Introducing Myself - Newbie

Introducing Myself
Hi everyone my name is Dave Wreford and I have just joined Steemit and after reading the guide and the etiquette guidelines I am ready to start my STEEM journey. However as a newbie I am sure I might need assistance from time to time as I get a little more experience.

This is a pic with me and my daughter on fathers-day. I am 75 years old and live in a small holiday town near Cape Town in South Africa called Hermanus, known as the whale watching center of the world.

I worked for IBM for 27 years including time in Florida, London, Hamburg, Singapore and Dubai and retired in 1994. I then founded a non-profit organization supporting disadvantaged families living in 44 remote "poverty ravaged" villages in the northern parts of South Africa, focusing on farming to provide nutrition mainly to malnourished children but also HIV infected and affected families.

Introduction to Cancer
In 2004 we were shattered to get the news that my wife had advanced liver cancer. At the time neither of us had any experience about cancer so we blindly followed what the Doctors and Specialist Oncologist decided we must do. She was immediately put onto an aggressive course of toxic chemotherapy.

What followed was traumatic and devastating. She suffered many side effects, including violent nausea, headaches, hair loss, fatigue, depression, stress, excruciating pain, despite the morphine, as well as loss of control of her bowels and her dignity.

She passed away a few months later, which was a blessing, sparing her of this inhumane and totally ineffective treatment.

There had to be a Better Option !
I was devastated and very angry ! How can you use a highly toxic carcinogen that causes cancer to heal cancer ? Doctors don’t tell you any of this !

I knew there had to be a better option and I promised myself I would find it to help other people from suffering the same fate. I spent the next 11 years carrying out comprehensive research on all aspects of cancer including both the standard conventional cancer treatments of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, as well as dozens of natural alternative treatments and therapies.

My ultimate goal was to establish the truth about Cancer and what really causes cancer.

I wanted to find out why the work done by Dr Otto Warburg, a well-respected German Physiologist, Medical Doctor and Nobel Laureate, who was the sole Nobel Prize recipient in Physiology / Medicine in 1931, for establishing the primary cause of all cancers, was buried by the “Allopathic Medicine Cartel ?

My Life’s Mission
This became my life’s mission and I wrote 2 e-Books, however while continuing my cancer research I had no idea that I would also be diagnosed with cancer in 2016.

After my wife passed away I moved from Johannesburg to Hermanus to be close to my daughter. In 2012 I took over the management of the Hermanus Rainbow Trust.

The HRT is a large non-profit organization, founded in 1999, providing comprehensive community and social development services and support to hundreds of orphans, vulnerable children and disadvantaged families living in 5 poverty ravaged communities devastated by malnutrition, drugs, gangs, crime and child mortality.

The most difficult and stressful part of managing a large charity in Africa is maintaining an adequate level of funding to continue providing these absolutely essential services and support especially to children.

Stress- the Silent Killer !
Stress and lack of adequate nutrition is by far the most common cause of all lifestyle diseases and especially cancer which was what caused my cancer.

In 2016 I was diagnosed with stage 4 Prostate Cancer that had spread to my liver, lymph, lungs and entire bone structure and I was given 3 months to live by the conventional Doctors.

Despite the Oncologist wanting to rush me into a chemo program with radiation, I declined as I knew my only chance of survival, based on my comprehensive research, was to follow a natural treatment healing program.

2016 to 2018 – Cancer is NOT a “Death Sentence”
After I recovered from the initial shock I realized this was a “wake up” call from my body telling me to slow down and to take care of my body. Fortunately from my research I knew that cancer definitely isn’t a “death sentence” as the pharmaceutical companies and people in the “Cancer Business” want you to believe, but can be healed.

A Cancer Healing Program
As I had spent many years researching and developing a comprehensive “Cancer Healing Program” which I have shared with family and friends, the time had come for me to put it to the test personally.

September 2018
As of today I have been in remission for a year and other than my hip that was badly damaged by the cancer, (awaiting “stem cell” therapy), I am very healthy and leading a normal life.

Contribution to Steemit Community
As a cancer survivor, cancer researcher with over 16 years experience, a cancer buddy, “cancer healing program” coach, blogger and author I am hoping that I can make a positive contribution to some people in the Steemit community.

Remember that 1 out of every 2 men and 1 out of every 3 women WILL get cancer. In 2018, an estimated 1,735,350 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in the United States and 609,640 people will die from the disease.

I am hoping the information I provide will help prevent cancer or for the unfortunate people who have cancer, provide information that could save your life or a family member or friends life.

FULL DISCLAIMER – I am not a doctor or any kind of medical practitioner. The information I provide is based on my extensive independent research over many years in the health and wellness and cancer industries and my prime goal is to provide my readers with “knowledge and awareness” and natural therapy and treatment “OPTIONS” that they will not hear from mainstream doctors or the pharmaceutical companies.

