Food for thought: The common household ingredient that scientists claim is WORSE for you than sugar.

in #informationwar6 years ago

Sugar and fat are often branded as the worst foods for your health, but there's one little known cooking ingredient that scientists have raised concerns about: soybean oil.

While the name might not sound immediately familiar to most, soybean oil is actually one of the most commonly used forms of vegetable oil, meaning that is not only a staple in most homes, it is also found in a huge variety of packaged foods.

This form of vegetable oil has long been considered by many to be a healthy choice, however a study published in science journal PLOS One has highlighted a number of reasons why the popular cooking ingredient could be causing serious damage to your well-being - revealing it may actually be worse for you than sugar.

So in this study they fed mice coconut oil, soybean oil and sugar.

The first group got only coconut oil, second group got a diet with 50% soybean oil and 50% coconut oil and third and fourth group got fructose added to their diets. All had the same amount of calories so the study could accurately evaluated the effects of these different oils.


The mice on the soybean oil gained 25% more weight than the mice on the coconut oil.

The mice on the fructose diet gained only 12% more than the coconut oil.

As well as gaining weight, the mice being given the vegetable oil also showed signs of a fatty liver, diabetes, and insulin resistance.

Lead scientist Poonamjot Deol said the research outcomes showing soybean oil is causing more obesity diabetes than fructose were a 'major surprise'.

'Especially when you see headlines every day about the potential role of sugar consumption in the current obesity epidemic.'

While this scientist is surprised I for one am not surprised that coconut oil is the better fat of the two. Best fat is animal fat, second would be coconut or palm oil.

Contrary to "popular belief" AKA Big Pharma pushing propaganda down our thoats. Saturated fats are the fats your body really needs. Think about it, are you going to be better off on a diet of animal fats that's 1 million+ years old or a diet of unnatural industrial processed oils that's less than 100 years old?

Soy also contains estrogen mimickers that can disrupt the normal hormone levels in woman.

To much soy may also turn you into one of these guys. Also know as a soy boy.

It kind of seems like Big Pharma and Big Agra are working together to get us fatter so we eat more and sicker so we go to the doctor more. A win-win for corporate America.

Soy is in all sort of food products now days and if this study holds true it might mean that soy is a bigger health problem in the world than sugar. It's also worth noting that this issue is more complex than just unsaturated vs saturated or fat vs sugar because there's many different kinds of fat and many different kinds of sugars but the best advice I can give you is to stick with what's natural and the least processed. If it has to be processed it's probably going to be hard on the body to break down and void of any nutritional benefit.

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I agree with your post. Many years ago I did some reasearch into the best and worst oils to use. For years now I pretty much use coconut oil exclusively. I never go near soy products, unless accidentally / inadvertently.

All oil is bad. Soy does not feminize. It has phytoestrogen (weak estrogen) you know what else has phytoestrogens. Apples, carrots, coffee, beer, bourbon whiskey, oats, barley, flaxseed, beans, mint, yams, etc.

You know what has a lot of mammalian estrogen (like our estrogen) animal products, especially dairy.

Studies show that soy doesn't increase estrogen in males nor lowers testosterone. In fact in one soy study the men's estradiol (male estrogen) was lowered by 3%.

For every study that says soy doesn't effect hormones I can find one that says it does. So who is right?

My bet is on natural foods. Soy has only been in our diets since the 1950s.

In regards to how long we've been eating soy, you only need look to China and Japan who have been growing and can maiming soy for more than thousand years now.

It wasn't a big part of their diet a few thousand years ago. More like a spice than an actually food it might of even been grown as fertilizer for actual food crops.

Native to north-east China (Manchuria), the soybean (Glycine max) was cultivated some 3,000 years ago, The plant’s wild precursor was a recumbent vine, G. max var. ussuriensis. During the early centuries of domestication, the soybean was nothing like as important in the Chinese diet as it is today. In fact it may well have been far more useful as a fertiliser than as a food - ploughed back into the soil to enriching it for other crops such as wheat or millet. The soy plant is fortunate to be a member of a family of plants that has the ability to draw nitrogen from the air impart it into the soil through its roots thus enriching poor soils. Soybean plants may also have been rotated with other crops, for this same purpose.

Did you only read that paragraph? That was 3000 years ago. It took time but they shaped it into a nutritious and healthy bean. And have been eating it for at least a thousand years. Japan 1500 years.


How about the logical fallacy of being concerned about weak plant estrogen when meat and dairy contain 2-3 times the amount of mammalian estrogen.

IMG_2184.PNG -

Not to mention the animal waste from farms ends up putting estrogen hormone disrupters into our water systems



Factor in xenoestrogens from food packages, bottles, containers. Medications such as birth control pills is peed out and goes into our water, atrazine and other fertilizers in the water.

