Fascism in the USA is on the rise, while the majority remain silent.

in #informationwar6 years ago

There is an ongoing class war in the USA.

We see it in the streets where our veterans sleep, we see it in the hospitals who dump patients on the roadside if they are uninsured or homeless, we see it in the mortgage industry who makes loans to the poor designed to fail.


This class war is being waged by a small group of people who own the vast majority of the country.

These oligarchs hide behind corrupt politicians and sellout law enforcement agencies. The class war has been ratcheting up for decades. The people who have their hands on the levers of power have been slowly pulling the social safety net to pieces and portraying those who need to rely on welfare as leeches. Meanwhile the wealthy class of people push down wages while raising the cost of living.

This group of greedy individuals has it within their ability to flip elections, deploy our soldiers, or cut off water to megatropolises. An example of the power that they wield is easily viewable in the city of Seattle where Jeff Bezos’s company leaned on the city council to quash a tax which would have helped to make rent affordable for the poverty stricken people in the area. The tax wouldn’t have hurt the billionaire much, but the greed of these types of people is beyond imagining. They are willing to profit off of concentration camps and weapons of mass destruction. Of course they would be willing to profit off of your detention too.

The part of this which is difficult for most folks to wrap their heads around is that they are not one of these elites. The people on top have convinced the people on the bottom that they are under attack from the people at the very bottom. The ruling class has turned the population of the USA against the poor in a dramatic fashion. They have cities passing quality of life laws to allow the round up and detention of the homeless. They have released the banksters from accountability for their wrong doing. They have and continue to ruin our democracy through the erosion of free speech and fundamental human rights.

This is a vast generalization, I know. It is to a certain extent vague because the people in power hide themselves through the use of media and politics. They don’t have to set foot in a public spaces, their handlers keep them at all times behind private security and on private property. The power mongers use their wealth to avoid accountability and to shift blame. They earn their daily bread on blood and soil. It is their goal to create an ethnically pure state, and they are unabashedly pursuing it with rabid fervor.

This reality has become more plain and inescapable as the days go by. The marching of Nazis in the streets of the USA with police protection is an example of the extent to which the ruling class has been effective in manipulating the thoughts and feelings of the public. The use of xenophobia and blatant lies in media has been quite effective, by and large the people continue to consume toxic media despite the fact that it is radicalizing them against each other. Social media sites like Facebook have been used to create genocides, yet we continue to put our hearts and minds in the filthy hands of their algorithms.


It’s beyond our ability to question the larger narrative being peddled by these oligarchs. They have created a situation where casting doubt on their behaviors is met with the label of conspiracy theory.

Speaking out about documented fact, which has been the subject of university level analyzation can be construed by the media as extreme, liberal, uneducated or just plain stupid and the masses believe with pie eyed ignorance of verifiable fact.

The use of the term Fake News has led to an environment where doubting the mainstream narrative is the norm. People don’t believe the media when it doesn’t fit their needs. The right says that the media is leftist, biased and false. It is a tool of oppression, regardless of which side you are on. The media IS a tool of oppression.

We accept the media’s shortcomings. We make excuses for continuing to consume their toxic fares. Whether it’s Facebook using algorithms to isolate people and induce depression, or the use of newspaper and TV reporting to radicalize people in their hatred of the poor and disenfranchised, the media continues to serve the interests of the ruling class who own these outlets. At one point our country had rules and laws against too much media consolidation. These safeguards were put in place to protect the media’s ability to hold accountable the very people who now use the media to eliminate accountability.


The challenge for the common person in the USA is to stay aware of the fact that they are not safe. It’s difficult to imagine our government launching a modern day genocide.

This is quite clearly what is happening. Because they haven’t directly targeted us we choose to allow the march towards fascism to continue largely unchallenged. The people who do make principled stands against Fascist America are called outliers and isolated by their peers for views which run counter to the dominant narrative. This can be seen in the example of people who were calling for the closure of secret prisons in Chicago. The existence of Homan Square as a detention center was hidden for years. Neither the media nor the political class touched the subject. The people who had suffered torture and illegal detention were out in the streets for months calling for accountability. As far as I know the use of a Black Site in the USA has gone unpunished. The people who were tortured and illegally detained by the fascist police forces inside of the Chicago police department have not received justice. The closure of one Black Site is not enough, surely the use of these tactics continues, only in a different location.

The agenda to depopulate the world is no secret, but the people who are involved in the plan have been able to distract the public from the ongoing class war with all that sparkles and shines. Our short attention span has allowed our focus to be easily manipulated. Kardashians and jackets, Stormy Daniels and the latest football team to take a stand with fascism contend for our attention, while the facts of our oppression are obscured by the betrayal of facts on behalf of our so called “Free Press”.


Currently the ruling class has their puppets in place all across the country. They are our banksters, lawyers and politicians. They are our judges and district attorneys.

They are the people who give passes to pedophiles while simultaneously punishing to the fullest extent of the law the poverty stricken. These gatekeepers make certain that the people who are playing ball with the ruling class are able to escape the drudgery of red tape that hamstring the rest of us. They are the people who allow geocide while punishing anyone who would try to halt dangerous infrastructure. The ruling class has in place unelected bodies which form policy to curtail liberties and enhance corporate freedoms. Organizations like the National Chamber Of Commerce advocate fascism dressed up as corporatism and in the guise of aiding the economy. The effect is that small business people are choked out by regulations and enforcement which mega corporations are able to brush off as little more than a slap on the wrist. These same gatekeeper and policy makers who take crumbs from the table of the ruling class are the ones who see the poverty stricken as disposable and unworthy of basic human rights.

It is part of the human condition to have empathy. We have survived as a species as a result of these conditioned responses. Our reaction to a crying baby, or a scream of terror which have been built over thousands of years are being altered. The people who control the narrative want us to feel like anyone who isn’t white and rich deserves the suffering which the ruling class have inflicted. There couldn’t be a much clearer example of the people who are worthy of survival than the images which are presented to us on screens large and small. Watch for a moment or two with a skeptical eye and you will see that the beautiful people paraded in front of us on soap commercials or on the pharmaceuticals commercials are wealthy, white and privileged. This is a clear example of class war. The portrayal of who is lovable and what is “right and good” through the lens of an advertiser. When you wake up to the images shown as good and worthwhile you will begin to notice the dominance of white people in media. It is no accident.


Racism is built into every level of society, it affects education, healthcare and finance. The ruling class will not give raises and promotions to people of color.

Bankster prevent people of color from getting home loans, redlining neighborhoods is considered a crime, a crime which the wealthy inflict on the poor with little consequence. Meanwhile the land they are selling was stolen from indigenous people through trickery, deception and the use of deadly force. The ruling class considers people who lack certain parentage as being throw away people. If you didn’t arrive on a certain ship, during a certain year, with certain parents, then you are considered less than. You are not the equal to those who are in control.

As a citizenry we have a long history of standing aside while genocide continues. We are the people who have allowed this country to arrive at this point in history. Many of us have been in the streets calling for change. We have been in touch with our politicians. Many of us have been in the streets gathering signatures, filing petitions and actively uplifting the downtrodden. We answer the calls to action. We are the people who are not contented to see our flawed democracy become a full blown fascist state.

We are mad as hell, and we are not going to take it anymore.

Thanks for reading this far!

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