portrait of the Steemian as a wash-up artist

Welcome to my Intro post..

grab a drink and sit for a spell...

hi hello!

I've done a ton of these for all the online course I have taken..

Who am I? Why am I here? What do I aim to learn?

Done so many of these that I get kinda bored from doing them, to be honest. The usual format, the usual info..

But I get it, you don't know me.. I don't want to belittle the process. I like reading about what everyone else is up to.. but I think from my side, I just get tired of hearing myself talk.. So keep sharing. And I'll just be over here reading it all.

Who am I?

Great question... the kind of thing first asked during University days and never answered no matter how many late nights are spent drinking Scotch.

When I think abuut us, here on this tiny sphere of mud circling this rather anonymous star.. I kind of like the quote: "we are cardon based bags of water.."

Or the ole famous Douglas Adams "mostly harmless"

Why are we here?

..you get the idea. I am just a being on this planet that lives, experiences things, and will eventually return to dust..

We are here such a short time, and when we finally wake up and realize we are here.. now, this now, ready to grasp at life we dotdotdot.

But listen, I don't think it all pointless, quite the opposite. I just don't know yet what any of it means. My tiny brain is too small to figure it out, to be honest, so rather than try to push straws around to map out the blueprint to reality.. I think we all should find our own way..

What do I aim to learn?

One time, when we were all hanging out on the porch of a hunting lodge, after a day of treeplanting.. our 20something selves marveled at all the jobs we had had..

We went through and all shared over end-day beers. Some of mine at the time: crossing guard, janitor, delivery guy, A/V set-up tech, treeplanter, house painter, deli counter staff, babysitter, landscaper, college radio tech repair..

And so, I can tell you what I have done in my life, and that will give you some idea of how I ended up here.. if that helps..

Since then: Writer, Poet, Radio Electronics Tech, Math and Science Tutor, Counselor, Electronics Engineer, Project Manager, Business Analyst, Stage Manager, Producer, Comedian, Quality Assurance tester, Coding-faker

And I can tell you what I am interested in: science, reading, politics, arts, medieval history, sci-fi, punk rock, martial arts, pop culture, technology, cultural studies, psychology, coffee, brunch, podcasts.. seriously, pretty much a little bit of everything and more... And yet, I know so little about any of it..

.. but none of this gives you any real ideal of who I am (or who anyone really is.. I mean, we are shifting identities continually throughout a day to be who we need to be for each moment of time..)

But some key ideas capture my essence. I am a rule stickler who hates rules. I want to become more knowledgeable so I can know more, I would never join a group that would have me as a member, I hate contraction but contradict myself continually..

So there you have it. A life hardly examined.

This pic is a year old, but it sufficiently captures my weltanschauung



Thanks @skeza. Sorry for the late reply.. had to work back up to it resource-wise..

But the welcome is appreciated..

I'm here cuz @xcountytravelers brought you to my attention. hehehehe She's pretty good at what she does, and we kinda love her for it.

So appreciated this post! I know what you mean about being tired of the whole "intro" spiel. It's why I don't like pleasantries. I prefer asking odd questions (ask @penderis lol) to get to peek behind the veil.

don't mind me here... just thiking of a few people who might enjoy this...
@bluefinstudios, @shadowspub, @eveningart, @saffisara, @youhavewings, @juliamulcahy.... i think each of you might find a little piece of this that resonates with you :) thoughts?

Don't worry. I am extremely picky about the people I extend an invitation to (in our super exclusive group LOL) we probably wouldn't want you as a member... lol (does that mean you'd want to be a member now????) hahahahaahaha

joking. of course. sorta. not really.

I also continue to be impressed with people who join Steemit at this downturn in the market.... reveals an interesting quality about them!
Still trying to determine if that's good or bad :)

joking! of course!!!! sorta. not really


Nice to meet you @darrenfj - welcome to the Steemiverse!

Mmmm, I thought you don't drink?

who said that?