There's many many things that play a role but it ain't soybeans, especially when you consider all the other plant foods that contain phytoestrogen and nobody is freaking out about them. Probably because they don't pose as much of a threat to the meat and dairy and egg lobbies huh?

Now for a bit of anecdotal evidence: I eat 2 - 4 servings of organic/non-gmo soy a day for about year now. I did this because A. I did my research on soy and discovered that there were a lot of fear-mongering and myths being spread by these lobby groups. B. I wanted to prove it for myself and it hasn't changed anything about me. My body is the same and fertility and all that is good to go. Dude, soy is a superfood, 2x the protein than that of pork, calcium, iron, fiber. Low cholesterol and super versatile. So fuck yeah soy! lol.

Not sure what these so called 'soy boys' actually eat, but I really doubt that much of it is soy and any soy they might consume would likely be the non-organic, gmo processed ingredient in junk food. but still non a threat for estrogen. It's likely a combination of the other estrogen sources I mentioned plus the brainwashing from television and the indoctrination from the school system.

I'm not really buying your argument here that meat is worse than soy. I did a simple google search of estrogen in meat vs soy and found these charts.

Phytoestrogen is not like mammalian estrogen. Animal products contain both much less phytoestrogen and lots of mammalian estrogen .

That bottom chart is misleading. They are measuring two completely different types of things there.

Aren't 'simple' Google great?

You also say soy beans are nothing to worry about when it comes to Phytoestrogen.

There's many many things that play a role but it ain't soybeans, especially when you consider all the other plant foods that contain phytoestrogen

The charts show soy is very high in Phytoestrogen.

This study says Phytoestrogen lowers sperm count.

Not the best study since it's only 99 men but better than the 18 people in your study :)

Soy sure does seem like it has a bunch of problems/controversy around it compared to other vegetables.

Like I said before for every study you find claiming it's good I can find one claiming it's bad. So it's debatable who's right.

Who knows we both could be right.

Most modern soy food from soy milk to soy burgers are processed, which means they contain natural toxins called “antinutrients”. Learn what these antinutrients can do to your health and how much danger they pose. Learn why traditional, fermented soy disposes of these natural toxins to make for “healthy soy”.

Yes soy is second only to flaxseed for phytoestrogen which is a weak plant estrogen. It's like comparing tier B to the tier A estrogens from mammals. Doesn't make any sense to me.

So you stayed with scientific American and just clicked over from your last article to a tiny blurb about a study but the link only sends me to a blank PDF

Yes, there is definitely a lot of that, but you only have to look into who funding the study. The meat/dairy/egg lobbies have to smear soy the most because of the competition it offers. They are fine with it as their animal feed and as a cheap ingredient in processed foods only.

But, like I said, to prove it to myself I eat between 2-4 servings of soy a day for 1 year now. Nothing has changed, like zip, zero, zilch. I'm obviously not going to fuck myself up, if I notice something odd, I will definitely let everyone know. You can hold me to that.

I wrote a piece early on in my steemit adventure about antinutrients misconception.
I packed a lot of studies in that piece.

I wouldn't put any trust in mercola, he shills a lot and pushed a lot of bullshit and misinformation in that article.

Soy isn't de facto harmful. Phytoestrogens help to replace the increased us of estrogens in the body that cause problems. The body uses phytoestrogens instead of estrogens. Excessive estrogen in the body is the problem. Estrogens in chemicals in water is a problem. The original soy protein is not bad. Isolated soy protein isn't so good. Soy is not the demon that many claim it is.

"Soy boy" is just an insulting phrase to demean someone, not something real.

Read more about how estrogen works in the body.

Actually there's plenty of studies that show benifits and problems with soy.

Who's right? I don't know.

I do know soy isn't a natural food source. The Chinese used it as a spice like couple thousand years ago but it wasn't a main staple of their diet like it is today. It's hard to find a food product that doesn't contain soy it's all over the place now and the way they process soy to make it edible is not very healthy for ya either.

What is a natural food source? Isn't it anything that actually grows in nature? That phrase doesn't seem to hold valid meaning when applied to a plant that is a source of food and comes from nature. The way they process soy has issues, but the phytoestrogens aren't the issue themselves, they are beneficial to take the place of excess estrogens that do mess with the body. Estrogen is a hormone, and too much or little of it has effects on our physiology.


Wow! What a post.

It is really true that a healthy information warrior is going to be a much more effective warrior. This is a awesome post and really counter's the propaganda of the mainstream.

Keep up the awesomeness here @wakeupnd?

Yep you summed it up. Big Pharma and the other giant cooperations are likely a part of the Deep state movement. They're probably looking for ways to keep their exploitative cycle going

The lure of sugar and soy is a powerful one. I'm free of both but when companies make cherry cola oreos stuffed with poprocks I break my diet and have to try them. It's almost unfair lol, I want to be that fuddy duddy that bans delicious things like that until the high from the cookie poisons wear off and I feel double shame for the whole experience lol.

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