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RE: [IntroduceYourself] All of This and Nothing

It would seem that sometimes you wear a few hats, and sometimes so many that you might block out the sun, Kips, so happy to meet you!

To have dined and debated with Tyson, what a treat that must have been! and while I have never ridden a horse, I am in awe of the skill at those who do.

Love your catte and your love of the kings of 80's darkwave, and so happy to be able to welcome you here to Steem.

To be sure, impostor syndrome is a fickle rival, and I feel I've bumped into that one many more times than I would ever want; hope you continue to best that one and continue being the awesome person you are now, and the awesome person you will be.

(not to condense your entire post into moments as if the spaces between were not monuments in and of themselves)

Should you find yourself with any questions or anything, please feel free to ask - I'm still fairly new myself, but I was much more overwhelmed a few weeks ago when I first joined this corner of the interweb. Happy to help in any way I can.

All the best to you in all your endeavors here, @kipswolfe!


Dining with Tyson... heh, would you believe at the time I really had no idea who he was? ;)

Riding a horse takes a lot of work. I'll be there one day -- but working with horses is one of my favorite things in the world. I'm hoping to have my own one day.

Jacq was a wonderful kitty. I posted earlier about her if you're interested as well.

I think sometimes life is a series of moments, one right after the other. And opportunities always arise -- but it's up to you to notice them and grab them by the tail. :)

Nice meeting you and good luck to yourself on Steemit as well!

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