Terrorists Aren't Terrorists?

in #informationwars6 years ago (edited)

Dangerouswas told, however, that Lauren Southern was a terrorist for her Allah is a Gay God joke thing or something it seems. The United Kingdoms refused to let her or Brittany Pettibone into Great Great Britain.

Apparently, not so great now, right? That is why we are all trying to make America Great Again (MAGA). There are reasons why it was called Great Britain. Maybe not so much now. If you haven't been following Lauren and her Farm Land series concerning South Africa, then what are you waiting for? And Lauren was trying out a social experiment to see what would happen if she called other religion's Gods or gods gay because of the Gay Jesus thing that happened, you know? Think about that. It is ok to call Jesus gay but not Allah or Buddha? In many places in Europe, police will get you if you say anything negative about Islam, even as they rape and murder you, or worse. And this is starting to also happen more and more in the USA. This is happening more and more especially in Europe as it did centuries ago. Wasn't Michael Savage & Trump also banned from the UK?

Back on Thanksgiving Day 2017, November 23rd, Thursday, was flying back from teaching in Vietnam for five years. My plane landed at the airport in San Jose, California, where I was retained for hours by police as an Oregon-born American, as Asians and Arabs went by me. Police quickly looked at their bags and they went on by, a few passengers per minute. A female customs officer questioned me for so many minutes & looked through all of my clothes and papers and things as if I, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, L4OJ, was a terrorist as well, and she was probably talking to people on her phone or walky talky or com device. She asked me a lot of questions even as I was American and even as the other people were not Americans but were let through as if I was more bad than they were. That experience made me feel so bad and sad and mad and confused.

It leaves me with so many questions than ever before. And do we care?

Without Walls? Without Brains?

2018-03-14 Wed 04:20 PM LMS: Terrorists Aren't Terrorists?
Email: [email protected]

Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Welcome to the world where people of color face what you faced...over and over and over again...

Do we want things to get better?

To paraphrase Noam Chomsky:

"If we don't believe in freedom of speech for people we disagree with, we don't believe in it at all."

I did a write-up on this debacle:

"DISGRACE - Amber Rudd Must Resign"

Agreed. And hate speech is included in free speech and when they go after your speech like they did the 1930's in Germany, then history may repeat itself indeed.

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