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in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

In the video below: Melissa of ‘Truthstream Media’ delves deep into the ritualistic practice of the scapegoat sacrifice and how it ties into Epstein’s “suicide.” I am familiar with the Judaic practice of sacrificing animals to “appease God,” and I’ve always had philosophical qualms with the concept. For starters, there is one if not more bible scriptures which show that the smell of burning animal flesh pleases the giant swinging penis in the sky.

As a devourer of animals, however moral or immoral that maybe, I can comprehend this. What I cannot comprehend is how or why outside of “God’s green earth” a non-corporal entity who does not eat meat, or have a body, would enjoy the smell of steak, or for that matter, why it would identify as a male or a female seeing as how formless spiritual entities do not have genitalia. And please, let’s not start with the gender is fluid stuff; we all know that doesn’t go back as far as bible times. You had your men, you had your women, and you had your eunuchs. Anyway, I’ll just put those questions on the back burner for now and continue with my thought stream on this hare video.

One thing that I found of particular interest was how Melissa tied in the act of sacrifice with the cremation of care and spoke to the “transference of evil.” So in the bible, it was the people that sinned against God. By some magic, they transferred their evil acts unto the animal, and the animal paid the ultimate price for the man’s sins. I later found out that these burnt (or cooked) offerings were many times eaten by the priest class and also consumed by those who made the sacrifice. So it wasn’t necessarily a total loss per se or a true sacrifice. Perhaps it was a barbecue? How many of you would attend more barbecues if they not only sated your appetite but also thoroughly cleansed your conscience?

VIDEO: YouTube.com/user/jointhebibleproject | Another point of view on "burnt offerings."

One additional factor in animal sacrifices is that they reserved the fat of the meat for God, and I don’t know how to interpret that. Did they burn the fat to a cinder on the alter, or cook it to perfection and serve the priest class the higher quality, marbled meats? Also, I’m sure if they gave the middlemen these higher-quality cuts of meat, these people of the cloth had some way, or portal, by which they could hand-deliver these sacred parts of the cow to God for his enjoyment.. right? Is it just me, or am I overthinking some of this stuff?

Later in the video, Melissa mentions cognitive dissonance and explains how we get programmed en masse to engage in doublethink. What this means is that they condition us to believe in opposite ideas about various things. These competing-ideas end up either short-circuiting our brains or they are in such contradiction to one another, that when you believe in both, they cancel each other out (+1 + -1 = 0). To drive this home, she points to a few examples using recent mainstream media news articles. The video is deep and well-worth watching. I watch all of Truthstream Media’s videos and appreciate the duo’s superb talent.

VIDEO: YouTube.com/user/TRUTHstreammedia

The image above is public domain via Wikipedia.


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