Insomni-Steeming, a confused and not so coherent faux-rant

in #insomnia7 years ago (edited)

I would like to go to sleep right now. It's 11 PM my time, and I am zoning out at the computer.

I have actually been off the computer for a coupla hours, since I went dark about 9PM. Couldn't sleep so here I am.

Sometimes I just stay up, tho. There is so much I have to do to sleep well, and even then sometimes I just don't sleep til 5 or 6 in the morning.

Usually I try to stay the hell off social media so i don't run around insulting people

I'm offensive enough when I'm trying not to be, so when I'm tired and cranky it's almost impossible for me to not be an asshole. I'm missing a social-connection sprocket or two in my head that most folks have ;>

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So let me try to organize some thoughts for tomorrow's writing:

  • A post about Manning's previous classified data mishandling violations before the leak to Wikileaks, how much damage the WL leaks did to local sources..could be a good lead-in to a indepth post about Snowden, Assange, and Wikileaks in general.
  • Finish up the Perceptions of Truth:Alien Abduction article (Part 3)
  • I didn't find enough suitable links to do a #informationwar roundup today, but I don't want to forget @profitgenerator and his Freemasonry post when I do put together the next list...not every damn conspiracy is true ;>
  • probably need to do an update on reducing my Followed list, and maybe another (or combine) a blog on my poerdown "experiment"
  • While I should do another new infowar post, I probably won't; trying not to burn out on these. The quality of the two new ones are nowhere near as good the ones I have been updating
  • [Edit] Missed one, gotta check out chainBB and see if it's still hanging; had a hell of a time using it yesterday

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And I don't think I'm going to get half of that done as there is a lot of work to do around the house tomorrow. maybe one or two posts, depending.

I probably spend too much time here as is, but what the hell, it's better than wasting time on cuckbook. OTOH, everybody over there already KNOWS what an asshole I am ;>

Not much of a rant is it?

I'll change the title to faux-rant, or maybe typo-rant (no, not fixin em either)

I had a rant earlier...what I wanted to do with life as a lad was to investigae paranormal stuff. I don't mean walking around asking an empty house questions while filming myslf on a night vision cam and pretending I'm talking to a ghost; I mean trying to get concrete evidence of the things we can't prove (trapping a Bigfoot or sticking a ghost in a bottle). The human perception questions came later, but they do mesh with the idea of paranormal experience. but most people dont understand or pretend there is not a need for "rough men [that] stand ready to do violence on their behalf". That's been my actual calling and I'm not even that good at it

what the hell, what i reallyI wanted to do in life was to bang Salma Hayek and I aint got to do that either

true story. I'm on a first date with this girl, and we go see Dusk til Dawn... here comes Cheech barking about "hairy pussy, brown pussy, stinky pussy" yada yada yada. I'm thinking "oh crap, I'm done", slinking down in my seat, and hiding my face in my hands/ I sneak a peek at my date and she is laughing her ass off. no harm no wasn't like the time I was at the Tom Hanks castaway? when he loses his volleyball and i burst out laughing; the girl that nigh just turned into ice under my arm. I couldfeel it lol

The meaning of life

probably has less with what your purpose is, and more with doing what you gotta do when you gotta do it. keeping your eyes open...wait,

Im not wrting one of those posts right now. ok...this hasnt been as fusterclucked as i thought it would be. nice talkin to yall. gnite and sleep well for those of you that can ;)


I haven't found anything yet on the art and science of banging Salma Hayek. I lieu of that, I do have the art and science of sleeping.


good g!d, if someone came up with the Salma version of that guide he'd be set for life

Iusually have good sleep hygiene...but every once in a while this comes up

the good thing is I don't get pissed off coz I cant sleep any more

Go to sleep dude... lol.

oh I'll get there...eventually LOL

Hello fellow night owls. It's 1:20am over here, and I put myself to bed a see how well that worked out. 😉

I hope it's not a nightly thing for you...I go through spells of it. 3-4 nights than a night of wierd slleep then back to normal for a while

I am normally a bit of a night owl. But tonight seem a little worse than normal. But I will catch up by taking a nap sometime "tomorrow".

not when you're operating heavy machinery, I hope ;>

what I tend to do on these nights is to bag out at 6-7 in the am and sleep for 4-5 hours

Hope you were able to get some sleep. I am "up an at em". Hopefully with enough steem (<--see what I did there) to make it through the day!

lol...actually, when I laid down again and shut out the lights, this time...BAM 7 hours, which is perfect for me.

glad to hear you are up and at em today!

Good night.

nice boobs.
I can relate to
"pissing people off when not intending to."
story of my life.
If YOU think you have problems with sleep.
you should try
This brew is for YOU.

Salma is pretty much the female ideal in look afaic in my tastes...but then again I grew up with tejanasa, and have mostly dated them

Is apnea the one you snore yourself awake every 2 or 3 hours?

I dunno...I wear a machine that squirts high pressure air into my nose when I sleep.

ugh...sounds fun

how long have you had this?

not sure..four or five years?

I've worked night shifts for a good chunk of my life, so I think that has a lot to do with my insomnia

I hope I dont have to go tosleep with a machine stuck up my nose...hell I cant even keep a mouth guard in to keep me from gringing my teeth

how comfortable is it, or did you just get used to it?

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