A Brief Philosophical History Of Cultural Marxism

in #informationwars7 years ago

One of the problems I have always had in understanding Marxism/Marxists is that they never seem to be FOR anything... it's always a rejection of some pre-existing order. Sometimes, it's "Capitalism", at other times it was democracy. During the 1960's it was the archaic values of our parent's generation. More recently, the Cultural Marxists rail against white people and the nebulous "white privilege" (that I still haven't figured where to sign up for) , citing every slight as "racist." Feminists rail against men and some imaginary patriarchy, which if it existed has been gone for decades. ANTIFA consistently employs Fascist tactics in their war against some Fascist empire (that consists of anyone who disagrees with them). Most of these people don't even have any idea of what it is they're fighting against... they take to the streets at the drop of a hat in protest of anything that threatens their shaky ideology.

The biggest problem with being against virtually everything is: what are you going to replace the existing order with once you have destroyed it? This appears to be something these activists haven't even begun to contemplate... all they know is they don't like the way things are and it needs to be changed. One thing none of them seems to have considered (as they're busy demanding $15.00 an hour for flipping burgers) is what would they do if they're successful in destroying the evil empire created by their parents... in other words, who would support them once their parents no longer could? It seemingly doesn't matter, after all- protesting is so much more fun than working... Not to worry- the government will give me all the free shit I need. I'm important- they told me so in school... I'm entitled to $15.00 an hour, I need it.

Forgive me if I sound too negative... I have no problems to applying social sciences to solving social problems- as long as they produce some positive results. Lamentably, this is seldom, if ever the case. FDR's attempts to use the "best minds of the day" dragged out the Great Depression, for years. One his architects, was also responsible for introducing Cultural Marxism to America, through the Frankfurt School, which took up residence at Columbia University after fleeing Nazi Germany.

This video does a wonderful job at tracing the philosophy of the Cultural Marxists from an historical perspective from its inception in Europe through the works of people like Gramsci through their relocation to America, finally infiltrating nearly every aspect of daily life- causing the "sexual revolution" of the 1960's and culminating with the miasma political correctness today. The only thing I can see missing from an excellent piece of investigative philosophical journalism perhaps, is the influence of Saul Alinsky in providing the method of infiltration.


GIF by @papa-pepper



Step 1 - Convince everyone of leftist Utopia
Step 2- Destroy the middle class
Step 3 -???
Step 4 -Utopia


You mean, Step 4- Dystopia! I wish I knew what's happening with my posts... I've gone from $80-$100 to $ 5-$25! I'm going to be on the street in a month or two!!!

it looks like the current voting power for those have voted for use has been expended.

I think that used to, if you voted at full SP, that vote would retain it's value. but now it looks like if I upvote you at 100% of my strength, and then go vote myself down to 50% of strength, that my earlier votes are adjusted down

*Is the term I'm looking for "voting effectiveness"?

The value of steem has dropped some the past couple of days too which will reduce payout potential. Me I haven't voted on this or some of his other posts yet as I'm waiting for my voting power to regenerate.

I'm not sure... I adjusted my votes to 25%. When I check steemstats on my upvotes, all I'm getting is 1% or 5% from people... I'm not even getting views (must have pissed somebody off)

maybe, maybe people have been going back to adjust their vote strength for other reasons too. It seems like I saw a LOT of posts over the last couple of days of Steemers talking about a "voting hangover" after the first day of HF 19

I don't know... Thanks for the RS... I just know I'm fucked and I see plenty of stuff on my feed making plenty of bucks! I just feel like I've been supporting people and not getting a lot of love back. Guess I'll quit working hard and just start posting cat memes!

nah, write what you enjoy writing. my blogs I'm upvoting at 100%, b/c I'm tired of trying to set it up lower, but I'm voting everthing else lower to extend my voting effectiveness.

even that isnt consistenent, b/c I post from 2 platforms now, and there are different settings and I don't pay attention

I just feel like I've been supporting people and not getting a lot of love back

I feel that sometimes, too...what I'm thinking is that the love is being used to support new Steemers. If not, and it is people pissed at me, I aint changing my mind on anything for the dinero ;>

Aren't you making more now than before the fork?

I was until today... now it's business as usual.

I even considered paying randowhale

what's randomwhale?

