Let's Steem some Scent!

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians, my name is Judith and i am from the Netherlands, which means i am Dutch - hence the name Dutchess. It was given to me by my ex-Tsuvian dear ones and i decided to stick with this name here on Steemit.

I will bring you my own photography and regular aromatherapeutic posts; i work as an independant therapist for over ten years now and my focus lies in essential oils for body-and soul work.

Photographing flowers, and especially the aromatic ones, is my hobby but there are occasionally other projects too.
All photographs come from my perpetual search fo resonance, in Sound and Smell but also in materials, colors - you know; the freaky stuff :-)

Hope that you will enjoy my postings as i hope you enjoy yours!

Niume - roses.jpg


Welcome to Steemit Judith. Always nice to meet other Dutch people here. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do! :-)

Hey Bart dank voor je welkom! Following you - i love philosophical photographers 😀

Yay! It's so great to see you here on Steemit! I've been hoping to see more people from TSU come over to Steemit. I posted this to the TSU Veterans Facebook group a few months ago: Comparing Steemit and TSU. Most of it still is correct, although Steemit changes a lot, lol. I'm sure you will have a lot of success here on Steemit. There are a lot of people here interested in what you post about - and you flower photos are always so nice. Welcome to Steemit! :D

Hi! Thank you for the warm welcome - i will check out that post. Excuse the late reaction - nust getting the hang of this 😉

I appreciate later comments. Nobody here can keep up with their feeds, friends, or comments. It's a giant firehose! I am still adjusting how I do things here. Every time the rules change, even a little, it takes awhile to adjust. But that keeps us all alert, lol.

Hello my lovely ! Found you at last ! ^_^catwelcome.png
here is a link to make it short for the following : ifollowus.png

'Allo 'allo chere Barbara! New adventures!

yes, now I know it's you - got from the newer post to this one
hi, it's nice to meet you here - looking forward to hear from each other ;)

Milly! Found you again! That is soooo good! A few of us came together here last week. We use the hashtag #tsufamily to make it easier to find each others posts! Please, do join us!

Hi Judith- yes I've heard about that tag - and that's a good idea - happy not to be all alone out here

It works perfect Milly, all ex tsuvians in the same stream. Easy to upvote that way but also much easier to engage with each other

that's true - in the next days I'll have a closser look, today was my first day and uhhh- a lot of reading and writing to do - hopefully it will be better / easier soon ; )))

You are welcome to steemit! You will definitely enjoy it here!

Please feel free to check out @GLOBALFOODBOOK

Welcome to the community, Judith! You are going to love it here! Follow me at https://steemit.com/@bitgeek

Hi there! Thank you

welcome aboard dutchess, I'm ex-tsuvian too :)

Hi! Hard to replace; the 'Tsu-feel'

Well, "Tsu feel" is history, here I'm in "crypto Steem-mood" :))))

New adventures 😉

Yep - into the Now! 😀

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