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RE: Inktober day 6: "Dripping Ghost"

in #inktober6 years ago

I never dressed in accordance to fashion. When I was young I found it unmanly to concern myself with that sort of thing at all and now i wear jacket and tie. My social skills was influenced by Alexander Dumas and Walter Scott novels which must have seemed strange in combination with my intellectual redneck personality. I always had this role. The first seven years of my life was spent in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, so when my parents finally settled I was used to being different, and never really ditched that role.

I always enjoyed the people who go their own way. Often they are the most fun.


It does seem we 'oddballs' eventually find our own. No matter where I go, it's like we have a 6th sense for one another. The odd find the odd, I suppose.

just to butt in here, I believe the lead singer of Ghost is Swedish. (fun fact?)
and also...what is dripping slang for, dare I ask (I suppose I could google)
edit: I have scrolled to find my answer ;)

That is a fun fact. You think I'd know since Steph has gone on and on about it, but I mostly just glaze over and think of myself in pretty dresses while she yammers away ;) ...Did you get your answer for dripping?

haha. yes, i did see the link someone posted further down the comments. I'll use it often, i'm sure.

My life is wonderfully full of oddballs. In my wife's family they even collect them - all her uncles are like that. Alumni they call them and the more strange persons you know, and the more crazy stories you can tell the better. Sometimes when one of them comes up with a really odd person they can even suffer from alumni-envy!

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