I said I don't drink WINE.

you need to pay attention to details! lol

It makes my skin hurt lol

Must have some weird allergy or something

Posted using Partiko Android

Sulfites! That's probably the culprit. You can buy sulfite free or low sulfite wine (organic) - Frey wines are okay. Your other possibility are tannins (in red wine) but they are in chocolate, too so if you can eat chocolate without symptoms then it's probably not that.

Sulfites are most likely the culprit!

Thank you for bringing me in here 😉👍 I enjoyed reading this and I had some thoughts yes so I had to comment... Great introduction.
Your comments always makes me smile sis 😂😂hahaha

If we don't want you as a member will you be one? Lol... Smooth

And true about the odd question.. I'm expert on asking weard ones.. Lol 🙈 there's that swede again

Posted using Partiko Android

Hehehhehei thought you would like it 😂

I did 😁 and I liked your comment to... As always well put! ❤️

Posted using Partiko Android

methinks that @darrenfj is going to find some footing on the platform. Certainly sounds like he has lots of experiences to draw on for content. I think he should share some of that content real soon by Pimping his Post on Thursdays LOL ... seriously though @darrenfj welcome aboard and @Dreemsteem will come around .. actually she already has or wouldn't have sent up the dreem signal

The current Rambling Radio Schedule can be found here
It's All About Community!

hehehehe well i was trying to figure out a way to invite him when he "wouldn't want to join a group that would have him as a member" tricky tricky ;)

and i agree.. i think it is a fantastic idea for him to pimp his post on Thursday... :)

hopefully he asks for a map! cuz I know several people who would love to point him in the right direction hehehe

Hi @dreemsteem, sorry for the late reply. Kinda wiped out my resources foolishly voting and commenting on my first few days in.. Learning the ropes, and that was a good thing to find out early on..

Glad you liked my hiHello..

Honestly, I've been on so many Online course... had a challenge to do 50 or something Coursera or MOOC courses a few years back.. Think I got pretty close too.. 30something before I switched to focusing on coding and coding challenges.

Got into a daily one-exercise-a-day dealio and haven't stopped. The typical is a 100 day challenge.. Don't get me started on challenges, gamification, and streaks.

Ayhooooo... with online courses.. the usual thang is to do the first week as intro and get people used to using the chat features, to have posts of who you are, and what you hope to learn..

I had done it so many times, that I had a template I followed.. and honestly, my own story just bored me. I do eX, whY has happened, and I am now in Zed place.

Very glad to meet you... have followed. and look forward to many more conversation in our future.

And I DO drink wine (mostly and only reds), but lately my preferred poison is Bourbon. I will always share a beer with anyone who is giving away free beer. I cannot drink Vodka as nudity ensues. And no one wants that.

So @darrenfj you got to meet my Welcome Wagon family (@bluefinstudios, @shadowspub, @eveningart, @saffisara, @youhavewings, @juliamulcahy). Hope they didn't scare you too much. Haha...

naw, it's been good to know there are supportive people out there in the void...

They are pretty awesome. When we find someone we feel are worth our time, we don't stop.

you don't say

I've barely noticed..

but seriously, very friendly bunch

*ninja smoke bomb *

*runs to the hills in the confusion *

Yep, that's them.

I think I like you because you are I think what my dad is like... but you also probably my age-ish ... point is, what I remember of him was sarcastic and dry but full of the desire to love and learn beyond his current scope... you just brought me to a place I haven’t been in a long while... thank you... and, I wish you kick ass experiences on your journey..I’ll keep reading your posts. 🙏

Hi @darrenfj Loved reading this intro blog. Unique. Succinct. Interesting. I'll take a leaf out of your book and won't ramble.........but I am keen to view some of your art from a self confessed 'Washed Up Artist,' Very intriguing!

Oh.......and Welcome to Steemit!

