Steemit's 2017 Five [5] bad habits You should avoid in 2018, to save your reputation

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)


1. Commenting on other people’s posts, then upvoting yourself!

This is the number one bad habit to avoid. The purpose of commenting on other peoples posts is for thought-sharing. If it is a story, fiction or non-fiction, the idea is to share the experience of the characters. If it is a poem, the idea is to share in its theme. If it is an educative writing, ideally you comment to offer your opinion. Why do you immediately after commenting upvote yourself?

If you are the kind who does this, it only means that.

First - and this is mostly applicable to minnows still learning the trade of steemit- you think every post/comment should be upvoted. And this is not true. The idea of upvoting is a value endorsement, which means that it has to be deserved, earned, given to those posts/comments that you find worthy! And not every post/comment is. That is in part, the reason why steemit gives you control, and allows you the freedom to decide on what value percentage your vote gives.

Secondly, you are only a target worker, looking to position yourself to share in the monetary benefits that eventually accrue for the post. Now I am not saying this is a bad motive, we all aim to earn, ultimately. But for community’s sake, let your commentary be borne of genuine interest.

The first thing that comes to my mind when a person comments on my posts and then immediately upvotes his/her own comment, is that the person, irrespective of how thoughtful his/her comment is, is only commenting as a matter of duty to earn rather than as a result of the genuine desire to share in the issues I have raised in my article. That feeling of insincerity immediately means that you miss my genuine gratitude.

And if I am a ‘whale’ with all the steem power to upvote your comment and give you with one vote, value far greater than your previous five, may be even ten posts have in total gathered, I will just ignore you, on a good day. Another day, I will flag you, and nose dive your reputation towards and below the 25! And that is not good for your progress here on steemit.

2. Writing on a given subject, then tagging it in an unrelated category

So you go to the ‘view more tags’ drop down, and you find the detail of all tags and their potential audience in numbers. You decide the subject you have written about falls in a tag category with few posts., and by inference, a small audience.

That won’t give your article the exposure it deserves, you conclude. So you tag the post under a category it has nothing to do with, because it has the largest audience…There your chances are helped, you think.

You cannot be more wrong!

Number one, it is like taking tomatoes to sell in a car bond. I mean, whoever comes to a car bond, come looking for which car to buy, not tomatoes! And so irrespective of how many people will actually see your tomatoes, none will buy. Yes, it doesn’t matter how many people who visit the introduceyourself category that see your article about crypto currency, none will read it, much less upvote it.

So, overall, it doesn’t matter how good your article is, if it is about foods and groceries, and you tag it under introduceyourself, you abuse the etiquette of tagging on steemit. It is likely you will be flagged, and that can, and will, again nose dive your reputation even to negatives.

3. SBD for a vote

I had two nasty experiences when I first joined Steemit Chat. The first person to message me, despite starting off well with a hello, and bringing me to conversation mood, went ahead to ask for the only SBD I had in my account then, apparently in exchange for his/her vote. Here is our conversation trail.

chat steemit.PNG

When I looked up the fellow’s account, I found many revealing things, namely, a low reputation of 25; he has never blogged, has really high steem power (I wont quote the amount, respectfully), much steem dollars (again I will not say the amount) and a high estimated account value, which again I shall not reveal..
How on earth? The minnow in me asked.

The point is that, the person seems to have specifically joined stemit on a business errand! in which case, he/she chose to buy as much steem power as possible, and then start to sell his vote in exchange for SBD,

I don’t know how that serves the person business wise, but I know how it serves him/her reputation-wise, and the 25 reputation score just about says it all, having joined the platform early 2017.

Overall, his kind are actually many. And keep spamiing with comments announcing their benevolence.

If you are this type, make 2018 a different year, and aim for reputation, for true community, otherwise, it wont be long before you are out, and on your own accord. Trust me, you can only stay here if you are really interested in more than money. Steemit’s “Come for the rewards. Stay for the community.” Slogan says it far more than I can manage.

What it doesn’t however say, is that to say, you will have to develop a genuine interest, and to put in a genuine effort to blog and comment, and chat, constructively!

4. Upvote for upvote

As if that was not enough, a second conversation came flying.

