t be happier of how the night went. Here the tradition is a long, big, fancy dress, live music, a fancy place, the beginning waltz and “paso doble”, a hundred or more guesses, food and deserts, a big cake and a photographer, and my parents gave me all that, it was my night to remember. After that my mom taught me how to cook and that’s how I discover another passion, I love to try new things, flavors, mix different stuff hoping for a good result, I just love it.

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I had my first boyfriend in high school, we had 3 years of relationship, the last year that unfortunately was also my senior year, was amazingly horrible, full of fights, bad attitudes, insults, he manipulated me and I’m not proud of saying that I was stupid enough to let him knowing that it hurted me. We broke up because he left the country and is living in Florida. I hated him for a while, but let go the rage and now we talk sometimes as old friends. Funny thing is that his ex best friend, Jesús, hated the way he treated me and became my best friend, totally unexpected but the best thing I’ve ever done. The silver lining of that last year of high school (without talking about Jesús) is that I began my own business of handmade jewelry! I was 17 and it started because on December I couldn’t afford a necklace I fell in love with… So I made it; my best friend at that time insisted me until I began to make her earrings, necklaces, bracelets, always with a fair payment and I thought: Why not to make this something serious and not just an occasionally thing? So I did it. Now, mostly because of the situation of my country I don’t have it as a registered company, but I work hard for it, I have a logo and a name, an Instagram page and deliver to my country, and I’m always releasing new models . My sells are good and my dream is having my own store when I graduate or when I leave the country (is almost impossible start a new business in Venezuela for all the problems we are going through, that’s why).


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I got my high school title in 2014, I was 17 and was the second of my class. I started college at LUZ (La Universidad del Zulia) in 2015 with 18 years old, I’m studying public accounting and I still have left 2 more years until graduating. With the college I started to use public transport, I used it before yeah, but always with my mom and to a few places, never by my own and I was (still am, but less) really bad with address and directions. Sadly my new best friend María was too xd. One time we both toke the wrong bus and ended up in the wrong faculty hahaha, we had to call my dad to take us home. And we made our other male best friend finishing the first semester, his group of friends were preparing a surprise cake for one of them because it was his birthday, we made a deal, they gave us cake if we found a Coca cola for all of us. María and I had became friends before with the guy that worked at the cafeteria, he gave us the Coca cola and we paid him the next day; so the history was like this: After we had our piece of cake, Luis approached to us, he just wanted to talk and know us more, the next thing I knew is that María had the whole face full of butter cream and I tried to avoid Luis prank, so instead of my face… I got all my hair with cream. María run after him yelling through the whole faculty hahaha.


Last year Jesús and I were having troubles, he wanted a relationship with me, I didn’t, after a while fighting we decided to get apart a few months. I can truly, honestly say that I never wanted something romantic with him… Until he was (temporally) out of my life, that hit me hard. When we get to talk again like 4 or 5 months later (in july) I was confused, we were still close, as anything happened, but by my birthday I told him what I was feeling and in last December we became a couple and have to say, that I’m the happiest with him.


And finally in this 2 months of 2018 I had to say goodbye to Luis, is not a secret for the world the huge quantity of Venezuelans that are emigrating looking for a better life, a better future, a better economic situation, a better everything that we don’t have here. It has been just 3 weeks since he went to Peru and I missed him so badly, but I know for fact that he’s better there, and we’ll meet again in any other country, but I know it won’t be here, meanwhile we have whatsapp, instagram and skype.


So that’s my story life, in 2 years more or less I’ll have my degree, I’ll wait for my boyfriend to have his in medicine, we’ll get marry and go to another country. Of course plans can always change but right now that’s mine. Hope this help you to know me a little better. I still have a lot of stories to tell but might be in another post. Bye!

PD: I painted my hair for my last birthday!!! It supposed to be dark pink but a month later it went to freaking yellow XD, I still like it anyway.



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