This was more of a diary of a young artist kind of thing..

except, not young.. and not artist..

more as lifestyle and not specifically visual arts ;)

with veiled references to Daedalus

If I can quote Tony Wilson of Factory Records of such bads as New Order and Happy Mondays

as fictionalized and completely post-modernly fabricate in the movie 24 hour party people

Tony Wilson: [First address to camera; after his hang-gliding news report] You're going to see a lot more of that sort of thing in the picture. I don't want to say too much, don't want to spoil it. I'll just say one word: 'Icarus'. If you get it, great. If you don't, that's fine too. But you should probably read more.

While he thinks we all should read more, I think I am too tangential and sideways referential, and humbly apologize..

I hope to share writings and scribbillings over time, though.. 😈

Hi @darrenfj!

You were entered in a contest I came up with by @xcountytravelers. It is very nice to meet you and I have to say: she made a good choice. I love your intro. There is more to read about my contest in the post here.

If she wins, you win! So I wish you luck with the contest, and I hope to see a lot more of you around the Steem blockchain!
Steem on!


thank you @misslasvegas for considering me as a part of your contest..

I feel honoured. Although in my past history, I rarely win anything. I tend to just slog away in the bowels of the entity keeping the cogs and levers working.. My reward. a beer at the end of the day..


Well, I have nothing to do with it, so thank @xcountytravelers.
And a beer as reward doesn't sound so bad to me?!
Either way, you have one new follower in me, and maybe even a few more after this, so to me this is a win-win-win. 😊

Welcome to Steemit @darrenfj!

I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.

Here are some links you might find useful.
Your stats on SteemNow
Your stats on SteemWorld
Your stats on SteemD
How does Steemit actually work?

Oh yea, I have upvoted you and followed you. Many blessings!

Hello, @darrenfj :-) I am Ravijojla, one of the hosts of the Barbarella live on Ramble Radio. Out of some strange reasons, I enter into numerous contests lately.

A recent one requires we should find a newbie and support them to acquire better visibility for them on the platform and also widen the exposure of their content. By the way, this is partially what I am doing on my Fridays shows. You could check up the latest one Barbarela live if interested.

I see the guys from the Welcome Wagon , whose member I also am, already here which speaks a lot about your content before I even managed to go and read your posts.

The reason I'm here is to ask your consent to promote your #introduceyourself post in Spread the Love Contest. I'll be happy if you agree. Please let me know your thoughts on that.

No matter what your answer will be, I'm glad to follow and support you as I already liked what I read here. Have a great day!

Hi @ravijojla.. glad to meet yah 😃

Definitely share the post. I am happy to oblige. Just glad to be here, and back into a type of social media that reminds me of the 'ole glory days' of the interwebs..

Welcome to SteemIt! I read all of the introduction posts here and I have to say, I really enjoyed yours. There was just enough snark to be entertaining and enough sincerity to keep me interested in reading. It was quite different and gave us a lot of information. The truth will be seen over the years as you add posts. Can't wait to see what you add to the blockchain. Scott and I wanted to help you out by getting you some tips and tricks we learned over the past few months as new Steemians.

You can view that post HERE


Weirdly enough, I am kinda touched. This is almost one of the nicest things someone has said to me...

Or rather, one of the most genuine. Thank you.

Well, you are most welcome. I see A LOT of inteos and i can usually tell he is going to make a good place for themselves and you will be one for sure.

Oh, and weirdly, I am stoked at the compliment. Hehe.


Scott and I do this post called Have Ya Met... and we introduce new-to-the-platform people to those who follow us and are our friends. We really did enjoy your post and loved the snark and fun of your post. So, we wanted to introduce you to everyone we know.

You've Been.png

We wanted to let you know, we have given you a 100% upvote, are now following you, and are introducing you to everyone we know. You can visit our post HERE

Welcome to the SteemIt Community.
Scott & Ren

Hey @darrenfj, Welcome to Steemit, I will keep an eye out for your work and support it the best I can. I like to support newcomers to this platform, because we were all there at one stage, it can be very hard to learn how it all works. If you need to learn anything about Steemit please Follow me and ask any questions anytime, I will always respond!

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