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RE: "Your Dream Life Doesn't Happen by Accident"

in #inspiration7 years ago

Hey @moderndayhippie, I can feel the rhema in every alphabet of your word cutting deep into the soul of the reader. This is definitely inspired brova.

Like you wittily pointed out here;

People don't even know what they want!

I think its a very distressing phenomenom. You want something but you dont know what it is you want. Or perhaps they are expecting that when the thing they want comes, they will know it. But dear friends, things dont work that way.

Fortunately, we can all be whoever or whatever we want to be provided we set our goals, get our asses off the chair, put in work...and

MAKE it happen!

Cheers man! Let's keep changing lives one minnow at a time!



Hey bro, Thanks once again for such an awesome and thoughtful comment! I wish my upvotes were worth more for things like this :/
I think you nailed it when you said

Or perhaps they are expecting that when the thing they want comes, they will know it.
stop waiting, start doing......

anything really, like you said

get our asses off the chair, put in work...

basically stop fucking netflix and chilling! Shit is ruining your life!

Anyhow, I keep sending minnows to your page when they need help or are looking for answers on steemit cuz ur page is filled with good shit for minnows ;) Thanks for all you do bro. Lets keep doing what we do, one minnow at a time!

stop fucking netflix and chilling! Shit is ruining your life!

Lolx. This made me laugh.

I wish my upvotes were worth more for things like this :/

It will be worth much more with time brova. The relationships are what matter most right now. We will all get to be whales someday.

Thanks for sending noobs to my blog. Namaste! Cheers!


lol, I'm sure you see the generic comments all the time too.. "nice post" or "good article" those comments are unthoughtful and many times just minnows fishing for upvotes. So I appreciate the all the genuine comments from you and that's why I said "I wish my upvotes was worth more........" ;)

I got you brov. Generic comments suck big time. Lolx. I wish people would just learn that begging for stuff doesn't just help them get it especially not on this platform.

Give value and value would come to you

Simple and short!

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