Tears of the sun.. Tears in My HeartsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #inspiration7 years ago

This is one of hardest movie to watch without shading a bucket full of tears because it displays ethnic cleansing in the most graphic way.  I have watched the movie as many times I could remember but for each time, I see how bad and evil people can be and also what war truly is.

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I haven't experienced any war or conflict so I dont know what it looks and feels like but movies like this summaries and visualize things that happen during such. 

image source

They cut off the breasts of nursing mothers, so that they'll never again feed their own babies. This is what they do.      

This statement killed me and sent me straight to heaven to ask God why are some people so wicked and heartless... I know is just a movie but sins similar to this occur on a daily base. But who am I to question him..


For anyone facing serious challenges, be it financially (work), socially (family) and physically (health), I  implore you to just.....

Hold the Line!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hold the line for few minutes, few hours, days, weeks, months or years even when all seems not to be going as plan, just know that help is coming, your moment of break through might just be around the corner. Don't do  what you will regret for the rest of your life .

image source

Even when people around you tells you this...

God already left Africa ( You)

Don't believe them, Don't do what you will regret for the rest of your life. But just keep striving, keep working, keep doing the right thing and never stop believing your destiny and future is better than what it is right now.

And if faced with any circumstances, barriers (snipers) or trouble along the way, your rules of engagement should be..

You will defend yourself if your're fired upon, otherwise, do not engage 

But be vigilant ( although you might never see them when they come), they should not get you sleeping, would not want you to say...

I never saw it coming, its not supposed to be like this, never supposed happen this way

Then you will be like...

And if for any reason you are in a position to help others who need our help earnestly which is out of our jurisdiction, capacity or ability..

Broke your own rule – start to give a f**k about others, and if you cant do it alone bring other guys along with you that could assist you.    

When you help them, one thing is certain, 

Those people will never forget you, God will never forget you!!!!!!!!
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke

The lives you have touched along the way, the people you have helped that thanked you and prayed for you with joy and gratitude in their heart, will come for you when you face your own....

Beaucoup bad guys that comes between you and your promise land

And when you and all others you helped along the way get to the promise land, you will all proclaim...


Thank you for Reading.

Thanks to https://giphy.com  for always supplying my GIFs

Please Check out my previous posts..


Wow... Touching story indeed... Crisis, war is not something we should wish for.
I have experienced what i would refer to as tip of th iceberg unrest situation back in 2006 when we had communal crises (war) and it was not funny at all.

We really should treat humans as human no matter the color of their skin. Love is all that matters.

Thanks for visiting dear

Some people come into our lives and leave footprints on our hearts, while others come into our lives and make us wanna leave footprints on their face.

Lol. Thats true

best inspiration

At first, I thought it was a movie about the genocide in Rwanda... ethnic cleansing is still such a vile reality of our times.

Is it Hotel Rwanda that 2004 British-Italian-South African historical drama film directed by Terry George? The film was heartwrenching to watch. I could imagine the people that lived through the ordeal. The movie made Don Cheadle my favorite actor.

we are living in a wicked world but our help comes from the lord...i would like to watch this movie...
thanks for sharing @evelyniroh

You are welcome dearie

Watched this 2003 action movie a while ago. But a good movie is a good movie irrespective of the year it was done. I found myself rewatching Eddie Murphy's Coming To America, a 1988 classic comedy movie, still fresh and hilarious after 29 years.

I watched coming to america too. It was my best movie those days. Wow i didnt know it is 29years old.

It's a 1988 baby.

Thanks cool. I still remember the movie clearly. Every line. Can still sing shes your Queen to be..... lol

You really watched the movie. Lol

So touching

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