Shkle, Shklim, Shkler: Preferred Pronoun ProgrammingsteemCreated with Sketch.


Hello dear friends. I hope they had a great weekend. Hope they didn’t do anything I wouldn’t do. They know what I mean?

VenomnymouS, why are you talking like you’re mentally challenged?

They told me to.

Who did?

They did.

Crazy people?

They know it!

Okay, that’s enough.


I think you get how annoying and stupid non-binary pronouns are right? This is due to years of programming people to be mentally weak, identifying with their superimposed genders. This gives the illusion of self-importance, not based on any achievements, but for simply opposing what is normal. A false pride in merely existing. However, at the same time, this pride needs continuous support and reassurance of importance, or he/she (because there are only 2 real genders) will crumble mentally. Which is exactly why pride is 365 days a year.

The LGBT Agenda: Pride&Population Control

Anyways, I thought this crappy article does a good job (counterintuitive to its own aims) at showing just how weak these people are internally.




Congratulations! You get the Rainbow Unicorn Award of Mental Eugenics.

“More feminine than not” what does that even mean? Nothing, it’s just saying “hey everyone, look at me! I’m special!” No, you are suffering from narcissism hun. It’s not your fault entirely, you’re a victim of your entertainment mind control, social media, and your indoctrination camp (school).



“Gender Alchemist is a game inspired by classical Alchemist games as well as modern progressive movement. Users can learn over 100 genders, while simply playing a game. It is a must-have app for anyone who identifies as a progressive and non homophobic person."

Genders of course are complete nonsense. There are only two sexes. If you think otherwise perhaps you need to turn off your mind control and get out into nature.

Oh! But what about intersex people? Well no, those are people with a rare genetic disorder. Intersex features will typically be more dominant male or female, and are unable to procreate. If it were a third sex, there would be a way to reproduce. However, they are sterile and therefore not a third sex.

If you are someone that watching your agenda 2030 science news. You’ll see new discoveries of species with more than two sexes!



Oh, wow look! Multiple genders in nature! That validates everything we are saying in the lgbtpqwxyz community! Right?

VenomnymouS Presents: Is sex really a Spectrum?


Okay, noted. If I’m ever in Philadelphia. I’ll go to every bookstore except Gardner. Thanks for the tip!


Yeah I’m sure they did! Bet it wasn’t confusing for them. I’m sure everyone embraced it, and never once declared those people to be mentally ill or a witch and burn them at the stake (not condoning, just saying). 🙄

They based this on some writings by Shakespeare (fictional writing) using they in the singular. What about actual people in history? Was it ever so common that everyone used non-binary pronouns? No! Does it make sense to use non-binary pronouns in the singular? No!

Yet. we see a growing autism (both figuratively and literally) in society.

"Searyl Atli, an 8-month old Canadian child who is biologically female, is the first child in the world to have his or her gender marked as “unknown” on official documents”

“Pidgeon Pagonis” wow! lol

“When people don’t respect my pronouns, I coil up inside, I don’t feel good”. That’s because you have a weak mind. You’re identifying by your pronouns, and it has turned you into marshmallow person. What happens when a marshmallow meets a bit of heat?



Strong people are not affected by minor things. We all have our little insecurities, but we’re not sent into a state over them. Narcissism will make a person self-conscious, they just can’t handle anything that goes against their egotistical self, needing constant validation.


Yes, brainwashing on mass has never been easier.

You mean an increased ‘Over-representation’ on TeLieVision. There’s a reason why they call it ‘Programming’.

Well, Sam is most likely just playing a part. “Lifetime at war with my gender” Well, this is just how they want you to think right?

It’s not trending in all quarters? Oh, well that’s gotta change. BAN HATE! Block them haters out, right Nemis?



Mallory cross (she’s crossed!) cuts her hair short and thinks she’s very masculine.

“When I make a special effort to look that way” Well Mallory, I guess you’re not as masculine as you think. Maybe a haircut, is just a haircut? What’s wrong with holding a door open? Is that only a thing men do for women? Maybe you should be more thankful that there’s still courteous people in this world. However, that’s what you get from selfie (selfish) culture.

“Beyond Binaries” “Beyond big cities” 🤔 have you noticed beyond being used more since the beyond meat was introduced? Maybe a little programming within the programming Hmmmm?


Yes, well that’s some extra cash in the government coffers. Isn’t it?

Right! And who’s owns Merriam Webster?





Wow, just look how happy those grey people look. 😂

Oh, the mental illness isn’t reserved for non-binaries. There’s plenty of mind controlled binary people displaying their selfie-cultured narcissism.