I Do NOT make any medical recommendations or give advice ! I provide references and everyone MUST make their own assessment of the information and “OPTIONS” before making any decisions. A lot of the information from brilliant leading edge researchers and “out of the box” Universities, is controversial and will seldom be known by your doctor or oncologist. However most of it is underpinned by scientifically proven, evidential clinical trials, despite what the "cancer business" people will tell you.

The “Cancer Disease Business”.

Cancer is a multi-billion dollar “Disease Business” which is managed ruthlessly and competition in the form of non-toxic, natural, alternative and highly successful healing metabolic therapies including a Ketogenic diet, organic vegetables, herbs and supplements are NOT tolerated.

I will be posting regularly on the following subjects:

  • Supporting information on who controls the world and why ?
  • An overview of the global Health and Wellness status and the effect various lifestyle diseases are having on the world and which one (or two) you might likely get
  • Exposing the TRUTH behind the “high carb low fat diet” the vegetable oil “heart disease” killing spree, the dangers of chemo and radiation, the “out of control” Allopathic prescription drug domination, the GMO / Roundup dangers and much more
  • A Comprehensive Cancer Healing program and all aspects affecting that including cancer politics and the current “prescription drug” disaster. The latest research proving cancer to be a “Metabolic Disease” and not a “genetic” disease, making the billions of dollars poured into “The Cancer Genome Atlas” project obsolete, together with most of the current toxic cancer treatments. This new research is opening the way to new non-toxic metabolic therapies and successful cancer treatments – AT LAST ! (This is being vehemently opposed by all players in the conventional “Cancer Business” industry including BigPhrma, BigOil, BigMoney, BigFood and BigAgri (GMO)
  • The “Healthy Cell Program” including understanding Cell Communications, the Cell World, Cell Food and Cell Exercise – remember your body is made up of 37 trillion cells that are each little factories with a specific task, a central management system, power source, fuel for the power source, workers, machinery and a waste and recycling system. But they must all work together for ultimate health and wellness – find out how ?
  • Information on the Cancer killing Ketogenic diet, Intermittent fasting and new research called Autophagy and Mitophagy that was the subject of the 2016 Nobel Prize, and is naturally revolutionizing health and wellness and weight loss.
  • Other important points which are critical to all healing processes including stress management, mind, attitude, emotions, beliefs, habits and the heart. I will also be covering “Epigenetics” which are external environmental factors that control our genes which are also influenced by our thoughts, habits and beliefs.
  • The Healing Miracle – the truth about stem cells
  • I am also happy to respond to requests if its a topic that I have researched and feel competent to share the knowledge with you.

I am really excited to be part of this amazing forward thinking community and hope I can make a small contribution.
Next post will be looking at the "World we Live in" and why the world is in such a "bad" space at the moment. I hope you will find the time to join me for that post in a few days time.

I must just mention that i am NOT a negative person and always try to provide positive knowledge and solutions, however it is often necessary to fully understand the problem first so that you can put everything into context.

Wishing you all prosperity, good health and healing and lots of love and caring – be grateful, empathetic, compassionate; forgive and stay positive, have fun, laugh and enjoy every moment that you have been blessed with. Dave – The Cancer Buddy

In my research I have found some of the very best natural Doctors (mainly Chiropractors or Naturopaths) and Researchers (PhD’s ) who I use for all my research.
I have Affiliate agreements with 2 Doctors –
Dr Edward Group

and Dr David Jockers

who in my humble opinion have the very best websites filled with amazing information and supplements. This means that if anyone buys supplements from these Doctors on my Web site I get a small commission which helps me fund my research so that I can provide free information to this community and visitors to my Website / Blog or Facebook.

Images – Images in my blog posts are a combination of my own or from Pixabay or other royalty free sties as well as referenced resources which will be indicated
Duplicate Information. I research and write all of my own blog posts. Duplicate information may exist on my Website / Blog or my Facebook pages.

SPELLING - American [email protected]


Nice to meet you. I'm a believer in alternative therapies for cancer myself:

Congratulation on S. Africa making cannabis legal!

Hi @surfyogi Thank you for your comment - Yes it has been well received so we dont have to use cannabis oil illegally now - it was a major part of my healing program and i hope everyone with cancer will consider including it into their healing program even if they have been bullied into toxic conventional treatments

Welcome cancerbuddy!
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Hi @esteemapp thanks for your information i will definitely look into it

