My Thoughts on LeBron James' Recent CommentssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

As you can see below, LeBron compared professional football players to slaves because they’re expected to do what the boss says. This is both hilarious and curious. The hilarious part was that he unwittingly described what a normal job is like. This, despite the fact that he probably never had one. I only make such a bold guess because Nike’s first deal with James was for 90 million and this was while he was attending Catholic high school.


"In the NFL they got a bunch of old white men owning teams and they got that slave mentality. And it’s like, ‘This is my team. You do what the fuck I tell y’all to do. Or we get rid of y’all." — LeBron James

So I think it’s probably safe to estimate that he doesn’t have much experience in the business world as an employee outside of professional basketball, and that might explain why he has the audacity to come up with the ridiculous notion that a professional athlete worth millions can even remotely be compared to a slave.

That aside, there are a couple more things I’d like to point out about the comment before getting to the important stuff. Take note at how again we have another celebrity-talking-head making the allusion that white men are the devil. This is a very common theme among social justice whiners and all the other intersectional fuckwits they roll with.

There’s this constant pitter-patter in the background that the lying media is hell-bent on selling you and that's the idea that the white devil exists. He’s all around you, and he’s the source of all of your problems. Feels good doesn’t it — having a donkey to pin the tail of all blame on? At this point, It wouldn’t at all surprise me if there were a concerted effort to make the Nation of Islam America’s national religion.

Now that I’ve brought religion into the crux lets reexamine his statement in the context of how he meant it. LeBron said what he said with Colin Kaepernick in mind, specifically in reference to how the NFL persuades its employees to observe the national anthem or else. After some presidential pressure, standing for the national anthem has essentially become required if a player wants to remain employed in the NFL.

This doesn’t sit right with a lot of people, hell it doesn’t sit right with me. Slavery isn’t the best analogy for it though, I see it more like a violation of an individual’s first amendment rights. More specifically, freedom of religion, or freedom from religion if you will. Should acts of obeisance be compelled as a condition of employment? I think not.

The NFL is setting a pretty large national example. How would you feel if you went into work and just prior to the start of the day you were forced to stand for the national anthem and or recite the pledge? I think a fair argument can be made that these are acts of worship, and likely something that only Statists would feel comfortable doing.

You are free in America to worship any religion that you please. Along with this freedom comes baked in the cake the right not to worship. They get away with it at first in the schools and trick you into being an unwitting statist because kids are dumb and they, for the most part, do not comprehend politics. Yet as for adults, the government and corporations don't even try to pull that shit; they know better than too, save for the NFL, and we’ll see where that goes.

The way I see it, one day a football player will successfully argue before the supreme court that compelled acts of obeisance as a condition of employment is a violation of their right to freedom of religion. The only problem with the above hypothetical scenario is their very presence in the court may be an indicator that they are, in fact, a statist after all. Paradoxical right? Can one claim they're not a religious-statist and also try to lay claim to the rights of the people as listed in the constitution?

I’m going to venture the answer to this is a resounding yes, and I’ll explain why. These United States of America were founded in 1776 and it wasn’t until 1892, 116 years later, that the socialist Francis Bellamy penned the Pledge of Allegiance. Then, thirty-nine years after that Francis Scott Key’s Star-Spangled Banner poem from eighteen fourteen was adopted as the national anthem in 1931.

The point is, these acts of worship were instituted well after the founding of the country and the relevant section of U.S. code says that people should do this, and they should do that. However, in law, the word ‘should’ does not oblige or compel performance in the way that ‘must’ is interpreted. Basically, everything in the below two codes is nothing more than a mere suggestion for Americans who are not in the military.

So yeah, the government can be a religion if you willingly choose to worship it by performing those acts. You can also bow to a king and kiss a godfather's ring with submissive acts of adulation if you so choose. The interesting aspect to early programming involving these customs is that the children (and later adults) who perform these gestures are largely unaware they are engaging in acts of worship, or idolatry if you will, depending on whether or not one subscribes to a religion.

36 U.S. § 171

"During rendition of the national anthem when the flag is displayed, all present except those in uniform should stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Men not in uniform should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Persons in uniform should render the military salute at the first note of the anthem and retain this position until the last note. When the flag is not displayed, those present should face toward the music and act in the same manner they would if the flag were displayed there." – U.S. Code

4 U.S. Code § 4

"The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”, should be rendered by standing at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. When not in uniform men should remove any non-religious headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Persons in uniform should remain silent, face the flag, and render the military salute." – U.S. Code


Slavery is major league different than an agreement to accept salary in a pay for play arrangement. The entire economic system is slavery to the worship of the almighty dollar. When we lose this economy, let's do something different to not revive it. We need a knew weigh. Qell writte, and well thought, thanks.

Thank you Lenny and very good point, bankster worship indeed.
I hope we've become creative enough to find a better weigh!

Take note at how again we have another celebrity-talking-head making the allusion that white men are the devil.

I find it telling that so many flock to the lands of the devil. The border is crossed a lot (as I report on my blog) by many seeking to have this oppression that they talk of (not talking about the trafficking).

Obviously there IS a lot of oppression taking place as the government demands more obedience daily. Permission to do most everything as they have allowed flavored poison to be called food, poison to be called medicine, etc. It surprises me how many do not understand they act as if they own us now as they pretend to offer an out if you but support your brand of acting (left or right).

One of the greatest mind ops they do to us is getting citizens to parrot that all these bombs and occupations abroad somehow preserves our freedoms here (freedom to be told what to do and how to do it). It is like a religion what they have pulled off with their mind ops since the first world war ( I say first although I think the first and second were the same war, they all just went into their corners for a breather).

In the same respect, sports has also become a religion. A place where people like LeBron can make a fortune as millions chant his name and pay tribute. Kaeperneck not so much, as he never had the skill set like that. One need only look to those like Michael Vick to understand much is forgiven if they have the ability to make the millions cheer.

Well said my friend, and when it comes to sports we say "bread and circuses for the masses" In the UK that is.

Indeed, sports has become very much like a
religion. Did you see Corbett's three-part report
on WWI?
It's pretty mind-blowing stuff, almost too
much to process. He may end up doing a similar report
on WWII as well. I'll need to watch it a few more times
myself in order to get it to sink in. It gets into the conspiracy
that was-or-is the Round table movement, Alfred Milner, etc.

I have not seen it. Will mark it to watch when I have time, thanks.

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