Even those that protest the lgbt pride insanity (present company excluded), get sucked into the narcissism themselves, what with the ‘straight pride parade’.


Just look at the messaging. “It’s great to be straight” “straight lives matter”.

If you’re going around talking like that, you’re a narcissistic douchebag. Heterosexuality is just a part of life, and what makes life possible. Family, where’s the celebration of family in any of this? It’s all about ‘ME’ and ‘My Sexuality!’

This is about the Birds and the Bees, it’s about the Self and how they wanna mash their genitals around. The whole purpose of sex is what? Reproduction!

However, that’s something agenda 2030 science trying to change with their crispr babies.

Oh, Brave New Science: Same Sex Mouse Parents Birth Via Gene-Editing

Do I go around thinking how great it is to be heterosexual? No, I don’t think like a tard. I’m too busy thinking about feeding my family. I’m too busy looking at how they are programming our society into being drooling idiots.

“The oppressed majority” Well that’s just it, right? Victim programming, you’re a victim, you need pride.

And then you got your typical anti-white Nazi rhetoric. The usual nonsense.


Well of course! Of course! The Grand Marshall of the straight pride parade... is Milo Yiannopoulos, who is what? A Homosexual!


You can’t make this shit up! But they can, and this how you control and direct movements. For example: who’s the biggests critic of the transgender movement? Blair White. Do you know about Blair white? What’s Blair white? A...TRANSGENDER WOMAN! 🤣

Talk about your shills! They put their people in to lead the opposition, and you get those who protest against the lgbtpqwxyz propaganda identifing with these lgbtpqwxyz characters. It’s absolute masterful psychological warfare.

For every position, is an equal and controlled opposition.


YUP! There it is! The goal is to add the S to the LGBTQ. The synthesis of opposing sides, all in one mind controlled.

How does the left refer to its straight lgbtpqwxyz supporters? “Straight allies”

Ahhh, have you heard of the GSAs (Gay straight Alliance) that are being pushed into all the schools?


Well, In my province of Alberta, Canada, students and parents gathered in a walk out protest, on a snowy day in early March of 2019. They were speaking out against the provincial leader Jason Kenney’s (who plays the fat white (patriarchy) conservative ogre role) decision to “overturn a law that prohibits schools from telling parents when their child joins a GSA. However, Premier Jason Kenney repeated Friday that his party's plan would maintain "the strongest legal protection for gay-straight alliances in the country."

... Let that sink in.

They were protesting the right to be informed if their child joins a GSA... Well, of course they use the excuse that it puts gay youth at risk from their bigot parents.

However, it’s 2019! I don’t buy for a second, that this is a genuine issue. I think many of these students (much like the school walkouts for climate) are just using it as an excuse to get out of school. Many of the students don’t look like they really understand or care what’s going on. It’s just an excuse to skip out of school without consequence. Regardless, the message to everyone else is the problem. ALL PARENTS should know every single thing that goes on in these institutions when the doors are closed, because this is where they program your children into all the agenda 2030 ideologies of the New World Order.

Gay/Trans Sex Lessons for 5-YEAR-OLDS In UK


Political puppets just playing the part, nothing more. It’s all to promote the (lunatic) fringe above all. Then they come out with these types of stories saying: “ oh, look how this thing is growing in popularity. Don’t you wanna be a part of this trend? Look, there are even celebrities and politicians are telling us their preferred pronouns”


Predictive Programming

Much like the Simpsons (albeit not as I’m your face), Futurama has a fair bit of its own predictive programming.



Mmmhmm Does anyone remember any talk about gender pronouns in 2008? I sure don’t, but here it is!

Futurama also has a lot of stuff about robots, and probably lots of little things here and there. I don’t have the time or interest to go find them because it’s not that important.

However, another very glaring piece of programming from Futurama (that I have included in many of my posts) is the Suicide Booth.

The Elon Musk of Assisted Suicide and his Eyelid Activated Kill Pod

With that said, I think I’m gonna suicide this post and call it a day. If I don’t stop now I’ll just keep adding stuff, and this is already much much bigger than I meant it to be. Thanks to all for taking the time to read my crazy long posts. It’s very much appreciated. I hope you join for another Friday Night Frightz tomorrow. Episode 5 it’s gonna be a good one! Thanks again, and until next time.

Reporting from the BRAVE NEW WORLD! I am...


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So well done and you nailed it multiple times in this post. Re-steeming! Great job as always. Keep it up!

Well thank you! I will lol

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