Welcome Dave to the great community of Steemit, YESS You are a new Steemian now! I saw your #introduceyourself and its nice to meet you.
In the week that I Made this blog about cancer:
Cancer awareness should be bigger than it is now.
Losing your wife is devistating but you turned it around. Positivity is the best thing in life . It makes it All better.
Blogging, building and uplifting eachother is what steemit needs and what its all about on this blockchain. The best part is that you could earn money too.💴💸💰
I never blogged before I started but I just do. But always be carefull with all your passwords, Never give those up !!
For safety tips visit from Our fellow steemy @verhp11, or @arcange. The Steemify App I use is great, it is available in the Appstore and free, go cheque it out. I wish you good luck with steeming and I Will See you around🍀
Your value and input is appreciated!
Good luck with your journey and may you find what you are looking for.
Just remember that all good things come in good time and never giving up is they key to big succes on Steemit.
Let me know if this was helpfull or you need more help.
Greetings from Brittandjosie from the Netherlands

Greetings Brittandjosie - Thank you so much for making me feel so welcome here - it is always a bit daunting when you get into a new community so i really appreciate you reaching out . I have dedicated my life to spreading the word about the natural alternatives for cancer treatment. Thank you for the links and all the great information - i will be working through it now. I am so excited about meeting like minded people and learning from them - I agree being positive and grateful and sharing our knowledge is wonderful. And as you mention there is a possibility of earning some money too :-) - which is really exciting as it takes a small investment every month to keep my website and blog going where i spread the word. Thanks for the tip of being patient - most of us are in a hurry - but as you say everything works out in good time. Your post was very beneficial and i look forward to staying in touch - i am still learning how to follow and up vote - so please be patient with me. All the very best for your continued journey Take care and have a fantastic day full of happiness love and caring - greetings from dave the Cancerbuddy from Hermanus the Whale watching paradise in South Africa

You were very welcome

Thank You - have an awesome day

Welcome to Steemit dear

Hi @raksha thank you for reaching out it is great to hear from you. As a newbie its always a bit daunting starting something new. I hope to stay in touch and hear about where you stay and what you do - have a great day

I upvoted your post.

Mabuhay, keep steeming.

Posted using condenser site.

Hi @filipino thank you for reaching out and for upvoting my post i will be visiting you blog and hope to reciprocate - Mabuhay - Dave - @Cancerbuddy

Welcome to steemit @cancerbuddy.

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    Follow me @tuanis for random votes daily please checkout the report
    Welcome the new steemians. Have a great day!

Hi @tuanis thank you so much for reaching out and for all the great links and information - as a newbie it is a bit daunting but i will be working through each of the links. Have a great day

Hi @cancerbuddy, welcome from yet another newbie! Upvoted & followed...

Hi @knjigesuin - thanks for reaching out - great hearing from another newbie. Thanks for Upvote and Follow i will be reciprocating as soon as i understand how :-) got some more reading to do - have a great day and all the very best with your Steemit journey ....

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Hi @patiko - thanks for reaching out - i will be looking at your app as soon as i settle and get to know my way around.

Thank you so much for responding! Sorry to hear what happened to your wife, and we really appreciate what you've been doing! Let us know if you need any help spreading the word!

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi Cancerbuddy

I can well imagine that it takes a lot of courage and conviction to go against the recommendations of a whole medical industry. But that you have survived your diagnosis so far, confirms your path. I wish you the best possible health.

Nice to meet you. I am quite interested in this topic and looking forward to learning more about it from you. In particular, I hope to learn more about preventive measures.

Looking forward to reading more from you.

Hi @stormrider thank you so much for making time to comment i really appreciate it. As a newbie it is quite daunting but being welcomed into the community is so very special. Thank you for your well wishes and your interest in cancer prevention - i focus a lot on that in my personal blog which i will start posting here - a good place to start is to look into doing a full body "detox" over a few months - there are 9 key detox programs starting with the colon - you might find some interesting info here on my website I have worked with Dr Group for a while now and his website is packed with great advanced inormation and products.
Remember ALL diseases are caused by toxins in the body - even toxins caused by stress and emotional problems - in parallel try to understand the ketogenic diet/lifestyle combined with intermittent fasting (something called Autophagy) and supplements that support the "mitochondria" - in each of the 37 billion cells in your body - (Mitochondrial damage is the main cause of cancer and all other degenerative lifestyle diseases.) by going into ketosis your body processes fat and not sugar for energy and cancer cells cant live in that environment. I personally have 2 smoothies a day packed with superfoods which provide most of the essential vitamins, minerals, fats, enzymes and amino acids i need to fend off ALL diseases. But you cant always get everything or enough through food so I take a few key supplements - Resveratrol (trans) Omega3's, Vitamin D, CoQ10, PQQ if you can find it, Vit C and mineral salts - The best prevention strategy is to stop / limit all toxins including the main culprits - sugar is everywhere :-), grains and processed foods, especially GMO veg (focus on organic) and limit toxic household cleaners and even toxic personal care products that are loaded with toxic chemicals. it is estimated that at least 45 popular products in the US are contaminated with Monsanto's Glyphosate (Roundup)- which is a proven carcinogen causing cancer. I hope you will enjoy my future posts and please contact me if i can help.

Your article is presented in a very beautiful way, wish you a good day. Follow and follow back

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