Hello steemians, I am Deguerido Henderson and i am going to introduce myself

First of all, I am from Bangladesh and i am currently 33 years old. My birth place in the country side name Bhabla. Its 10 kilometer away from main town tangail.


Tangail is a very beautiful town in the Bangladesh. There are lots of residential hotel and you can get different types of foods at cheap rate.

Bango Bir Kader sidique also born in this city. Mowlana Abdul Hamid Khan basani who lead whole pakistan also born in tangail.


There are many hills which bear their head in the sky. A lots of mosjid placed that are as like as star in our city.

Jamuna is a big river that flows over our city. The natural beauty makes our city as like as queen.

Maximum people are farmer, but they are so smart cultivator. They can make huge crops in their tiny field. All people are so happy. If you come one day then you can see in your own eyes.

I have completed my graduation from CUET in Mechanical engineering. I am also doing an engineering job in S. Alam refined sugar industry limited.


I am the elder son and i have younger brother.

My father is a businessman and my mother is home maker and they are so cute and also so helpful.

I love to travel different place when i get some free time. I also love to hear song and also enjoy dancing. I love to play cricket. Cricket is my favorite game.

I have come here to write about our country and photography. I enjoy Photography from my childhood.

I expect, all steemians will help me to be a great writer.

Thanks everybody for praying me from your heart.


welcome and have fun here!

thanks everyone who are praying for me. may allah will help them all.

A one day old Intro post of ordinary content, with 552 votes, $338.37 made, and a 55 rating?? This is everything that is wrong with Steemit, as far as I can see. As I suspected and posted about, Steemit is becoming, or always was, a pay-for-play casino. Content is almost irrelevant.


I agree with you. This is the worst introductionpost I've seen on steemit. Not even verified!!!! 99% of the trending post is rubbish.

It's all about buying bot services to get upvotes/trending/hot etc.

The problem is also that people vote on posts to get curation reward, not if it's a quality post. If a post doesn't have many upvotes the first 30 minutes others wont vote even if it's really good. Then if someone post a cellphone photo and buy an upvote it could get 500 more votes in 10 minutes. I still believe in steemit but right now it's idiotic!

Honestly, I'm looking around Steemit and I'm quite excited to start posting here. But where is all the good content? Where's all the art?

As one toying with the idea of throwing myself wholeheartedly into producing what I immodestly regard as quality content, I too am finding it hard to find too much of real quality among the torrents of dross. Of course one man's meat is another's poison, and nobody should be criticized for doing their best, but it does seem thin on the ground. Certainly on the Trending page, though maybe by ferreting around we'll find more than we imagine.

@mmo-mmo @realitycartoon
Should we here blame steem eco system algorithm or people in respect of this post when I compare the content quality and response of this introduction post. Such phenomenon gives slight demotivation and create mistrust between user and steem guidelines. Hope steemians will bring up more protocols to ensure quality.

amazing how a post like that exceeded what i took 3 months to build.. and still a plankton.

Don't give up hope, keep up the good content. If you are on any other platforms that you have posted on, post it here too. By the way, I highly recommned Minds.com, an excellent site. You get a lot more feedback from fellow users. and it's not set up like a casino. Good luck to you!

Stop it, you made me laugh hard.

I agree with you ..
how can this be so fast ! 🤔

Paid money for upvote bots and views....

You're right, i'm just landing on steemit and this things scare me a little bit

@mmo-mmo I agree with you. This is the worst introductionpost I've seen on steemit

the guy has a normal Bangladeshi's monthly income in his pocket now! maybe this is the beauty of steemit :)))

in a single post!
I have more than 700 posts and 4 months here and rarely I see above 5 upvotes with few cents! :D

I know how you feel. I have +200 posts, and my account has a value of $0.65. I guess buying bot services is the required step.

Maybe, or did you ever think it was you?

No I didn't. I have written some very decent content. It's the nature of the Steemit system. By the way, I am observing not complaining. Please don't make assumptions, you are free to ask my motivations.

hahah nailed it

I wish he could tell me the those mysterious and hidden way to get the same comments on my this introduction post (Sigh)

Stop self promoting your own intro post on this guys post by talking down on his.. Have some class before you get downvoted into oblivion... Honestly... I agree that this isn't the best written post, and maybe it is only trending due to a fucked algorithm and bots, etc., but complaining about his post just so you can link your own (over 3 times in these comments!!!) is really low.

Its not only about promoting post but more then that. I did make a post on this guy as well and mentioned these guys who have commented. When he can promote himself with bots, why i cannot promote myself in my OWN words. You have got problem with me promoting myself ? All your downvotes are emotions based.I saw that you made a Introduction post 23 hours below. Your downvotes have no legal and ethical place.
I am downvoting you because you used a foul language word in comments which is against community ethics and steem guidelines.

