
in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)


It's good to have healthy skepticism, and make no mistake there are evil people with a lot of power who are capable of bad things, but I just find the Freemason Conspiracy Theory false and utterly rubbish.

Not just that but I think the Freemason Conspiracy Theory is the Conspiracy itself. Or it other words it's like a ghost, where investigative open minded people are intentionally lead down a dead end.

It's good to have skepticism, but it's also easy to fall into Denialism, which is just as bad as accepting every nonsense that the culture spews at us. Truth is always hard to realize, because there actually are evil people behind the scenes spewing mountains of disinformation to the gullible public.

So to rid ourselves of deception, we must analyze each piece of information, cross-verify it, analyze the sources, the context, the motive, and weight the scientific or logical arguments behind it.

So let's play it out logically:

  • IF the Freemason Conspiracy Theory is TRUE:
    • Then it doesn't matter that much, because even if you disband it, the people in power will just form another group, so you achieve nothing and waste a lot of energy in a bad effort.
      • Furthermore if you disband it, then you also have to take away the freedom of association from everyone else, because what if other people form their own "secret cabal". So any form of ban is a ban on freedom of association, and ironically only totalitarian regimes like the Nazis and some Islamic countries ban Freemasonry, I wonder if there is some correlation there.
    • Then still they are powerless without some form of government, so a few people meeting in secret is like what the Jacobins did. But they could only gain power through a government. So the instrument of tyranny is the government, without that, a few people meeting in secret means nothing.
  • IF the Freemason Conspiracy Theory is FALSE:
    • Then those who believe in it look like total idiots to the outside world, and totally discredits any investigative journalism because outsiders will just conflate investigative journalists with UFO nuts, flat earthers, tinfoil hats, and other people of that kind. It's a perfect way to discredit legitimate investigators by mixing and identifying them with idiots.
    • Then those who believe in it are actually led down a dead end, wasting their entire lives chasing ghosts that are not there, while diverting their attention from actual real issues. Brilliant.
    • It is also a clear attack on freedom of association, just another government crackdown on privacy. You can't have secret parties anymore, you better put a camera in your toilet and send all information to the government. It's just another attempt to take away privacy from everyone, not just the Masons, but they could extend this to anyone. The Nazis did it, they've put many Masons into Concentration Camps.

Furthermore there are also other problems with this theory:

  • Basically freemasonry is like a giant party or a private club that is a bit aristocratish. George Washington and people like that were members. So even if powerful people hang out there, it's literally no different than any other private party that businessmen or politicians hold.
  • Most of the hysteria comes from religious groups who see 666 everywhere. Which is an easy fallacy. By subtracting and combining numbers, it's pure nonsense. It's numerology nonsense.
  • There is actually 0 evidence of anything "demonic" happening inside the lodges, so until there is no evidence whatsoever, this is absolutely baseless accusation and a stupid urban myth.
  • The handshakes, handsigns, and symbolism that people might see in TV is nothing. It could be coincidence, or maybe the TV stations are making a mockery out of gullible watchers, either way it's meaningless.
  • Even if powerful people meet there and discuss things, it's literally no different than having a private party where you only invite your friends. So the evil is not in the fact that powerful people meet in secret. The evil is in the fact that powerful people have too much power by itself, so regardless of what they do, it's the power itself that matters.
  • If it were actually a secret cabal, then you would not see lodges in capital cities. They would keep their organization a complete secret, like holding meeting in underground caves, and communicating through carrier pidgeons. But the fact that you see freemason blogs, websites, and every conspiracy sector constantly talks about them, gives away their organization.
  • So even if there is some secret cabal ruling the world, it's not them, because they are too public. Way too public.
  • What about closed door government meetings? You know, between people who actually have power and shape policy. Because it's easy to blame all bad things on an fraternity while totally ignoring the closed door meetings between government people. How about criticizing that?

So it looks like this conspiracy theory is totally false, but not just that. I think the conspiracy itself is the fact that this conspiracy theory makes open minded people look like total nutjobs, while actually leading them down on a wrong path.

