Accusation is a Clear Sign of Centralization: the Antidote is Decentralization / Localization

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

The Kavanaugh hearing is just one of many examples of the chaos to come. Many fail to see what the solution to this problem is because the doctrine of statism has taken control of their minds. There’s this horribly mistaken idea at the foundation that says we must all live under the same rules. It’s an idea at least as old as Bush 41’s “NWO” and the concurrent political campaign that attempted to plant the idea of “globalization” as being a “good thing”.

Where there is authority, there will be attacks. In the cryptocurrency industry, if your company was shut down by a government entity or required to collect KYC information, that means you’ve been centralized. If the news of the death of an author can cause the price to crash, that project is too centralized. We saw this happen to Ethereum in June 2017 when news of Vitalik’s death caused the price of ETH to crash to below one dollar, then minutes later return to normal when refuted.

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Erik Voorhees runs and we see the same thing happening, KYC being forced upon any entity that is too centralized. Donald Trump has faced similar accusations to Kavanaugh for the same reasons. All these situations are caused by authority pointing a finger and making threats.

What happened when government pointed the finger at Satoshi Nakamoto? He’s the inventor of the bitcoin protocol and unlike other entities, nobody even knows if he / she or they are still around. Bitcoin survives not despite lacking a leader but because it lacks leadership. This is the antidote to authority and corruption; to render all finger pointing completely inept. When accusation has no outlet, then political stability will have been achieved.

We have effectively tied two giant cats tails together and told them to get along. The answer isn’t the vote. That just tells one of the cats that the loser has to be satisfied with a loss. The answer is to allow each to go their own way. This isn’t good news for government parasites, but they should have known they’re not offering any real value.

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We will continue to see this happen for the next few years and sometime around 2022, governments all around the world will reach a significant turning point. Some of us may head down the path toward further centralization into a digital panopticon where an Amazon like entity becomes the new technocratic government. That may create a generation of pain, most likely for those of us in the west who believe in the superstition of government. That won't last forever though because centralized IT is fatally flawed and cannot be protected (the video bubble boy vs sewer rat talk by Andreas Antonopoulos proves why this is the case).

The rest of the world which finally adopts a nationless crypto will begin to prosper in the same way the USA did decades ago. The reason for this is obvious, nationless crypto that obeys Austrian economic principles thwarts parasites attempts to leech off the public. That globalist gravy train is coming to an end.

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Great article my friend. Very interesting times we are in. I agree that the governments of the world are going to face a major challenge in the next few years. Things are really starting to heat up to the point that even the masses are starting to clue in (I said starting...not really clued as of yet).

You hit the nail on the head about centralization. It is time to embrace all we can that is decentralized. Even within this industry, we need to continually decentralize everything we can. That should always be our main objective.

There will be a time of megacorporations ruling the world.

With the block chain, the borders will mean nothing to the corporations, and they will take on so much power that the govern-cements will just be impotent.

But, as you say, the time of megacorporation's death is already set. As the ice-age creeps in and people become much more self reliant, THEN, the people start producing their own goods. The inter-connects become so easy that people just start trading with people. The megacorporations will just turn to ash.

Thank you for this @zoidsoft!

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