Hello Steemit! Time for my very first post!!

in #introducemyself7 years ago (edited)

Greetings from Michigan, Steemit community!! My name is Jake D and I'm very excited to be here. Like a lot of you, I stumbled on to Steemit through some friends in the Crypto-community and was really intrigued by the premise. Created an account about a week ago and finally got up the courage to make my first post. :O :)

A little about myself- I'm 27 years old and live in Metro-Detroit with my beautiful wife. Grew up in a small town upstate and moved to the city in 2012 to further pursue love and my passions. I spend majority of my time watching films, playing music, snacking, and working out to counteract all of the snacking. For a living, I play drums and travel the world in a rock band called Citizen. It's a very fun and active time for the band right now, so hopefully I can keep you updated on what we have going on! (I'll toss a link at the bottom if you'd like to listen.)


Really looking forward to Steemit and how I'm able to be a part of it. Still have so much to learn. If you're into music, movies, anime, food, travel, crypto, etc., be sure to follow me! And also please let me know who to follow! As I said, I'm brand new to this site so I'm ready to make some cool friends. This concludes my amazing introduction!! Talk soon.

Citizen on spotify


Hi @originalmidnight
Nice to meet you here.
Very nice first post.

Im going to the US for the first time in my live for the next 3 weeks.
Not exactly Michigan, but we will at least be at the Niagara falls.

Wish you a very good time here.

Damn that rocks. Thanks Botty.

Welcome to Steemit! Introducing yourself can be a bit hard. I did so fairly quickly after joining, but ended up not liking my introduction. So recently I made two new introduction posts. So please keep in mind that you can always come back and reintroduce yourself if you feel the need to! (Just don't claim to be new when you reintroduce yourself, lol. The community will call you out on it.)

Sounds like you have a fairly exciting life!

Music is always good.

I like anime, too, but it's not something I talk about regularly because I have this horrible tendency to attract all the weebs and I prefer to talk to anime lovers that don't spazz out all over the place when talking about anime. Some anime is worth spazzing out over, I'll admit. But I'm sure you know what I mean.

Steemit is a very interesting place to be. This is my first venture into cryptocurrencies. It still confuses me a lot, but I'm really hoping that this place will be a viable way to earn some money while being myself.

Good luck on your Steemit adventures! With an introduction post like yours, I think you'll probably do pretty well here.

Just don't do a lot of upvoting (it dilutes the value of your upvote) and please don't be one of those people that resteems every single thing you even kinda like. A ton of new users do just that, and it's a fantastic way to annoy everyone else and get yourself ignored. Resteeming a few things here and there is perfectly fine. But there are some users that resteem pretty much everything they look at.

A great way to get started is to make sure you leave comments. People love getting good comments that contribute and aren't super short. Your ability to leave quality comments will be just as important as your ability to make quality posts.

Anyways, I'll stop rambling your ear off.

Good luck, and take care of yourself!

Thanks for the thoughtful response. Some really great info in there so I appreciate that too! Very new to the site so theres still so much I'm trying to figure out-- Voting is definitely one of those.

LOL at "Weeb". I literally just learned about that term yesterday from a friend who frequents a lot of comic conventions. Perhaps some day we'll have a very pleasant and weeb-free anime discussion. Take care!

Voting is about to get a lot different. Tomorrow they're rolling out HF 19. So don't get too used to voting today.

Hopefully we will!

If you like getting free art, I give out free art every Friday under the tag #freebiefriday. No need to follow me if you don't want to, just use that hashtag and you'll find my free art posts. :)

Welcome to steemit, happy to have you here

I am @alienposts , my real name is achraf :)
Checkout my blog posts, Enjoy your time here and let's get this party started :)

Greetings JD! Will give your band a listen👍🏻

Wow your a drummer! Welcome to steemit! I am new myself. Did a post to help other new steemians in the first week. here it is if you want to check it out! Very simple stuff.


Welcome to Steemit!

Welcome to the platform, I wish everything work out for you. It’s not easy here but not difficult neither but just ask an extra effort, engagement is the key good luck I’m @goodaytraders Start by following people and they will do the same.

hey bro, welcome. I just followed you. if you would follow me too ..much appreciated.

Welcome Jake, fellow midwesterner here and you're going to love it!!! Hoping to get up to Mount Bohemia next year (if you know where that is), never been to Michigan but I heard it has some majestic scenery. Best of luck!

Wow just looked it up- seems amazing. If you love the outdoors you're going to feel right at home in Michigan.

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