Manufacturing Pete

in #informationwar5 years ago

I'm putting on my thinking cap, which happens to be made of tin foil, and make the case that if it were up to the Democratic National Committee, the next president of the United States of America will be either Pete Buttigieg, Mike Bloomberg or Donald Trump, in that order of preference.

Image by Pete For America - source: Flickr

As long as it's not Bernie Sanders, the DNC will have reached it's goal. Keep in mind these facts: a year ago no one knew who Pete Buttigieg is, he has zero experience with politics on a national scale and he was a failed mayor of an insignificant town named South Bend in Indiana. These past couple of days when we were struggling through the fallout of the fraudulent Iowa caucus, I've many times seen and heard people openly wonder about how it's possible that a political heavyweight like former Vice President Joe Biden can't win against a nobody like mayor Pete. I mean even Trump had some notoriety before he entered the political stage in 2015; Pete has none of that, nothing at all.

So, why then is this man running for president, and why is he currently surging in some polls? After his fake victory he's been celebrated as the Democrats' new presidential hopeful, a potent replacement for Joe Biden who seems on the way out since his humiliating defeat in Iowa, bad polling in New Hampshire and questionable chances in Nevada and South Carolina. If Biden doesn't win South Carolina I believe he's done; his donors are leaving him and he has no money left for his campaign. For months it seemed that the race would be between Biden and Sanders, but in a matter of a couple of days the scenario has changed completely; now it's gonna be Buttigieg or Bloomberg who will take on Bernie's progressive message.

Getting to Know Pete Buttigieg | The Daily Show

Multi billionaire Bloomberg has also risen significantly in the polls, which is completely ridiculous and another sign of money's unhealthy influence on politics. Bloomberg's surge in the polls is made possible only by him flooding the airwaves with hundreds of millions worth of advertisements. In addition to that he made significant donations to several mayors and the DNC; he donated more than a million to the DNC on the day he announced his candidacy. Two of his campaign staffers are members of the Democratic rules committee; is it surprising then that the DNC adjusted the rules of participation in the Democratic television debates so he can join in? This is no joke; the rules stated that in order to participate candidates need to have a minimum number of individual donors, and Bloomberg has almost none. He doesn't need them as he's got more than enough money to buy his own way into the race. But now that rule has been erased on his behalf, he can also join what's left of the televised debates. After the huge conflict of interests exposed in the Iowa caucus, with the app used to count votes being financed in large part by the "Pete for America" organization, we now have Bloomberg who donates a million dollars and hires two Democrats involved in the campaign rules. This race is quickly becoming a case study of a fully functional oligarchy.

Just watch the videos included to get a picture how Pete Buttigieg is given a hero status in the public consciousness, and how this has been going on for about a year now. I'm beginning to wonder, now that my head's covered by the tin foil hat; was Pete Buttigieg the "deep state" candidate from the very beginning? Will the end result be that Sanders scores a plurality, not a majority of more than 50% of the vote, and will that open up the road to a brokered convention in which the party elite bundles the votes for Warren and Bloomberg behind Buttigieg to make him the presidential candidate? The mainstream media are leaving no stone unturned in their efforts to raise Buttigieg's image in the public's eye, as you can see in these clips from some of America's most popular TV programs. Trevor Noah is a nice guy and plenty funny, but boy do I wish Jon Stewart came back to do the Daily Show... Noah and Colbert both let Pete get away with telling lies, and Noah even lies for him by saying there's no dirt to be found at all about Pete. On the other hand Noah does say that Pete appears to be "manufactured in a lab." Only problem is that Noah himself works in that lab...

Pete Buttigieg Is The First LGBT Person To Win Delegates In Any Presidential Contest

Pete Buttigieg: A Majority Of Americans Want Higher Wages And Healthcare

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Yes, indeed @zyx066 ...

"Keep in mind these facts: a year ago no one knew who Pete Buttigieg is, he has zero experience with politics on a national scale and he was a failed mayor of an insignificant town named South Bend in Indiana."

... and yet the "puppetmasters" behind the scenes have him being seriously covered across the country as a ... Well, it doesn't matter what I write or think.

A perfect example of how far "down the road" we are in America. "We the people" still have the power to decide our fate. And this is the best we can do? Wow ...

"So, why then is this man running for president, and why is he currently surging in some polls? After his fake victory he's been celebrated as the Democrats' new presidential hopeful"

As slim as his chances may be of ever winning the Presidency, right now I think that Pete Buttigieg is their best, and perhaps only hope. In my opinion, neither Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden are electable, Bernie because of his extreme left agenda, not to mention his age, and Joe because of the scandal that he and his son have been involved with in the Ukraine, not to mention of course the fact that he was Obama's VP, and did absolutely nothing to advance the Country in 8 years. As for the rest of the field, they were all non-starters from the get go. So if Pete actually does end up getting the nod from the DNC, clearly it's game over for them. President Trump will be re-elected in November without any real contest, especially if he can manage to control himself a little, and actually realize that what he says and does, will without any doubt, always be used against him at some point.

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