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RE: Survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse Run By CIA & Mormon Church Speaks In Depth About Her Life Within MK Ultra Mind Control Program. ITNJ - 2018

in #informationwar6 years ago

The CIA agent in the video describes that 10% of the CIA is evil - from his experience - I don't know where he gets that figure from. I also don't know where the SRA survivor gets the figure from.
The figure of 10% was provided regarding the size of the freemasons too by Frater-X one of the best known researchers into them online.

Being involved in this does not mean that you yourself have actively murdered someone, there are many ways to be involved without actually killing anyone - just covering it up knowingly, would count.. Or benefiting in some way from deals/trade. The survivor here describes numerous people from the 'church' raping her who may not have ever killed anyone.

She describes how her and her sisters only really got triggered into remembering after she read Cathy O'Brian's book.. How many people have read that book? Not many.


Including everyone I think 10% is overestimated number. I know this is real and not questioning that. I read about Cathy O'Brian more then 10 years ago and I'm aware all about it. But to say that only in USA 32.5 million people is knowingly participating in this seem way to high to me.

I don't know if it is definitely an accurate figure, but it depends on where you draw the line with regards 'participating'. If you were part of a military team and you found out that something like this was going on and said nothing - then maybe you would be classed as participating.

That number is equal to half of population of United Kingdom. Just picture it. I know all can be hidden, but harder if 32 million people is involved.

I can see how it could be possible. The mind control programming works in quite a similar way to the way viruses spread through computers. One person is programmed to then program others.. None of them know they are involved. The victims are also the programmers! I think that is where a significant amount of the number comes from.

We can only speculate about number, but it's not important in the end. Only important thing is to expose this mentally sick people.

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