Hello. Upvote for upvote?
Just you upvote me and I upvote you. There is nothing else

I ignored this one, but not without contemplating between anger and anger! Reading the “There is nothing else!”

How can somebody even say that. I mean, chat is about knowing others. Who are they? What do they like? What are their hopes, their fears? How can we make community? And then you are telling me ” Just you upvote me and I upvote you. There is nothing else”!!

What for Steemit’s sake does this sort of person deserve if not being flagged? I mean, the idea of Steemit is an idea of a community in which such nonsense cannot, and should not belong.

Funny enough, I looked up the person’s link, and surprise, surprise! Against my less than 100 followers, the fellow actually had about 9 times that. How on earth? I wondered. But a look at the status of his posts only made clear one thing: he had dormant followers, apparent in the fact that only a handful upvoted his posts, and even these commanded very little vote power as his post earnings largely languished in two-decimal place figures mostly! I ignored him.

But he left me a vital impression. The question of followers, I have here referred to as dormant. What are they? This question brings me to my 5th point

5. Dormant followers

Are you a dormant follower? Who is a dormant follower? As in the upvote for upvote incidence above, the easiest way to put it is this:

a) You follow me, but whenever I write/post anything, you at best only upvote me, mindlessly I might add, since you are convinced every post/comment has to be upvoted. I have already indicated this is not the case in my first point up.

b) You don’t comment on my writings/posts. At best, you again mindlessly write “nice post” “nice story” “nice poem’ “thanks for sharing” “That is correct”, “resteemed”….spam comments, thoughtless, unrevealing, and that that add no value to conversations on posts.

In the upvote for upvote incidence above, it is obvious if you are that kind of person, you will end up with a similar kind of followers, and these will add very little value to your reputation and earning on steemit.

Yes, you need, in this 2018, to aim for serious members of the steemit community who will, should they follow you, care enough to open their feeds and read your posts, and comment thoughtfully, correct, guide… and you never know, upvote you.

Like I have already said, one upvote of this kind is easily an equivalent of months of all the monetary value you accumulate, if anything, from those mindless upvoters and spam commenters.

And you can only make the acquaintance of such serious Steemit members, if you yourself are a good follower, not this mindless type!

There is an article that says and explains this question of being a good follower far better and more detailed than I here do. Here is the link:

And another related, here:

My best wishes to all, to the minnows/beginners, to all the Steemit members working hard to make this a most powerful and organic platform.




This is actually very detailed and thank you for this. When i first started out, i made sure i upvote my own comments until recently when i read about it too and now again from you. Some of us started out to 'make money' but joining and seeing how it works, the friends you meet, the things you learn, you have no choice than to have a change of attitude towards it. I value what i have to learn more now and the impacts i could make. I hope everyone reads this. Thank you again.

That is the spirit, @olawalium. Even i did that when i was starting out. But i have learned since. I would say of myself the same thing you so aptly say:

but joining and seeing how it works, the friends you meet, the things you learn, you have no choice than to have a change of attitude towards it. I value what i have to learn more now and the impacts i could make.

That is in deed why i here state in no uncertain terms, that such habits should not be carried on to this 2018 year.

The Steemit platform should only keep getting better, not stagnate or even regress but progress.

You make a good point. My regards.

Thank you so much. Your comments and posts are always insightful.

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This is such a piece of valued post. I wonder if you can make an spanish version to share to my spanish communities.

The 5 points are the most common, but coming more deeply I would also like to consider the creations of closed communities, in which groups of 10 people are formed, each with several different accounts and distributed among themselves upvotes, resteem, follow-ups , etc. Unfortunately it also causes a leak of funds that users with a lot of potential could deserve. Greed is killing society.

That is very true, @dcardozo, individuals forming into cliques and running multiple accounts, following each other, resteeming.... say it all too well. I don't know how exactly such unethical tendencies can be mitigated, especially since the perpetrators deliberately do so.

I am much honored that you find this post useful. And i wish i was in a position to translate it to Spanish. Unfortunately i am not any good in Spanish. Do you have anybody good enough to do such a translation, i would gladly liaise with him/her.

as it would be my high pleasure to speak through it, to the Spanish community.

Thanks @dcardozo. And cheers!

Is a useful post for many people to get adviced how to use propely Steem platform.

