The Not The Ministry of Truth News, The Clintons on Fire Edition, 1/6/2018

in #informationwar7 years ago (edited)

This last week has provided those of us who defend liberty with some good news!

Making the assumption that these upcoming investigations are not kabuki theatre, the promised storm may be seen approaching the shores!

the former FBI director leaked “at least one” classified memo to a professor friend shortly after his firing.

Danny Coulson, former Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI, had this to say

The FBI is not a corrupt institution. Jim Comey and his minions brought the question of corruption into FBI

Nunes, who spoke by phone with Rosenstein Wednesday evening, ordered the agencies to comply with subpoenas compelling it to produce fully unredacted records of conversations that could shed light on accusations the FBI pursued the investigation in a partisan and unfair manner,

Nunes's Letter to Rosenstien

The materials we are requesting are vital to the Committee's investigation of potential abuses into intelligence and law enforcement agencies' handling of the Christopher Steele dossier. The Committee is extremely concerned by indications that top U.S. Government officials who were investigating a presidential campaign relied on unverified information that was funded by the opposing political campaign and was based on Russian sources

Gee, ya think?

The committee also is seeking to determine how much the FBI relied upon and potentially helped disseminate an anti-Trump intelligence dossier produced by the research firm Fusion GPS.

That is the is the meat


The emails were forced out after a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit from Judicial Watch and reveal that not only did Abedin have at least five emails on the computer and Clinton's unsecured private server which were classified, they were more than likely hacked by foreign adversaries because she used a Yahoo account.

For the first time, investigators say they have secured written evidence that the FBI believed there was evidence that some laws were broken when the former secretary of State and her top aides transmitted classified information through her insecure private email server, lawmakers and investigators told The Hill.

The Daily Beast quoted Justice Department officials close to Attorney General Jeff Sessions who “described it as an effort to gather new details on how Clinton and her aides handled classified material.”

the probe is examining whether the Clintons promised or performed any policy favors in return for largesse to their charitable efforts or whether donors made commitments of donations in hopes of securing government outcomes.
The probe may also examine whether any tax-exempt assets were converted for personal or political use and whether the foundation complied with applicable tax laws, the officials said.

Don't Forget Seth Rich

While the FBI is announcing investigations in Clinton's Espionage Act violations and also into The Clinton Foundation, let's make sure Seth Rich is investigated as well!

I am past the point of LOCK THEM UP, we should be thinking in terms of STRING THEM UP instead...

My Books


@stevescoins, any way of getting hold of your books for someone that does not have a Kindle. Is it possible to purchase an online PDF copy?

sure; I'll even give you a deal; both books for 1 STEEM. shoot me a message on (stevescoins) with your email. the COINTELPRO book is already in PDF, I'll have to take some time on Tuesaday to set Home To Texas into PDF

and thnaks!

I sent you both books, let me know if there is an issue!

and thank you!

Curated for #informationwar by @stevescoins
Relevance: #fakenews, deep state
Our Purpose

Me gustó mucho este post. Saludos amigo.

gracias amigo

Aprovecho la oportunidad para invitarte a pasar por mi blog. Seria de gran ayuda mi hermano!

If this band of crooks will be brought to justice it must be NOW or never!

I am of the same thoughts, but I'm also reminended of the the Zen master who kept saying "we shall see" ;>

Doesn't mean we shouldnt be LOUD about demanding justice!!!

Again and again you're doing great with news

thank you for reading

There are lots of rumors going around at the moment concerning all the unpinged /logged flights headed to Guantanamo...

And Mattis was there, days before Christmas.

And gitmo has been expanded over the last few months, also..

Military tribunals?
We live in hope

Honestly, I don't think Trump could make a good/legal argument for tribunals (if you have some PLEASE let me have them, b/c that would be the best way to avoid deepstate/leftist/globalist subversion of the judicial system - although I have seen some indicators that the JAG system is polluted with the same sort, as well)

when I was in the ChairForce, in the seventies, I had a security clearance.
If I'd done anything like that I'd STILL be in Leavenworth.

which is part of the gall about it

Informative and well written post, Thanks for sharing @stevescoins

Thanks for the post. I live in hope!

the clintons are always in the news

but hopefully, this time, they'll pay for their crimes

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