If you are agreed then what did you do for it ? And then you are hitting a guy who is self promoting in some manner. If I am smart enough to carry my narrative along in my narrative, what set you on fire?

Nothing against the guy, but trending page quality, I think not.

Yeah right. I ffeel the same when I compare it with thisintroduction post.
Not against the guy but seriously Trending :/

Hey man. Your introduction post you linked is very nice but talking shit about someone elses, just so you can pllug your own post link is no better. You posted your ink in his comments 7 times. I had to downvote some of them.

I referred it in my note that its not against anyone. And I just showed community what I felt and I have all the right according to steem principles to share it. And those comments is not spamming as it was all related to topic and comment.
About your downvotes, you got the right to use it so use it but dont judge intentions. They could be hurt too as you yourself admit that its very nice. Quality needs voice as well

I'd like to see anyone trolling this guy for his post...do it in Bengali. Y'all are so rude!

Get lost SJW. This was objectively a shitpost.

you shouldn´t make any jokes about cancer .
it s not funny

idk dude btw u just forgot u are in internet.Everything is a joke nowadays.Its up to you if u cant get them.

Actually, just about everything can be funny to those of us with intelligence.

Great post!
Thanks for tasting the eden!

How the hell he can go up to trending page?

Should we here blame steem eco system algorithm or people in respect of this post when I compare the content quality and response of this introduction post. Such phenomenon gives slight demotivation and create mistrust between user and steem guidelines. Hope steemians will bring up more protocols to ensure quality.

If you had made these same points without shamelessly plugginng your own intro post in the comments 4 times, I would have agreed, checked out your profile, followed and upvoted your post... but the combination of hating on it with promoting yourself shamelessly has lost my respect.

Yeah shamelessly I dont support bots too.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHA, this is the best comment ever!!!



  • You are flagging innocent people and calling them "collateral damage"!
  • You are trying to impose your rules by using your SP on ones weaker than you!
  • You have rejected all the diplomatic proposals we have brought so far!

Your self upvote is flagged by The-Resistance team using the WE-RESIST bot.
We will be resisting with a team, stronger each day, unless you stop downvoting innocent people.

To your tyranny WE-RESIST

The Resistance
Discord: https://discord.gg/qMWCbWR

Everything on this post/thread is so funny.

lmao this was so funny but now. I don't know if i should up-vote the cat or the fish . hahha

Is catfish an option?

welcome to steemit... hope you can post some great content for us all.

When you take the first impression is the last impression too seriously.

What a bullshit post. I've flagged this. How can something this ordinary get 650+ votes? -_-'

Well, flagging the poster makes no sense if steemit allows folks to sell upvoted through bots and he genuinely purchased. Immediately I saw this post I rushed to check where the upvotes comes from and found that this guy really made use of almost all bots available. What a sad system steemit is offering.

@chhaylin @kenhudoy
Such phenomenon in steemit gives doesnt only give slight demotivation but also create mistrust between user and steem guidelines but presence of steemians like you ,monitoring stuff, gives confidence in steem. Hope developers will bring up more protocols to ensure quality content.
Should we blame steem eco system algorithm or people in respect of this post when I compare the content quality and response of this introduction post.

5 followers, no one following, 5 posts and only 22 comments on this posts and your upvotes rises to $250? Whats the secret?

abusing bid-bots

Being rich and using every single bot you can. Plus possibly being a fake account (remains unverified without them holding a pic of them with user name on card) Could be Trolling Trevon for all we know.

Hmmm the SBD used on the bots came from audreylogan and the posted photos are kind of similar to postings from audreylogan. So he bought another account. I don't have enough time to look what he did exactly with the the old account, but he is on the cheetah blacklist.

@steemcleaners , this deserves your attention.

I also want to know this. How's it that this first ever post by a complete new account with no influence get this kind of attention? His reputation soared over mine in a single post saying hello.

He bought this place using bidbots. $184 SBD to be exact. Look at his wallet.

Also, all that money you see he is "earning"? He will actually get a negative ROI after seven days.

Why? because, after paying to curators and getting 50% less (which goes to SP), he will only get about 37.5% back of that amazing "More than $300 SBD!!!!" you see in there.

You want a place on the trending section? You have to pay for it and assume a negative ROI. Unless you are a whale.

That's the way it works these days.

Thanks for the feedback Flashfiction, I appreciate it. I'm learning this platform so this kind of info is valuable to me. Thanks! I'm sure there are a lot of people who find this kind of real info that matters very valuable indeed.

please deeply explain.i want to buy this.

