Hi I am Alessandro. I'm a filmmaker/content creator and I am so excited that a place like this exists!

Hey I'm Alessandro

I am a filmmaker and content creator from Melbourne, Australia. Currently I am travelling the world researching the most insane true story, all in the hope of making it into a feature film.

This post is to say hello! Give you a introduction into who I am and what I do and hopefully make some friends and connections in this community.

A brief summary of me

I love telling stories and making content that entertains and inspires people. I have told stories and made content in many different ways. I started off as a singer then an actor, musical theatre performer, tour guide and finally I got behind the camera and started making films.

Making films is what I love to do. That's not to say that in the future I won't write a musical or direct a stage play or anything like that. I just find that telling stories on a screen is so dynamic and creatively gratifying. That's why I studied film and over the past seven years I have been making music videos, short films and filming live events.

In 2016 I started a live music performance web series called Punt Sessions. We basically take bands on board boats (called punts) in the middle of the Royal Botanic Gardens and they each play a song or two of their choice.
(Inserting crazy selfie now)

Punt Sessions was my "big thing" until I stumbled across a true story that blew me away. 

My Feature Film: The Horne Family (working title)

One day I was looking for short stories so that I could enter a competition. The competition required you to find an inspiring travel story and tell it in under three minutes. I put a call out on Facebook and a friend of mine said I should interview her dad. So I did. When I sat down to interview Mr. Horne he said "My story is a little longer than three minutes". I told him to tell me it anyway. 

(This is the very, very short version)

In 1972 in Melbourne, Australia the Horne Family were two parents and three kids aged eight, nine and eleven. One day they received a letter from their grandmother in England saying that she was sick and that the family needed to see her before she died. Flights were way to expensive back then so the father decided that they would build a boat and sail it 17,000km (10,000miles) to England.

(Below is a picture from the Morning Bulletin, of the actual boat they built)

It's an incredible story one that I am devoting the next period of my life to telling. I have even set up a YouTube channel that documents my process on the making of this film and I upload to that channel every week. 

So why Steemit?

I have a lot of content. I upload my vlog for the feature film and a punt session weekly as well as other content. So I thought I would bring that content to a new audience and see how it goes.

More importantly I have always believed that creatives such as actors and singers get the raw end of the deal. If you aren't making your own content and you have to rely on others, life can be pretty heartbreaking. So I thought I would skip that and make content myself and I suggest to everyone I know to do the same. The only drawback is not knowing how to make a living or get your content seen.

When I first heard about Steemit I honestly thought it was a gimmick. A shallow 'get rich quick scheme'. But after going to a workshop and talking to people on the platform I am convinced that platforms such as this can revolutionise the lives of content creators and people who aren't getting what they deserve for their content.


I am no expert. Heck I can't even say that I slightly know what I am doing. In fact I am so new to this platform that when I tried to comment on someone's post I couldn't because I didn't know where the comment button was. So what I am trying to say is I do not know if Steemit will be around for a short or long time, or whether it will work for me or anyone else. What I do know however, is that I believe in a place where content creators can make a living doing what they love. A place where people are able to post amazing content and actually get fair and just reward for it.

I am incredibly excited to join the community. Please say hello and feel free to give the newbie some tips (especially if I did something wrong in the process of making this post).

Till next time,

Alessandro Frosali
Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/AlessandroFrosali
Instagram: alessandro_frosali
Punt Sessions: www.youtube.com/c/PuntSessions


Great intro @alessandrofilm. Welcome to steemit.

Thanks @travelfusion ! Just followed your page. Love travel and I love food so at a glance your page looks like heaven to me ha!

Welcome to Steemit @alessandrofilm!

I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.

Here are some links you might find useful.
Your stats on SteemNow
Your stats on SteemWorld
Your stats on SteemD
How to use Minnow Booster
How does Steemit actually work?

Introbot is hosted and managed with donations from @byColeman to help make your journey on Steemit be truly rewarding. Your feedback is always welcome so that we may improve this welcome message.
Oh yea, I have upvoted you and followed you. Many blessings from @introbot & @bycoleman

Thanks intro bot & @bycoleman ! The links look very useful

Super excited for the content you are going to bring over to Steemit @alessandrofilm

Steemit can be overwhelming in the beginning; take your time to learn one feature at a time.

You can start with understanding the difference between Steem, Steem Dollar and Steem Power. Just Google it.

Thanks @aaronteng

I think your content looks like it will be a huge help to me and everyone new really :)

Thanks for the chat the other day too!

Best of luck on Steemit. It does look like a great story, just subscribed to your YouTube channel.

Oh thanks so much! I think that means you are number 200 :P

Hello welcome to steemit!! it's really nice to have you here enjoy the platform and explore the community.....wish you all the best.

Thank you so much :)

welcome to steemit, hope you will enjoy it here

Welcome alessandrofilm. Enjoy the platform and just be yourself! :)

Welcome Sir. Hope you enjoy around here.

Thank you very much! Honestly I hope so too ha.

Gday, welcome and steem on mate!

Hey welcome to steemit! Great to see more film makers coiming on board!
I'd like to invite you to take part in my new contest, as a newbie, the prize of a @steambasicincome share wuld really help you out. Get involved https://steemit.com/contest/@seenitallfilms/siaf-s-media-contest-win-sbd-week-1-what-is-your-thing :)

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