Does perfectionism tempt you to bury your gifts?

in #inspiration7 years ago

I've spent years training myself not to be a perfectionist. I was shock though, how quickly I can undo years of work. I opened @steemit, and for every single post, I asked myself why had I not published any of the thousand dollars worthy posts. 

Then this painful emotion, called "shame" devours me like a lost soul that haunts me. it's so real, responding to a deep seated sense of failure to react to the demand of my environment, real or imaginary. It paralyses me, I instantly can't feel comfortable being myself. It's such a powerful feeling that makes you want to hide or just disappear. Then the vicious cycles unfolds, we begin to ​overcompensate with more and more effort to hide...or endless procrastination....

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Up until recently, I've been reading a book called "The power of vulnerability" by Brene Brown. She's shed some light on the interesting topics about perfectionism. I thought the little devil's advocate deserves a hearing on here today...

Brown believes perfectionism is a thought process that "If I look perfect, work perfect, live perfect and do it all perfect, I can avoid or minimize shame, blame, criticism and judgement." In fact, perfectionism keeps ourselves away to be the best self. It keeps us away from present and engaging. It keeps us away from self-love, being love by and to give love to others.   Perfectionism is a form of psychological mechanism, or "a 20-ton shield" in B. Brown's words, to protect us from hurt, from been seen, from being who we really are. 

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Perfectionism ultimately sparks from a fear - an unspoken fear for us to reveal who we really are, that we won't measure up, to an expectation. We spend so much energy and time to perfect the trivials that doesn't even matter in a grand scheme of the things. We tried to spend four hours on an long winded email to perfect every single details, and it's probably still stuck in the outbox. We look back on the articles we've posted months ago, and think "Why did I write that? I should've..."
"Perfectionism is my greatest enemy." It's seductive, Brown said. It's so great to think there's a way to do things that I can never be held of judgement by other people, that you can totally escape from criticism, shame, judgement. “If you want to avoid blame, shame, judgment and criticism, do nothing. " It is part of the human experience that we're avoiding. ” Perfectionism tempts us to bury our gifts rather than make a lasting contribution.

I promise my @myday I submit a daily post on steemit. Every time when I try to write an article, I have to push through my perfection. Would anyone read it? Is it worthy to be notice?

My sense is that God wants you to hear his voice, from the depth of your soul. It's time for you to contribute. It's time for you to write. It'd be great for you to share your thinking with others, whether people agree with you or not. It's your life that you live, it's your truth that needs to be told.


Lovely article @photooftheday and I look forward to seeing the one article a day :) You are beautiful and I'm glad you like the photos I captured :)

I love the photos you posted here! Steemit has received a gift, thanks to your bravery at pushing through your perfectionism. <3

Thank you so much for re-steeming @theowlhours! Thanks for reminding us in your article"Striving to be imperfect" to strive for that imperfect, better version of ourselves who we truly​ are.

Love this article and totally bummed it won't let me add to upvote amount! I followed and look forward to more insightful ponderings like this! 💕

Thank you @beartribune for your support - you must run​ out of maximum 20 daily upvotes​ haha...I love to insights for​ greater self-awareness...Have a lovely day :-)

ah, how many dances I've had with perfectionism...

though oddly, reading this provided a reflection I didn't expect - clueing in to how far I've come in that regards, and how little of an issue it has been lately, compared to how I used to be. thankful for this to help me see that.

It wasn't a short and easy path, by any means. I really did used to be held strongly in the perfectionist grip.

Looking back, I think Steemit actually played a significant role in the growth. When I started a year ago, much of my writing, I spent much time on crafting diligently, going back to edit, concerning myself if it was good enough, etc, etc. Yet, the more I wrote, the faster it came out - until the point I just sat down, let the words fly out, until it was ready to hit the publish button - no turning back and rereading, no edits, no second-guessing... just letting it fly through me as it came.

Keep up your writing. Of course, there's always room for improvement. But this - and the other comment you made on my recent post - stand out. I'm certain you have much more great content to come - and as you keep at it, the more the perfectionism and emotional rides will loosen their grip... :-)

Thank you so much for your encouragement @rok-sivante - It means a lot to me, in writing, on being spontaneous, on let loose and let our thoughts run, on the path of spirtual evolution, on finding a sense of belonging on steemit...

Thank you so much for sharing your personal experience. Yes, ​ you're right. The path to authenticity is very personal, long and not at all comfortable​ at times. I will keep working on it, document it, share it so one day I could look back and celebrate our journey of growth in the prilgrimage. I will show how you i've wrestled​ perfectionism- looking at the devil in the eye, and then to have an open dialogue with HIM...

Having said that, I'm truly thankful for your empathy towards the newbie - a failling perfectionist, who truely desire nothing but love and acceptance at heart.

I think you are spot on. Totally worthy read ;)

awwww thanks @modnar for your support :-)

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