I'm native spanish talker, so I can translate your post with such pride. Just text me at Discord dcardozo25#7818.

@ebitularmbert, I had to flag the spammer after he ignored your advice. He left spam on my blog a week ago so I asked him what he meant, and I got no reply. I have taken his reputation back down to 25 from 40. Can take him lower if he continues.

He deserves no less. And they are many out there. What irks me the most, is especially those with a fairly high reputation. I'd think these have been on the platform for a while, and should know better.

We might, i am just thinking, may be at some point, have to find a creative way to flush out perpetual non-repenting offenders, by initiating some sort of campaign where such are reported/identified by members. They are then given ultimatums to make up, maybe like the kind you gave @devsuraj and if they fail to own up and make amends, they are flagged to negatives!!

I sympathize with especially the low 25-abouts minnows, and maybe to leave them a benefit of doubt, premised on the likelihood that they are new and still learning, we can draw a line based on reputation offenders.

The other criteria would involve, besides the reputation, looking at the time a given offender first joined the platform...

i don't know what individual privileges any such campaign would infringe on, if any. But i think that it would go a long way in taking out the chaff from the platform and making our experience of it better, and more constructive

I'm just thinking!

He obviously doesn't want to learn. I see his reputation now at 11. He needs a better mindset.

@swissclive, I take account of your advice thanks for contributing to my knowledge on steemit, I will try to express myself completely without asking anything in return then everyone is free to think what he wants, this post teaches the true sense of community is I fully convinced of all the points mentioned by our colleague @ebitularmbert.

The freedom of respectful expression, is certainly one of the attributes that makes steemit tick.

And i trust, as you so agree, that matters i here-above raise are crucial to building, in your words, a true sense of community

I am glad we share the same thoughts @wisher.

nice post

Please read

and also:

Have you read this comment?

@ebitularmbert, I had to flag the spammer after he ignored your advice. He left spam on my blog a week ago so I asked him what he meant, and I got no reply. I have taken his reputation back down to 25 from 40. Can take him lower if he continues.

Imagine at reputation 25, where you will be at, if the same should happen! You might want to think thrice, before you spam comment again! @prabu


@sheril, i see you still a minnow. I am also.

This is a commentary section. Not a post promotion channel. Have you read the post?

You should be giving your thoughts on matters raised, not promoting your post

If you want to do that, i suggest you take these suggestions:

Join chat platforms like Steemit chat. Go to your Menu bar on the top right corner of your computer screen, click on it to release a drop down. At the bottom you will find the Steemit chat, click and join, if you still haven't.

There you will a channel specifically dedicated to post promotion.

Additionally, look up @mitneb and join her DISCORD at

There you will not only be able to promote your posts, but also have your article specifically curated.

Meanwhile, i would still encourage you to read

and also:

It is well, @sheril. We all have to learn at occasionally.

I have actually read/seen the pictures, of your and the cat! You are certainly fond of ...him or her? Pet enthusiasts have names for them. have you for yours? Tell us in the commentary of your post:

Nice post bro....

Point No. 5

These bad practices also happen on other social media networks and among bloggers but are exaggerated on steemit because of the crypto incentive to do that ;)

True, they also happen on other social media networks, that is a given, @vikisecrets.

But have you noticed how bad an experience, they have turned otherwise good platforms into? We should try, if we can manage, to eliminate, or at least minimize it here.

Thanks for the observation.

This is deep and very resourceful. I just joined in December so I am happy this is coming early enough for me to correct previous mistakes from as pointed out in the points above. We need more of guidance and more of this to get the best from the steemit community.

We can do more with post like this.

Happy New year to you too!

Glad to know you find this helpful. And welcome to the platform. There are lots of guides out there, but these select are the ones i have read, and been impressed with.


And then my very own here. Much of what i speak of in mine: is from own personal experience in the last few weeks. These two articles have been a good guide , and still are, for me.

Thanks @ebitularmbert for such an informative piece of work. It is a long, but i can assure you i didn't pause!

All your five points are captivating, educative, but the most revealing for me is point one. I think a very high percentage of members, especially us newbies are guilty of this habit.

Now i know the implications. All thanks to your work. I am also seeing it is generating a lot discussion. You are really valuable to us. Thanks u.

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