It's randowhale... not randomwhale. randomwhale is a rip off. randowhale is a way to buy votes basically. you pay them 2 sbd and they upvote you a % of their power.

Marxism (or any 'ism') can NOT be understood.
it's irrational.
nukin futz.

The results are understandable... irrational people running around with no clue what they're doing!

crazy isn't it?
dunbar's number
happens EVERY TIME.

The saddest part is people buy into it and it takes so much time to figure out that it is total nonsense. This is what they taught in my college philosophy classes, and I did not realize how idiotic the whole system is until you learn about absolute catastrophe of communism.

I had a ton of electives left so I decided on a second minor- philosophy... There was a woman who taught Ethical Theory that spent 1/3 of the semester on Marx as an ethical theorist!!! Marxism has caused more deaths than all the wars in history... Institutionalized misery is the only legacy of a man who doesn't deserve a footnote in history books.

I agree 100%...the only place he should have in the history books is in the absolute failure section, just so we learn from our mistakes. Im pretty sure he created the institution of democide, where the government is responsible for murdering its own people to keep control...absolutely ridiculous. Every day, more and more I realize how much of cultural marxism has taken over. People are so clueless these days, its just really sad.

Worked fine for Lenin, Mao, Castro... I can't believe I said that! Are you the Tyler Durden of ZeroHedge?

Cultural Marxism is just class warfare with a different class as a target.

Traditional Marxist target was the working class -- an economic distinction. The target of cultural marxism is those who are marginalized by mainstream culture, which is why it appeals to all those who feel shafted by the main body of culture. They find by banding together that they can strike back at those who they feel have wronged them, but this is an association of convenience rather than philosophy, which is why their philosophy is not any more coherent than their political doppelganger.

For example, on what planet would hispanic voters, who are very traditional and very catholic, have anything in common with the LGBTQ+ community (I have no problem with any lifestyle choice, just remarking on how strange those bedfellows are.) Their only link is that they both feel victimized. The rise of the victim, so to speak.

Of course they have no solution. Only inchoate rage and destruction. Which is all that is left of a society once they are finished.

In many ways, cultural marxism was the forerunner of 4th dimensional war. Winning without firing a shot. Destroyed from within. Sun Tzu would be proud.

I forget who said it but "no culture has ever been defeated without decaying from within first" or something like that!

Yes! Had to look it up:

"A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within."

Ariel Durant ( wife if Will Durant the historian, she was from Ukraine )

Great job... Thank you!

Marxism/Marxists is that they never seem to be FOR anything

I just have a look into the english WP and thy really don't say anything about that

Well, the answer is easy: Equality, Justice, Solidarity

At least that is what the philosophy of socialism is about.

Institutionalized misery is the result!

You know, I didn't see a lot of misery when I was still living in a socialist country. Less then today in one of the best democracys.

Good stuff.

Thank you... The guy that made the video did an incredible job!

I came looking for you now as I dont see anyting on my followers from you anymore miss you

I can't imagine why... I'm still here!


This is from yesterday... I posted two.

What to expect from brainwashed people never really grown-up? Educated and indoctrinated by government's slogans, forced into conformity as early as possible, drowned in obeying like a beaten dog licks his master's hand. Believing everything what they were told. Trusting nobody - even not themselves. This is the ground were hatred grows fast and wide. Mindless but still pitiable!

They don't believe everything they're told... They still refuse to believe the truth!

Sorry, I wasn't clear enough in my statement: I meant, what fake news like CNN, Fox, CNBC, WaPo, etc. is telling, what the Hollywood propaganda machine is telling, what an Obama's telling, a Soros is telling, a Loretta "Blood in The Street" Lynch is telling, ....

I know, I get it! My point is that they're perfectly willing to listen to any liar that comes down the street, so to speak, anything BUT the truth.

Lies are more spread than the truth is; and by the way - truth hurts! The awakening of mankind will be a painful one... - but we have to step through this change to reach higher grounds.
And I'm more than optimistic to achieve our goal, because there are still people like you around, speaking out loud for telling the truth... - and many more will follow and join to leave the common path, that's my true belief!!! Cheerio!

Thank you, my friend... we can only pray!

Resteeming so I remember this when my voting power regenerates. :)

Thanks Brother!

Interesting topic

Thanks... it is. The guy that did the video did a fine (but incomplete) job!

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