Imagination IS creation

When I was a child I remember being told "you can do or be anything you want in this world" and I truly believed it! Like many other children I thought I would be a musician or an astronaut, but as I grew up it seems this became more of an optimistic saying for children, rather than a real thing. Your told to "grow up, quit dreaming, get a real job" and that life is full of disappointment. But the truth is that we can have anything we want in this life, we just have to be willing to work hard and sacrifice for it!

Our imaginations are what make this world so amazing and yet it seems that we forget about our greatest super power of all as soon as we become young adults. Unfortunately that's when we really need it the most. Instead of pushing us towards our dreams in those important years of our lives, we are beat down by the mob mentality at schools and jobs that tell us day dreaming is for kids and losers, not for adults. So we fall into the lock step of society and get a job working on creating someone else's dream.

What people fail to understand is everything in this entire world has come from someones dreams or imagination. Besides nature, everything you see around you was at one point in time just someones thought or idea. If it weren't for imagination we would never of had cars, computers or even cryptos ;) But people held on to these dreams and kept pushing towards them everyday, regardless of what other people thought or said, until they became a reality.

I'm sure everyone thought the wright brothers were crazy for trying to make a "flying contraption," but now 100+ years later everyone flies on airplanes and thinks it's normal. The world couldn't exist as it does today without their idea. They saw their idea in their head and they were determined to make it happen. Now, because of them, the whole world has changed! This is one example of millions. But what would the world be like if they let people talk them out of their imagination? It would be a much different world for sure.

Is anything really impossible?

Everyone believes something is impossible until it is done for the first time. Everyone believed the world was flat and we could fall off the edge of it, until we learned to sail across it. We thought we could never go to the moon, until we did. We thought that gps was just a thing for movies, until it was built. We have been told things can't done simply because someone hasn't done it yet. But that is the dumbest reason ever to believe something is impossible. You are setting yourself up for failure because of someone else's belief system! Don't do that to yourself, it will only lead you to disappointment in life.

Stop worrying about what people think.

People are way to caught up with what other people think. If other people don't approve of our ideas we think they are dumb or worthless, when that couldn't be farther from the truth. You may just be a visionary! You may understand things better or different than other people which puts you in a position to do something they can't or won't do. So don't let other people stifle your progress in life with their negative attitudes, it will only make you despise yourself all the more.

You see, we are all creators of our lives our futures and even this world. Every thought you have pushes you towards or pulls you away from your creations, you are the one who decides, you are the creator of your own destiny. It doesn't matter what other people think or believe, it only matters what you decide is reality and how far you are willing to chase that dream.

"If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand."

You affirm and create your life experiences with every word and every thought! It is time for all of us to wake up and begin to consciously create our lives instead of letting the things and people around you create your life for you.

Whether you believe you can or you can't, you're right!

The power of thought to create is so underestimated it is mind boggling. Anyone can have anything they want in this life if they just set up their mind to believe in it. It may not be easy, but it is possible. The best way to start is to talk about what you want in life with everyone, write down goals, remind yourself constantly of what it is you want out of this life and it will happen! But let me warn you, it won't be easy to change the way you think. It takes time.

Create a better image of yourself

You need to start by appreciating every moment in life. Find a reason to love yourself, find a reason to get excited everyday, find a reason to believe in yourself and your dreams. You are the greatest person in the world, don't ever forget that or not believe it. Sure it may not be true today but you have to call the things that are not, as if they already are. I am amazing, I am a creator, I am unstoppable, I will have the life I want, I am a great person, I am beautiful, I am strong, I am blessed. SAY these things to yourself everyday, multiple times a day, until you believe the words that are coming out of your month.

You have to Visualize yourself completing your goals. Visualize yourself actually living the dream that you want to life. Only then can it become a reality.

"Life is a struggle and the potential for failure is ever present, but those who live in fear of failure, or hardship, or embarrassment will never achieve their potential"

Focus on the things you are grateful for every morning. Don't worry about the problems in your life first thing in the morning, worry about the person you have to be that day, don't drag you problems from the prior day into this day! If you do these things and never ever ever give up, then you life will become whatever you want it to! I know first hand, because I have done it. And the greatest part of this world is, that if anyone has ever done it before than YOU can do it too! So what are you waiting for? It's time to start IMAGINING YOUR DREAM LIFE!

