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RE: Big Thanks For ThemarkyMark, Anyx, Patrice and Others Who Helped Ruin Steemit

in #infowar6 years ago (edited)

What a coincidence that the graph directly matches the decline of all crypto, I'm sure that doesn't play any part.

I think the low price of Steem is caused by the desinterest of people.

If this is actually what you think then I don't think you realize that without external purchasing (read: incoming value) of STEEM the price will consistently decrease due to the inflationary model of the Steem blockchain.

~ Mako


a good social media platform that is content-based should not primarily have to depend on the ups and downs of some crypto fluctuations.

I tried to get some friends of mine to come over here, but although the content created was really top notch, feedback was almost zero, and after a week you can't even upvote content anymore, so that was it.

Steemit is an experiment, it has its merits. But those in power, that is the 0.01%, refuse to exploit and open up the HUGE potential of it. They even degrade it by removing the views.

In stead of building out the platform, developers and witnesses join forces to cripple and sabotage the platform and chase away accounts with differing opinions.

Even its "creator" has deserted Steemit...

You’re talking in terms of shoulds and should nots and not looking at the facts. Steemit will always depend on the Crypto aspect and market because it is at its core a blockchain. The only way for Steemit to thrive as a shitposting social media would to remove the incentive for content creators which is the only thing that makes Steemit different apart from the potential lack of government censorship.

But then there are certain people we also don’t want on this platform. On a platform where you can earn legitimate money from anything you post, the kind of shitposting that you’re wanting to be commonplace shouldn’t expect to be able to earn, much less the plagiarism, thievery and copyright infringement that also happens here.

Your continued ranting about things that cannot change about the platform tells me that maybe you’ve overstayed your welcome on a platform not meant for you.

~ Mako

  • But then there are certain people we also don’t want on this platform.

I see you joined this platform in August, so a noob like you has all the wisdom in the world. Are you sure you're not just another fake double account ?

A bit more than you, apparently. I've actually studied the platform and the mechanics behind it, and either you got the TL;DR version or didn't so...

~ Mako

It seems you have not read my reply. I know people coming to Steemit, posting really great HQ artistic posts, getting no feedback and then dissapear because nobody can upvote you after 7 days. What's the point of something silly like that?

If you think witnesses creating !popcorn nonsense is not equal to shitposts...

7 days in a content cycle is old news. Keep creating content, stay fresh. If you want to upvote content after 7 days, comment on it instead. Do you know how many short-stories I've posted since joining Steemit in August? I'd love it if I got a comment on one of my first, that would mean that someone went back and read through them. The 7 day voting cycle is the least of Steemit's problems.

And no, I'm not going to defend !popcorn content, but the simple reality of it is that those people have earned their stake and kinda get to do what they want with it. There's literally zero way to change that, so you're wasting your time and breath worrying about it.

~ Mako

Seems like someone might have pissed off themarkymark and patrice, I wonder why.

~ Mako

have you noticed @badcontent has downvoted my comment on the 7 day limit solution?


Why does he do that?

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