Voting is an Act of Violence and Coercion: my recollections about my political evolution

in #informationwar6 years ago

How did I get here? As I recollect my political past I realized that there were certain turning points in my thinking about why things happen. I’ve been apolitical most of my life, not interested in economics or politics. However I have been interested in patterns and technology for decades.

I’m just coming off from a 20+ year long focus away from applying technology to astrology (the restoration of ancient astrological techniques written into software). While it remains an interest and a part time pursuit, the goal has always been understanding and knowing what the right thing to do is.

I figured out the two party con game relatively early on but like most for many decades knew nothing better than choosing the lesser of two evils. I finally gave up on the system after working for Ralph Nader’s campaign in 2004, realizing that it was hopelessly broken and have been mostly cynical ever since. For about a week in January 2009, Obama’s words were so good that I had hope, then snapped out of it like a bad hangover. Little did I know that during that same month a protocol was launched that would change everything.

It was at about that same time that I had a wish for anarchy. However, I didn’t think anarchy was practical. Anarchy seemed to only be this temporary unplanned state between two administrations when a power vacuum exists, which eventually always gets filled with something. How do we maintain that state without creating a state?

I now see myself returning to an old pattern from my youth when I first entered college. At that time, I met someone important, a woman who was a multimillionaire and tied into political heavyweights. She was my girlfriend during my next 3 years of college. Her father was George Alford and his brother was John Alford. I went to visit her family in July 1981 after our freshman year finished together. It was right during the wedding of princess Diana. Richard Nixon was about to buy John’s house in West Saddle River, NJ after getting sick of living in NYC and Maria issued an invitation to have lunch with the Nixon’s but the plans fell through.

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Maria and me at Centennial Towers University of Denver fall 1981

I wasn’t prepared of course and looked like a bum with long hair, white tee shirt and jeans meeting her father for the first time. I’m sure the impression I made was less than admirable. I was just this poor inner city kid from the near north side of Syracuse hopelessly out of my league. Or so I thought. Because my parents separated when I was so young, I had little recollection of where I was really from and who I really was.

I was playing a false narrative in my head that was very far from the truth. In it, I was this poor kid fresh out of a gang infested neighborhood full of crime just having escaped into a completely different environment at the University of Denver surrounded by wealth. By the late 1960’s, my whole world had shrunk to being a kid with a younger sister from a single parent family surrounded by drugs, prostitution and gangs. I did pretty well in school because it was easy. But I made no effort to excel because it wasn’t cool to be a nerd. In fact I was beaten on several occasions because some in that neighborhood thought I was a gay nerd (long story).

I don’t think I ever told Maria that my family also had our own road named after us. It was just so far removed from my mind, that my fathers family has owned hundreds of acres of farmland in upstate NY. I wasn’t poor at all. I could have reached out to my fathers family at any time but just didn’t understand the opportunities. Another opportunity missed was that my uncle Leon was an expert C programmer. I now see how the patterns could have played out and where I was supposed to have gone.

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Corner of Manwaring Rd and County Rte 41

Instead of majoring in psychology (which guidance counselors basically shoved me into), I should have gone into computer science. In fact, I did try this briefly before being advised against it. They were saying that math was a heavy requirement and seemed to imply that I wouldn’t be able to handle it. It was the same advice I was given in high school btw; which was don’t try to excel. Despite that, I was named Hornbeck scholar of the year at DU in 1982, but in an easy and useless field.

I proved them wrong about my technical abilities, but mostly to myself. Now I understand the meaning of the circumstances I was born into. Money has been at the epicenter of everything that has happened to me but because I refused to acknowledge its importance, it had complete control. Mom was partly responsible for this saying that “money doesn’t bring you happiness”. It’s a popular idea in poor communities and while true, it wasn’t advice that I should have taken to heart, because fate seems to keep steering me back into confronting that implement of control.

I suppose it’s fine if your life was about something else, but mine wasn’t. As long as I held that bias, I couldn’t confront that control matrix and was powerless against it. I couldn’t even recognize what was happening until early 2017 after reading the bitcoin white paper, then remembered the early 1980’s and my earlier encounter with the throne and had that ah-ha moment.

