Hollywood's Become the BULLY that Everyone LOVES to HATE (Part 1)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

Every time I watch a movie, I inevitably side with the underdog. I doubt I'm alone. From Rocky, Gladiator, 8 Mile, Star Wars, The Karate Kid, Erin Brockovich, Silver Linings Playbook, Seabiscuit, Moneyball, The Natural, Revenge of the Nerds, The Equalizer, and Lucy. I could keep going on...

The other night, Lucy was on TV, starring Scarlett Johansson and Morgan Freeman, both die-hard Hillary supporters. Perhaps most fascinating about these movies is that the perceived "wisdom" actors appear to have gained rarely translates over to real-life. Even worse, somehow they seem to morph into the very characters they fought so hard to defeat in their movies. Characters that, at their core, are tolerant, accepting, and understanding of all points of view... As long as they match their own.

Just consider some of Hollywood's recent backlash towards Nicole Kidman simply for saying:

“I just say he’s now elected,” Kidman, an Australian native with dual citizenship in the U.S., told BBC. “We as a country need to support whosever the president, because that’s what the country’s based on. And however that happened, he’s there and let’s go.”

Or Rosie O'Donnell calling for Martial Law to stop Trump's inauguration, with countless New Yorkers in agreement.

Or how about Meryl Streep bashing Trump over presumably mocking a reporter, which was debunked numerous times. However, she had no problem shamelessly applauding and showering praise on known pedophile and convicted child rapist Roman Polansky.

In short, many celebrities have become the bullies that everyone loves to hate. Here's Ben Stein discussing how Hollywood tries to shut down free debate:

Now, why should anyone really care what these celebrities have to say anyway, when they often can't even grasp the lessons and morals portrayed in their own "art"? Many of them seem barely capable of putting together a rational thought without a script or teleprompter in front of them. And what makes anyone think they'd really speak their mind, when most can't even afford to say what they really think without risking a Hollywood "blacklisting", and by extension, risk destroying their uber expensive high-profile lifestyles. Dare they share the "wrong thoughts", lest they be tossed to the wolves. Practically the definition of bullying.

Yet, these same "tolerant" socialist leftists who wouldn't dare stand up against the establishment for fear of backlash, are all too ready to gang up and pounce on anyone else just trying to earn a few bucks. This just goes to show how out of touch and undeserving these nutty leftist celebs truly are. Take Spike Lee's recent statements against Chrisette Michelle just for agreeing to perform at Trump's inaugural ball:

“Good Morning Folks. I Wuz Sorry To Read That ‘Sistuh Girl’ Is Singin’ At DT’s Inauguration (And To Use His Fav Word-SAD),” Lee wrote on Instagram. “I Wuz Thinkin’ ’bout Using Chrisette’s Song- BLACK GIRL MAGIC In My Netflix Series SHE’S GOTTA HAVE IT…. NOT ANYMORE. And Dat’s Da Truth, Ruth.”

Or what about Snoop Dog's recent video where he says:

“So ain’t nobody gonna perform for Donald Trump, huh?” the rapper questioned. “Which one of you jiggaboo a-s n----s gonna be the first one to do it? I’m waiting, I’m gonna roast the f--k out of one of you Uncle Tom a-s n----s for doing it. Which one of you n----s gonna do it first?”

While these celebs are so busy helping take money away from people who earned it, they think others such as Chrisette Michelle should scoff an amazing one-night chance to make 250,000 dollars! That's by no means chump change. And it's not like she was performing for gay/woman-oppressing regimes such as Saudi Arabia or Dubai. But of course, these same hypocrites had no problem whatsoever with the $10's of millions taken in by the Clinton Foundation from countries imposing sharia law.

There also didn't appear to be any kind of deal with Lee anyway. Sort of like all those self-righteous celebs saying they would never perform at Trump's inauguration. Hey morons, no one asked you to perform anyway! And Spikey, I was thinking about funding your next movie for $100 MILLION before you opened your stupid mouth. So, there's that... And besides, after their great performance Chrisette is undoubtedly the better bet!

As usual, these people are all talk when the money's not coming out of their own pockets. But, $250,000 versus some nutter who was "thinkin' 'bout" using her song?! And if he was really planning on using her song, in true Hollywood style he probably would have tried to get her to do it for free, you know, for the "privilege" of having her song in his series.

And while many leftists want to appear as such caring, compassionate, die-hard social justice warriors, it doesn't take near $250K to "inspire" most of them to sell out. In fact, 50 bucks is probably just enough to do the trick, as so clearly demonstrated here:

If celebs are really so big on "spreading the wealth", why don't they support people torrenting FREE copies of their movies and music? Now that's really all inclusively "spreading the wealth", and it doesn't cost a thing! Well, certainly not when compared to FREE healthcare and college (which are 95% more expensive than they should be thanks to financialization, as well as corruptionspecial interests on both sides of the isle). But of course, just like proper royalty, it's always about spreading other people's wealth, so long as it's not their own, and doesn't directly affect them and all the freebies they get along the way.

That's the real joke of Hollywood. For all their talk of social justice and fairness, many of them are often some of the most disreputable and vile people you will likely ever have the displeasure of meeting. Remember the show Entourage? The series was loosely based on the experiences of Mark Wahlberg and his hometown buddies who accompanied him on his journey through Hollywood.

And how about the many well publicized stories about the terrible treatment by celebrities of others on set, or even their own personal assistants, as depicted here and here. Nightmarish stories abound from those who have worked with Hillary Clinton as well. Birds of a feather, I suppose...

And as anyone who's tried to break into Hollywood undoubtedly knows, the level of dehumanization experienced by up-and-coming actors is astoundingly mind-boggling. If anything, the harsh realities of the business are often a cruel wake-up call. And, forget about getting paid anything more than a cheap catered meal (if you're lucky). Relatively unknown actors are often presented with the "opportunity" to degrade themselves for free "just for the privilege":

And if you're really lucky, you may get the opportunity to join SAG-AFTRA and earn just enough money each year to cover the $3,000 annual dues. And ironically, for all the celebs supporting undocumented immigrants, let's just say that it's pretty darn tough to get in even as a documented citizen (talking MEGA WALL here), let alone as an undocumented one:

The AEA Production Rulebook reads: “No Actor may be replaced by a non-resident alien.” Said AEA spokesperson Maria Somma at the time, “The rules are there to give our own actors the first shot.” .. SAG-AFTRA, the union representing Hollywood actors, also prohibits undocumented immigrants from joining.

So, who am I anyway to be ranting on all this..? Click here for Part 2!

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