FOODIE FOLLOW Hello there! I am new here, so give me a try.

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

Let's Get Started

Oh man have I been putting this off for days. My close friend has been apart of Steemit for quite some time and he's been harassing me to get my intro post up. Haha! Well, here we go. So, by the title you may have ascertained that I am a chef. To be more precise, I am the executive chef of The American Joint. It's an organic all vegetarian restaurant in the heart of Mumbai, India's business district. If you're ever over there, drop my name big P and they will hook you up with some delicious vegetarian grub.

Still with me?! Hope so. I'm not entirely sure I am following all the procedures correctly. To be honest I figured a block-chain platform would be too confusing for me to join. While I clearly have not dived in completely, so far every user has been extremely friendly and helpful. Have also been lucky enough to stumble upon the Steemit sports pick em. Which the degenerate in me, is as happy as a fat kid at a buffet.

Some Poker Talk

If you're still reading, I love you, man. (or woman) So let's get to know me a bit more. As mentioned earlier I am a classically trained chef. I attended the Art Institute of Colorado in Denver. It was a fun two years. Oh and by the way, Denver is an amazing city. Super outdoor friendly and great weather. Especially if you don't mind the occasional winter snowfall. After Denver I moved back to New Jersey and then Vegas. Worked in indian restaurant in both cities. While in Vegas, I also dabbled bit at becoming a poker pro. Hah!! Take the word pro, with mounds of salt. My play is crazy aggressive with a hint of insane and stupidity. Not to brag, but I have felted a couple of Steemit members with garbage like 8-4 off. :D Most would consider my play style as "Donktastic". It's fun, you should give it a try. But if you do, I hope you have a big bank roll...

Before grinding it out in the bright lights of Vegas, I got my start at a local home game in Texas. If you have ever played in a home poker game you know there are basically two types. One would clearly be the home game you play with friends and family. Where what the dip and chip of the hour is more important than the the cards you hold in your hand. Then there is the home poker games for those of us who watched Chris Moneymaker lucksack his way into millions. Even those these games are at a person's residence, they don't skimp on the setting. More often than not, there is a casino style poker table, accompanied with casino quality poker playing cards and chips. If you were fortunate as I was to play in a hardcore home game, you may even have had access to a professional quality shuffle machine. On a parallel note, that shit broke so fast. Worse way to drop 3.5K. Just say no. This game let me tell you was the most fun I have ever had playing poker. The cast of characters that walked through the doors was an absolute clown show. We played with a guy who enjoyed punching people in the mouth. He would also bring his own coffee creamer everywhere he went. He carried that cooler around like it contained a transplant organ. Next we had a grown man child...this guys was as stupid as stupid could be. He would drink himself into a stupor and fall asleep at the table. Two things about this player was certain, he would get drunk at the game and he would donk away all his chips before the night was over. Man, he was the best. Then of course, you had me, the guy who never met hole cards that he did not like. I mean, hey, 9-3 off suite is super fun to play. Just seeing your opponents face after you crush their soul with a trash hand was priceless. One soul sucking defeat would have me happy for weeks on end. Muhaha, evil, I know. It was truly a collection of misfits, degenerates and killers. Okay, killer...(yes, we actually played with a murderer. Just one) But, let me tell you, I surely miss those days. So if you ever find yourself with an opportunity to play home poker, don't say no. It could very well lead to a lifetime of friendships with a bunch of lowlifes. I was on the losing end of the below hand, in case you were wondering.

My Grub

Let's get to my food shall we. If you're still with me by the way, something must be really wrong with you. No no, just messing. My food tends to have a lot of eastern influence. My parents are Indian so a lot comes from spending time in the kitchen with my moms. I also really love Lebanese food. You should try my hummus. It is damn good. No joke. Go now, get some. Fast forward some years and I moved to the bay area. Let me tell you, there is no place on earth like it. Okay, that is probably not true. But, the weather is amazing and the day trips are a plenty. Also, being only 40 miles away from the city (SF), it allows me to try all sorts of delicious foods by some amazing chefs. I spent some time in the bay area doing some odd jobs, at which point I was like okay, it's time to open up something of my own. So I came up with a menu I thought would satisfy not only the taste buds of common Mumbaikers, but also bring a bits and pieces of America to them.

A Little Bit Deeper Into The American Joint

Alright, if you've made it this far, me and you gonna be good friends...While coming up with the menu for The American Joint, I asked myself what is American food. Oh boy was that difficult to answer. After trying to get past awful memories of loaves of meat, it became clear. It's like the food gods spoke to me...America is everything. I came to realize that nearly every city in the US has small ethnic neighborhoods that serve amazing, authentic cuisine. So in essence, American food is a mixture of everything. A melting pot if you will. This lead me to create many dishes from different ethnic backgrounds, all of which had bits and pieces of my Indian heritage in them. While the restaurant has only been open for 6 months now, I am happy to say that we are doing really well and our popularity is rising.

You Made It

In that sounds lame, but yes, in closing, give me a follow if you please. I will surely follow back. I'll also keep talking food, i'll post some of my creations and even touch on some poker talk. And if you guys want, even the occasional recipe. Thank you again for spending some time with me today, and I look forward to interacting with as many people as I can on this wonderful platform.




Awesome post! Welcome to steemit! Im looking to forward to more great posts so will follow! Keep up the great work! 🍝😋😉and reblogged!

Thank you so much!! I will surely be adding some more fun and yummy post.

Verified! =)

Nice beard btw. ;)

Haha, thank you good, sir.

What fruit do you eat the most often?

What's up Big p!?? Glad to have you on here man:)

Just woke up and drinking some tasty coffee. Ha! Thanks for the welcome and have a great one.

damnimfat Pat tweeted @ 07 Oct 2016 - 02:45 UTC… /

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Hi Hanamana! I will surely take a look at your post. Have a great one! And thanks for reading my intro post.

The more man meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be his world and the world at large.

Welcome to Steemit Big P. Looking forward to seeing what you're cooking up!

Thank you Jasonstaggers, so glad to be here. Definitely stay tuned. I'm thinking of starting with a recipe for a breakfast potato taco...

Welcome to Steemit!
I have heard good things about the food in Denver in the Singularity bros podcast yesterday, where they suddenly started talking about the food in Denver, and other good things about Denver.and today I read your introduction.
Is the cosmos trying to give me a sign to go to Denver to eat??
That would be an expensive dinner indeed since I live in Sweden.

Thank you, Kooshikoo. Oh Denver is magnificent. My favorite place was easily 16th street. The entire street is shut down to traffic. Only pedestrians are allowed. The street is lined with restaurants, stores, live music and street vendors. Oh so fun!!

I think the cosmos are definitely telling you to go to Denver. If you like Indian food, Denver is top notch. Haha if you decide to go last minute to Denver, have a safe flight ;)

Thank you!!

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