Well... To be a new user and get into the trending page you need:

A) Have a friend with a crazy big Steem Power (We call them "whales") to upvote you (Or work for him somehow so he upvotes you)

B) Buy a crazy big bunch of Steem, then power up and become a whale yourself and upvote your own posts.

C) Buy upvotes.

Mr. @deguerido here got about $200 SBD and then bought upvotes from several "bidbots". Those are automated accounts with big SP that upvote for a fee every couple of hours or so. You transfer some SBD to them to bid for an upvote. Let's say: The vote of the bidbot is worth $100 SBD, then you transfer $1 SBD and you get an upvote of $100 SBD. But if somebody else sends $2 SBD then he gets an upvote of $66.6 SBD and you get one of $33.3 SBD. He gets double because he bid double, see?

Mr. @deguerido spent $184 SBD (Worth about $336 American Dollars) bidding on several bidbots to get to the trending page. And he will get a loss of about $60-$90 SBD (If things go this same way after seven days) at the end.

But, hey! He got to put his face on trending for a couple of days! And get some followers who more likely will never upvote him and got a boost on his reputation, for what is worth.

You want some? Cool! First, get about $100SBD or more, then go here: https://steembottracker.com/ and start bidding like crazeeeeeee!!

Me? I added a useful comment on this post for free, made it bold (I could have made it BIG-BOLD too, but I wanted to be nice) got a couple of cents out of it (More than the ROI Mr. @deguerido will be getting) and got to help you.

And yeah, you found me trough the trending page. :)

and many like me followed you :)
but still there is a BUG in social capabilities of steemit... or maybe the society itself is contaminated... something is wrong here in steemit not only with this post. Maybe the whole platform isn't still mature and needs time

Is this the only way to become even somewhat successful on steemit or what tips and habits would you give to a newbie like me in order to build my fanbase?

They are different things. What does it mean to "be successful" to you? Getting money as fast as you can or build a fanbase?

In this place, a fanbase is NOT EQUAL to getting a lot of money. You can have 1,000 upvotes on your post, and still only $0.010 of rewards.

But if you want to build a fanbase, then do this:

  1. Make something great, and specific. Pick a niche. Post at least once a day or a couple of days.

  2. Comment. A lot. Seek popular steemians you like and comment their posts. GOOD, MEANINGFUL COMMENTS. Not just "good post!, upvote me, sempai!" kinda comments.

  3. Get into discord groups. Discord is the tool most people here use for socializing and promoting themselves and their work. USE IT. A LOT.

  4. You can also participate in initiatives, contests, projects and stuff. There are A LOT of them in here.

Do this with discipline for a couple of months, and you will see your fanbase grow steadily.

Of course, you can also walk the bidbot way. You could build a fanbase faster, but it will cost you money. Kinda lots of it. And you better be GOOD, or you will only look like a fool. And, of course, you can always buy a lot of steem, power up, show yourself off in the trending page and a lot of people are going to follow you and cheer you up, hoping you will give them a buck or two.

Me? I walk a different path. But my definition of "successful" is quite different. I am here for the long run: Getting a nice retirement in 10 years.

Thank you so much for finding the time to reply back and giving some sound advice. I'm not worried about getting money, I want to build an empire here on steemit. The money will come later. I rather take the route of building an organic fanbase rather than bidbot my way to the top. I hope you don't mind if I screenshot your comment since I look forward to looking back on this and reflecting on my blog, as well as sharing this gem of knowledge to those who seek it. Once again thank you, this advice really meant alot.

Thanks for your explanation very informative. I've only been here a week (7 days). And I am learning my way around. It's good to know some of these stuff and you just explained it in a way that to me really make sense. Perhaps it's not bad to take risk, but prudently and wisely would be the desirable approach. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

and I am following you now!

Good to know what goes behind. Happy to stick on to unturned pages of steemit.

wow,,, great way but so difficult what @deguerido have done,, i can not imigine it,, wonderfull !!!!!

How nice to know this @flashfiction

true dude .I wonder how did he done that

ya, I want to know as well. How is that possible!!!!!???

I already post the "secret". Look up in the comment section.

I want to know the secret, too.

I already post the "secret". Look up in the comment section.

Good, thanks a lot.

play 1 day 26 hours..

i dont believe it. its so amazing for the first time post in steemeit. how he can make it? btw welcome to steemit. lets vote each other. check my blog @rasyidgnwns

Beautiful .. We are waiting your work
Great post from you
Thanks for sharing

welcome dude the steemit community. Just keep on steeming and you will see later how huge steemit is :)

You are welcome

Welcome brother to the beautiful world of steemit . There are very few people from Bangladesh onto steemit . You can really contribute to our growing Bangla community across the platform . Tangail is a beautiful place and CUET is a beautiful university . Welcome again

Welcome to the Steemit community

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