"Peace, love and all that hippie shit"


The STEEM Engine


I love love love this post @moderndayhippie! I always remember my aunt telling me “where there’s a will, there’s a way” when I was trying to buy my first house. I wanted it to work so bad and kept coming up against roadblocks. I kept this saying in the back of my head and it ultimately worked out! I continue to use this motto throughout my life! I tell my kids this all the time and that they truly can do anything!!! Thanks for posting! I hope this touches someone who needs it! ❤️

My mom use to say the same thing to me! 😊
I'm glad u liked the post, it was such a random article. When i started this post it was suppose to be a motivational post, but it kind of took on a life of its own when i started typing so i just went with it. Lol. Funny how that happens sometimes.
I'm a believer in things happening for a reason, so I'm sure the universe will guide the right person to it! 😉
Thanks for the awesome comment, take care. following

Omg this happens to me almost every time I post! My mind takes over the keyboard!!! Lol 😆

So so good! The message is really on point and visualization is an incredibly powerful tool. I'm also a huge fan of mantras such as the ones you included here - they can help you build such an incredible life. Thanks for sharing - a new follower you have found :)

Always nice to run into someone on the same page! Thanks for the comment, following

Imagination is truly such a powerful concept. I have always held it to be the key to a life one wants vs the life one doesn't. Interesting that we tend to lose it as we grow into adulthood.

As a writer I rely on it all the time. I believe it actually keeps me sane (although that's debatable!). Loved the article on the this topic. Great truth.

That is great way to phrase it, and so true.
Thats cool your a writer, im gonna follow u and check out some of ur posts when i get home from vacation! Take care. 😊

Great post sir @moderndayhippie.Amen to that. Being negative and focusing in others opinion can really dragged us down. Believing oneself and what you can do can lead to a dream come true. Thanks for sharing an inspiring post. God bless sir.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you! It is always such a huge help to my posts to be featured in #thesteemengines article. You guys have made my steemit experience so much better!

Some great advice there. Have you studied NLP at all?

NLP? I dont think im familiar. What is it?

NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming. Some of the tools you are referring to come from NLP. Have a look into it, it's a great toolbox of human behavioural processes.

Huh, definitely sounds interesting and i love learning new stuff so i will definitely check that out.. thanks 😊

Love your blog @modderndayhippie! Who thought in the early 1900 that future generations we will be living in the world of "Nicola Tesla madness and futuristic mind"...and here we are thanks to his brilliant mind.

AGREED! i love nikolia tesla. He is one of my heros! :) So many people thought he was just crazy, but what they dont understand is how many of his inventions we still use on a daily basis!

So so good! The message is really on point and visualization is an incredibly powerful tool. I'm also a huge fan of mantras such as the ones you included here - they can help you build such an incredible life.

They really can!! I wish more people understood the power of mantras and imagination.. i honestly dont know why it works, maybe its putting your thoughts out into the universe or maybe its just sayin it so much u believe it, either way tho, it works! ;)

Great!! You are the dream chaser. I can see this growing on you. For some reason or another a lot of people are going back to their childhood. It's a great place to start. I hope you have a great day today. For me it is time to call it a night.

I just have one question. When his teachers asked him what he wants to be did John Lennon really say, "I want to be happy"? Or is that some made up story to create MEME's? I think you will enjoy my poem today ^-^

You know, thats the story ive heard too. I always just accepted that as the truth because thats actually what Ive always said! Even before i knew lennon said it. Lol, great minds think alike 😉

I guess it is the real answer. Thank you very much for your reply. Each day on Steemit is a learning experience and never expect anything but the unexpected. Thanks for the inspiration^^

Nice motivation write up there. If you really want to live the dream, there need to be creativity, originality/uniqueness. There's no need of worrying about what people feel or think. We better start developing that beautiful image of ours.

Absolutely! Sounds like u know a thing or two. 😉

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