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RE: Truth Talk - Sometimes I Want To Quit Too

in #inspiration6 years ago (edited)

We all get frustrated .. I've been on an ''unfortunate roll'' for a while , putting everything together (when it comes to all aspects of life) , getting anxiety over the whole political and economical crap going down here and getting overwhelmed with work literally 7 days a week .. It's 6:30 am now.. if I don't wake up at around these times I don't get to finish all the things I need to do.. so yes.. sometimes (and lately more often) I want to throw everything away but... I always try to focus on what could I be doing in order to ''get my heart back in track''. I'd rather give it my best try all the way and get an epic fail than to quit midways , I've always been that way and it has taken me to so many experiences.. some were great .. some were wrecking and very personality changing.. we all learn.

I tended to bottle everything up and that led me to disaster every single time , avoiding discussions and ''try to keep the rest happy'' have led me to some obscure moments.. So I stopped doing it , even if some think I'm a bit of an asshole now.. Eff it , speak up ,it's time to focus on what we want , there is not enough time to follow someone else's happiness , focus on your path , enjoy the walk, the rest will follow.

I do have a particular place that I feel disconnects me and I can just get my mind in blank and recharge and that would be a particular beach spot in Manglaralto , Ecuador... I was raised near the sea.. and being near the sea immediately returns me to that ''starting place'' in my soul. It's crazy .. too bad I'm 4000km away now ... hahahah

Also , we make our surroundings , I thought many times moving would erase all the things I was avoiding , only to find them again .. It took me more than 12 big moves across 4 countries to realize the change is done from the inside.. talk about being stubborn.. but hey.. we all can learn at some point :P

My ''healing place'' lately has been in writing.. more than music ... since music is also my profession it does add to my stress and it is hard to draw the line on where is the fun and what is just work .. I LOVE music but it can also we a little of a burden to me... so.. writing has been my escape pod lately .. something about putting words into paper just makes me feel better about everything and I can tackle the next thing with a lot better energy , crazy but true :). Also , humor... a good laugh is one of the best medicines out there!

We are forever changing , evolving and our dreams and goals change , we just adapt , continue and try to make the best out of it .. in the end , we all just try to do the best we can :) . Sorry for the long text.

Much Love



I love this, and can relate.. you have to put yourself first sometimes.. as hard as that is. We have to be strong enough to support those around us that need it.

Music is such a godsend but I can see how seeing that it is your work as well.. that it probably comes with some stress too. Writing though? Ohhh I hope you share a bit.. ❤️

Humor is the cure to everything and I agree, we can only do our best on this journey that we are on.. learning and growing as we go.

Never apologize about a long text, I love it friend. 🤗

More love,

Your first discord girlfriend 😜

hahahahaah ❤️❤️❤️

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