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RE: My introduction post

in #introducemyself6 years ago (edited)

I know this shit better than You

That's a bit of a bold and arrogant statement bud. Plus, even if what you say is true, TPTB are always 2 steps ahead and dissipating any reaction with more distractions. The vast majority of folks don't care enough to take any real action, shit, I have a hard enough time maintaining a marriage and teaching my 1 yr old to quit eating stuff off the floor.
Everything happens for a reason. Things are the way they are for a reason. So let's focus on the reasons and improve our understanding with love and compassion for one another... Even if they are lizards from Planet X ;)

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I DO know this shit better than you. Sorry. I don't mean to sound arrogant. I have spoken to donald personally for literal years, many times daily. He has said much online, he has said much more to me. I made myself his friend. Friends talk. I know things most people can't fathom in their worst nightmares, and i see it everyday, and I watch my best friend live it everyday. I want to share this stuff, I will share everything relevant. I just won't share everything personal, all that stuff will come out later.

Well I don't doubt you know the guy, I just don't know who said guy is. But like I told @fulltimegeek, I'll check out the vid he posted and hear you out. Appreciate the content bud!

Ill explain it all mon don't worry. I just said that really for people who already knew him but I do this to explain it all for anyone who wants to listen. I feel compelled to discuss it and teach it to others.

I don't know anyone closer and more informed than Laurence regarding #DonaldMarshall ... dude knows what he's talking about.

Nice to see you here tho @joeohs ... please tell the ol' lady that we mean no harm to her reptilians :D ... we only go after the real bad ones.

LOL yea man will do :D
Tbh I've never heard of #DonaldMarshall but I am familiar with some of those theories from about 10 years ago when guys like David Icke were big on it. I personally never gave a ton of weight to those claims but I don't tend to rule out any possibilities. I'll check out the vid you posted tho, I like this sorta thing ;)

Its good you never put weight to those guys. Putting weight to the likes of icke and alex jones is akin to putting your weight into quicksand. All that happens is you get stuck and have to expend great energy to escape.

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