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RE: Transformation - My Awakening - EcoTrain

in #inspiration7 years ago (edited)

My husband and a number of friends are climate scientists and I have trouble understanding how people can be so gullible to believe the climate hoax people. And to be honest, not paying taxes feels like one of the most selfish things a citizen can do. Not voting? Mane more of shirking of responsibility than not paying taxes. Like I said in my post. I cannot remain silent when I see this stuff. Do I think better things can be done with tax money than an oversized military? Indeed I do. That's why I vote. I don't wish anyone ill or unhappiness but I do encourage real science and real factual information. What's really sad is that more and more people's brains are contaminated with conspiracy stuff. I do love gardens though. If someday I'm proven wrong and all my friends' research is lies I'll eat my hat.


It's clear that you see things differently. I'm on my path and you are on yours. My post was never intended to start a political debate. And guess what I also do encourage real science.

'Do I think better things can be done with tax money than an oversized military? Indeed I do. That's why I vote.'

Good point @icmultududes . I also didn't vote until recently - but I changed my view on that. It's a small and painless act and a right denied to many. There are many more revolutionary things a person can do than not voting - and not voting is unlikely to prevent corrupt politicians from rising to power.

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