The Red Herring

We’ve been told that the key to maintaining our freedom is by participating in a democracy and using every opportunity to vote. It has given an exaggerated importance to the act and empowered our masters. In the process, they’ve extorted trillions through the use of QE (Quantitative Easing) and taxation. It has become legitimized because we didn’t have the wisdom to know how to construct a better solution to the Byzantine Generals problem.

Most people still don’t understand money. Money is political power. It is political hegemony packaged in paper and delivered electronically. As a currency, it is the flow of the life force and the blood of the body politic. If currency exits the body/system, the body politic dies. This is effectively what is going to happen when bitcoin or another crypto transfuses the USD as the world’s reserve currency. That replacement will at the same time replace the current deep state and the political policies of the west, effectively rendering them impotent. Hopefully the same happens in the east to maintain balance of political impotence.

As John McAfee has said, when this happens, all hell is going to break loose…


In this system, we have effectively tied two cats tails together and told them that they must “get along” by using the vote. Because this has been coerced without our consent, it has become an act of violence and to participate in it is to condone that violence. We haven’t been allowed to each go our own separate ways. Yet many states have started secession legislation in recent years. The balkanization is coming.

Why should everyone live by the same rules? In many cases, there is no good reason other than the fact that government parasites find it much more profitable to force everyone into the same rule set. If everyone must transact in USD, the Yuan, or Ruble then that government is the beneficiary of the fruits of your labor. However, if you are sovereign and truly own yourself, they can no longer benefit.

The goal is in getting people to realize that not only is it the case that this system isn’t necessary anymore, but it is morally and ethically untenable. Globalization leads to centralization of power and authority and the more authority there is, the worse the phenomena of terrorism will become. This is because terrorism is a byproduct of authority. Not only is opposition to centralization of power morally correct, it's really the only hope we have as a species to avoid extinction.

We are beginning to see the effects of accusation on structures of authority such as the Kavanaugh hearings. The “me-too” movement is really about voluntarism at it’s root. Violation of personal boundaries which involves consent is what the state constantly does. Rape is just a lower form of force, coercion and violence, done primarily by individuals not wearing the state badge. But for some reason when the state does it, many excuse it and call it necessary, so the Kavanaugh case is interesting in that regard.

This is why I’m finally optimistic that eventually what will primarily remain standing after all the finger pointing is done will be decentralized non-entities and internet protocols that require voluntary opt-in. Eventually the risk/reward ratio for attempting to obtain or hold authority will be severely disincentivized.

This new world isn’t going to be for the faint of heart. Self ownership is most difficult and requires heavy responsibility. Most of you will be bankers in the future with nobody to cry to for mismanagement of resources. This will probably be after an interregnum period in the west where some of us suffer from living under a digital panopticon, but freedom will eventually come because centralized IT cannot be protected forever.

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If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal. - Emma Goldman

Voting has always been a panacea to keep the masses calm.
51% telling the 49% how its going to be... where do we get off thinking that this is proper?

That kind of insanity only works if one has the vote of A, B or none-of-the-above. Or the option to walk away.

Laws should be passed by 90% +.
At that point, it isn't really a question of it being a law, it is just a matter of writing it down. Further, if 90%+ do not support it, it isn't really a law, it is only a tax on the 49%.

I wrote a piece on better ways of voting

But, they are really only bandages until we are all allowed to join and quit.

Blockchain voting are also not the best...
lisk and some other DPOS bribe you to vote for them. In fact it often advertised to work like that...

DPOS is fast but voting is flawed. Is it still worth it? At an app layer or a base layer?

As long as there is a way to opt out, damage can be mitigated to some degree. This is a far cry from the state which will attempt to drag us down to the abyss for non-compliance.

Have you solved the problem of PoW based social media yet?

If there a way to opt out them many won't vote or just not care to vote. As such updates can be made without only 1% voting which is not the best way...
Better than state but also more easy to fall prey to them?
DPOS is good for application layer but not money. POW would be the best for that.
Pity is I would like to a POW one made. I do think to an extent it could work. A sidechain or a media based off could work. But most POW chains devs don't work on it. It be alot of $ to develop and most are working on scaling their own blockchains...
Maybe once drivechains are added-it can be worked.

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