What better way there is to shut down curious people by feeding them garbage disinformation, while covering up the real evil that happens in the world. Same with the UFO bullshit, there was an actual problem in the 60's and 70's, the Vietnam War, meanwhile nutjobs were preoccupied with alien abductions and UFO nonsense. They even made a religion out of this nonsense.

Then there is this Flat Earth vs Hollow Earth bullshit. I can't believe people are this gullible morons. So while they are busy chasing those ghosts, you actually see a tyrannical government coming, with endless wars, surveillance, but don't worry because people instead of fighting against that, they are too busy with their Flat Earth theories.

See what I am talking about, it's just this easy to divert normally curious people into chasing ghosts, meanwhile actual real world problems are not getting solved.

By MesserWoland GFDL, CC-BY-SA-3.0 or CC BY-SA 2.5-2.0-1.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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Just lobby-places , imho. Where money is involved , there is evil.
And number of the beast : are tree zero's with rabbit ears on top. lol
Just kidding , great post ! :-)

reSteemed and I will probably add this to today's #informationwar roundup

Yep it looks like disinformation to me. Trying to feed nonsense into gullible people's minds.

people get focuses on one explanation that solves the world's problems, and then don't question anything that contradicts that solution.

I was a neocon for years...ugh...that worldview came crashing down hard

There is no easy answer, there are lies from every direction, simply because humans are corrupt and everyone is capable of lying in order to get resources. No human is exception.

So when you are looking for your own and family's interests, then you have to consider that your are in a competition against anyone else that does that. And that they might lie to get the upper hand.

It's not so much an information war, but rather a human conflict for resources that exists since humans exist.

How did you escape the Neocon narrative?

The British Army turned over control of the Iraqi city of Basra to local Shiia control in 2006. The savages immediately undertook to kill every prostitute under their control; was THIS the end goal of neoconservatism? Combine this with George Bush's contempt for the American citizen by accusing those who criticized the economic dangers of illegal immigration of being racists.

I was once a neocon - why neoconservatism failed, and why it will ALWAYS fail

Thanks for sharing the link to your other post.

no prob, it's more complex than just a comment

I find it interesting that these conspiracists don't just join the freemasons and find out what goes on in there. It's not hard. Just ask a mason how to join.
I did it.
I am a mason.

What's the saying? It's okay to be open minded, but not so much that your brain falls out.

I agree that Freemasonry itself is not evil. In fact, all the other groups that people say are evil, the Jews, the Catholic Church, etc. are not evil but I do believe that evil infiltrates all groups of power and what happens is a small percentage of a group becomes power hungry enough to do evil as a means to an end. Evil wants everyone to believe it's the Freemason, or the Jews or the Catholics or the Government when in fact it's just a small percentage in all groups damaging the reputations of good people.

Good post, upvoted and following. Thanks stevescoins for resteeming.

Yes evil can infiltrate any group, so people should go after evil itself, the root of the problem, not some random group.

Exactly, I wish people could understand that you can't label everyone in a group as evil.

LOL my father is exactly like those skeptic guys. It's so annoying! :D

This is a subject I have done lots of research into on both sides of the fence. Basically, what I've come up with is that, for one thing, it is a mistake to think of Freemasonry as a monolithic organization. There are many different groups, rites, etc within it that are all a little different. This is further compounded by other groups that are not a part of Freemasonry itself but many if not all of their members are. A lot of the "conspiracy theories" implicating masons is disinformation designed to scare people away from it as Freemasonry teaches it's adherents many things about themselves and humanity in general that, like anything, can be used for the betterment of self and/or others. Freemasonry from everything I've been able to gather is a fine organizatin in and of itself.

I found this interesting explanation from a Freemason on just this topic.

That is interesting... I don't have time to finish it right now but will definitely come back to it later.

Yes. It's a bit lengthy, but worth the read when you have time.

Good article and I agree with what you are writing. People should get their act together and start facing the real challenges and opportunities in life in stead of following and believing al kinds of nonsense. Thanks for the post.

There may be issues at the top levels. That being said every Mason (my dad was one) I ever knew was a fine upstanding citizen.

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