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RE: Does perfectionism tempt you to bury your gifts?

in #inspiration7 years ago (edited)

ah, how many dances I've had with perfectionism...

though oddly, reading this provided a reflection I didn't expect - clueing in to how far I've come in that regards, and how little of an issue it has been lately, compared to how I used to be. thankful for this to help me see that.

It wasn't a short and easy path, by any means. I really did used to be held strongly in the perfectionist grip.

Looking back, I think Steemit actually played a significant role in the growth. When I started a year ago, much of my writing, I spent much time on crafting diligently, going back to edit, concerning myself if it was good enough, etc, etc. Yet, the more I wrote, the faster it came out - until the point I just sat down, let the words fly out, until it was ready to hit the publish button - no turning back and rereading, no edits, no second-guessing... just letting it fly through me as it came.

Keep up your writing. Of course, there's always room for improvement. But this - and the other comment you made on my recent post - stand out. I'm certain you have much more great content to come - and as you keep at it, the more the perfectionism and emotional rides will loosen their grip... :-)


Thank you so much for your encouragement @rok-sivante - It means a lot to me, in writing, on being spontaneous, on let loose and let our thoughts run, on the path of spirtual evolution, on finding a sense of belonging on steemit...

Thank you so much for sharing your personal experience. Yes, ​ you're right. The path to authenticity is very personal, long and not at all comfortable​ at times. I will keep working on it, document it, share it so one day I could look back and celebrate our journey of growth in the prilgrimage. I will show how you i've wrestled​ perfectionism- looking at the devil in the eye, and then to have an open dialogue with HIM...

Having said that, I'm truly thankful for your empathy towards the newbie - a failling perfectionist, who truely desire nothing but love and acceptance at heart.

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