"Your Dream Life Doesn't Happen by Accident"

Do you know what your dreams are? Do you have goals in place to make those dreams come true? Do you eat, sleep and breath those goals? If not, then why do u expect your life to be so great?

You may think this sounds crazy but if you ask 10 people what there goals and dreams are, 9 if not all 10 of them won't have a real answer. Sure, they will give you some shitty answer off the top of their head, but with no real thought behind it. Generic answers like "to live on the beach" or "to be rich and famous" but very rarely do you get an answer that was honestly thought about prior to the question. And that's the entire problem, people don't even know what they want!

Would you ever take a road trip without a map? NO. So why do you try to navigate through life without dreams and goals? Do you want to go through life feeling lost? I know I didn't like that feeling, it made me stressed out and unhappy in life.

You wouldn't enter a competition without training, would you? In that training would be a plan of attack to win the competition, right? Well, why would you put more thought and effort into a competition then you do your own life!?!
Attack your life and you will get the things you want.

I was saying goodbye to one of my life long friends the other day and he kept saying how lucky i am to be able to go live my dream. I asked him what his dreams were and he didn't know!? I asked him what his goals in life were, again he did not know!? So I asked him how he expected his dreams to come true if he doesn't even know what they are? The look in his eyes said it all, he had never even thought about it. I said to him "your dream life doesn't happen by accident my friend."

I guess like most people he expected some kind of miracle life to just fall in his lap with out any planning at all!?! You know, like winning the lottery! Unfortunately that doesn't happen for basically anyone. The only way to get there is to change your life today and start working towards your dreams with goals. Small goals, big goals, daily goals, weekly goals and yearly goals! That is what I did and it eventually paid off.

Funny thing is no one seems to remember that while they were out drinking every weekend and having fun for the last year that I was at home, on the grind. They think that it was "luck" that I lost 40 lbs and got into shape, because they weren't there with me working out every fucking morning. They don't know that it has been more than a year since I ate fast food, and that I started eating clean, organic food. It's like they think I just woke up and someone handed me my dream life! That is not the case at all. In fact, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Everything good in life comes with work. If it were easy everyone would have it.

The problem with life is people think it's suppose to be easy. So they sit around waiting for something big to happen, but that thing doesn't just happen, you have to make it happen and people seem to forget that.

If you want something you have never had before, you have to be willing to do things and go places that you have never done and gone before.

If you seriously want your dreams to come true you have to think about it all the time! You have to talk about it constantly, you have to write down goals every day, because doing these things will help you get there. You have to think about it every single day and don't give up, never give up.

I am living proof that living your dream life IS possible, unfortunately it isn't going to just fall into your lap one day, YOU have to MAKE it happen!

"Peace, love and all that hippie shit"


reminded me of one of my fave sayings.

"if u always do, what u have always done, then u will always get, what u have always gotten"

Thats a great saying, so true.. :) thanks for sharing..

This Post has Resteemd and upvoted by Steemit Viral Good Luck !


Carpe Diem! Love your post sir. I believe every single word you wrote. If we really want something we have to take action and realize that goal or dream. That is the big difference between slackers and dreamers. Slackers just wait around hoping that lady luck would fall on their lap while dreamers works their ass off day in and day out to achieve what they want. I've been looking at your post sir and I think most are undervalued.. may be our whale mentor can help you out. I will call some bots here for your invite. Please check it out. His name is @surpassingoogle he inspires the inspirers. #untalented @steem-untalented (please don't mind the names they are misnomers) :)

hell yeah Carpe Diem! :) Thanks for the kind words. You are exactly right about slackers and dreamers, and as long as you remember that you will go far in life.
I appreciate you trying to help me get more upvotes and value on my posts, that is awesome of u! I will definitely check out the links you sent me, thanks again. take care

Oh, when i click on the surpassingoogle link it keeps saying not found?

sorry i forgot it is @surpassinggoogle my bad.

Hey @moderndayhippie, I can feel the rhema in every alphabet of your word cutting deep into the soul of the reader. This is definitely inspired brova.

Like you wittily pointed out here;

People don't even know what they want!

I think its a very distressing phenomenom. You want something but you dont know what it is you want. Or perhaps they are expecting that when the thing they want comes, they will know it. But dear friends, things dont work that way.

Fortunately, we can all be whoever or whatever we want to be provided we set our goals, get our asses off the chair, put in work...and

MAKE it happen!

Cheers man! Let's keep changing lives one minnow at a time!


Hey bro, Thanks once again for such an awesome and thoughtful comment! I wish my upvotes were worth more for things like this :/
I think you nailed it when you said

Or perhaps they are expecting that when the thing they want comes, they will know it.
stop waiting, start doing......

anything really, like you said

get our asses off the chair, put in work...

basically stop fucking netflix and chilling! Shit is ruining your life!

Anyhow, I keep sending minnows to your page when they need help or are looking for answers on steemit cuz ur page is filled with good shit for minnows ;) Thanks for all you do bro. Lets keep doing what we do, one minnow at a time!

stop fucking netflix and chilling! Shit is ruining your life!

Lolx. This made me laugh.

I wish my upvotes were worth more for things like this :/

It will be worth much more with time brova. The relationships are what matter most right now. We will all get to be whales someday.

Thanks for sending noobs to my blog. Namaste! Cheers!


lol, I'm sure you see the generic comments all the time too.. "nice post" or "good article" those comments are unthoughtful and many times just minnows fishing for upvotes. So I appreciate the all the genuine comments from you and that's why I said "I wish my upvotes was worth more........" ;)

I got you brov. Generic comments suck big time. Lolx. I wish people would just learn that begging for stuff doesn't just help them get it especially not on this platform.

Give value and value would come to you

Simple and short!

Oh yes! Have a dream and do everything to chase it . I love the quote by Paul Coelho in his famous book Alchemy- --"and when you want something, the whole universe conspires in helping to achieve it."

Very true nothing happen without intention. I keep adding to my dreams every day. Unfolding of our dreams is best way to get high.

Yes it is, well that and cannabis! lol ;)

Now that was a good read. Ever think about being a life coach or motivational speaker?

I am sure you are doing what you like. Hey soldier, keep motivating folks.

Steem on brother! @sgt-dan (sargento)

Glad u enjoyed it brother :) no i have never thought of doing that lol.. but i started listening to motivational speeches every morning about 6 months ago and it has changed my life! So i like to share some of the useful knowledge ive picked up from it, to help improve other peoples lives :)
Thanks for the kind words and im glad u liked the post.. take care

i like your post sir,because every one has a dream.many people just fulfill their dream by working hard or may people don't fulfill their dream by their lazyness.

Yes, but work hard on ur dreams, not just in life.

This is true one has to take steps towards it for things to work :)

Sounds simple, right? Unfortunately a lot of people forget to take that first step at all and just keep waiting for something to happen in life.

I know I suffered with agoraphobia after job loss in my 20s and wasted my time exploring the world. But we learn from mistakes and get up I guess all good things happen with action :)

"If ur only action is reaction then u will always be disappointed in life."

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