Nutty New Yorkers Support MARTIAL LAW to stop Trump's Inauguration!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

A few days after Rosie O'Donnell's ridiculous tweet in support of martial law to stop Trump's inauguration, AFDI took to the streets of Manhattan to ask New Yorkers if they agreed with Rosie's statement.

There seemed little doubt that most people interviewed would likely say that Rosie's off her rocker. I mean, why would anyone terrified of Trump becoming the next "Nazi Dictator" be so willing to openly embrace a military dictatorship in his place? It would seem completely preposterous... Well, unless you live in the Manhattan Bubble of course, where the majority of those interviewed agreed with Rosie. One person, when asked "Do you know what martial law is?", responded "You're just making something up, but all I know is I agree with anything to not have Trump be our President!" Hmmm... anything? I wonder if she would stand on her head in a giant pile of poo and take a long deep breath! Or would she agree to move to the socialist cesspool that is now Venezuela? Or could she even survive without the latest iPhone? Oh, the possibilities...

Here's the video, which might almost be kind of funny if it just weren't so sad:

Hats off to the handful of people who understood just what a horrible idea it would be to declare martial law, no less for "charges" that Rosie never even clarified (but she's a celebritardcelebrity, so she must "know stuff").

As AFDI President Pamela Geller explained, “These people have no understanding of the rule of law or the value of a peaceful transition of power. They’re a testament to the failure of teachers in the U.S. and elsewhere to explain why America is unique. But some people still knew. Those people were heartening. But the fact that so many agreed with Rosie O’Donnell’s proposal for martial law and the postponement of the inauguration shows one reason why America is in such deep crisis today: vast numbers of people don’t even appreciate the uniqueness and strength of our republic. Most disquieting of all, such people will not be willing to defend it.”

For those who need a refresher on how oppressive martial law can be, here's a little reminder of what happened in Hawaii after the Pearl Harbor attack...

Islanders suffered under nearly three years of martial law from 1941-1944; so oppressive that it was later described by a federal judge as a “military dictatorship.” All manner of civilian liberties were replaced by oppressive military orders enforced by American soldiers.

In declaring martial law, all forms of civilian law were suspended. An entire new system of justice and order was instituted and controlled at the absolute discretion of Lt. Gen. Short — the newly declared “Military Governor” of the islands.

The transfer of power meant that all civilian courts would be closed, and all government functions — federal, territorial, and municipal — would be placed under military control. The U.S. Constitution was suspended and civilians no longer guaranteed any individual rights or protections from the government. Civilians had no freedom of speech, self-defense, assembly, or protections from from unreasonable search and seizures, inter alia.

Full Story: Hawaii under martial law was ‘military dictatorship’ (1941-1944)


Wow! I hope that this is a very skewed video! The education of these people is an embarrassment to the US - at least one person admitted to not understanding what Martial Law is.
The best was the suggestion to ask RO'D to reply to her own question.

yeah, I respect people more if they at least admit they don't know something. how else can they learn and grow as a person if they can't even admit what they don't know.

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