OSINT Day Two - Mandalay Bay Casino Shooting

I hesitated to open a new thread, but that is the nature of Steemit. This is a continuation of mine and @dwinblood's posts from yesterday:
OSINT exercise - Mandalay Bay Casino Shooting
The Las Vegas Shooting - What kind of information is coming out?

Sadly to say, very few of the questions we asked have been answered, and additional question have been raised. Even a neocon like David French has raised an eyebrow at the strangeness of the situation
Based on the Early Reports, the Las Vegas Shooting Is Very, Very Strange

On my own part, I am holding back on conclusions at this time; I haven't' even sorted out the info on these posts yet.

Please label your comment as SOURCE, THEORY, or QUESTION before the rest of the comment, as we continue to seek out FACTS.

I concur


On the tactical level, there are still many unanswered questions as well as facts that just don't seem to add up about the psycho who did this. Yes it's only been 24 hours but sad to say, considering the corruption and politicization of our LE and intel agencies, I fear there is a mad scramble to cover up embarrassing truths, i.e. the shooter was a Leftist or an Islamic convert. Note, there is so far zero proof of any of that. But, for the reasons stated, I am concerned that we may never know how and why a slaughter of this magnitude could have happened. I am not a conspiracy theorist; a perfect storm of laxness and incompetence could have greased the wheels and in all probability that is what happened. It still leaves the big question unanswered: WHY?

On a political level, we are sadly forced down into a raging sewer by the Left who will ambulance-chase this horrific tragedy, as is their eternal wont, to try to gain political advantage and take away what's left of our freedoms. I wish them a speedy and direct route to the Infernal Reaches.

Origination of some bad info

We saw some bad info being replicated yesterday

A) The first was that Paddock was a Leftist

There seems to have been some confusion between Marilou's ex-husband and Paddock

B) There were early reports that he was a Muslim convert; that seems to have been the result of an Israeli newspaper that got suckered by the Sam Hyde did it meme that's gone around after several of these mass murder/terror attacks (see the Bustle link in the references on the main post)

However, ISIS is claiming that he was a convert from months ago; whether they were capitalizing on the early wrong reports, or whether he is a convert is something to look at.

ISIS is continuing to take claim for the attack:

More sources (Hat tip to Ace of Spades)

The President Is Right
Vegas Shooter Had Interest in Video Poker, Real Estate and Guns
Gowdy: "Difficult to Believe a Single Person Could Have Done This Without Detection"
Robert Spencer: Scant Reason to Doubt ISIS's Claim of Responsibility
Huckabee-Sanders Rips Into National Hemorrhoid Hillary
Cruel, Heartless Left Goes Political, Blood-Libels NRA with Victims Barely Cold
Mark Kelly Dances on the Dead
Giant Lipid Mass Wins Gold Medal in Vegas Massacre Scumbag Olympics
Amoral Harridan Lectures Spineless Political Functionary on Morality, or Something
Rush Caller: FBI Rules Out ISIS in Less Than 24 Hours Yet Still Looking for Russia-Trump Collusion

Gun Control

The Left has wasted no time dipping it's hands in the blood of the victims yet again

IMO, the filth of the Left is pushing for a civil war. Whatever happens to them can not be too horrific.

Please label your comment as SOURCE, THEORY, or QUESTION before the rest of the comment, as we continue to seek out FACTS.


IMO, the filth of the Left is pushing for a civil war. Whatever happens to them can not be too horrific.

By any means possible.

  • Race War (Travon Martin, Cops acted foolishly, Baltimore, Hand up Don't Shoot, etc...)
  • Cop War vs Civilian War
  • City vs Rural (Bitter clingers)
  • Religious (bakers, bathrooms, etc)
  • Rich vs Poor (Occupy Wallstreet, Black Bloc, AntiFa, etc)

And now, the oldy, but goody; gun violence.
The truth of the matter is, they don't want "gun control", they want "control". Getting rid of the guns, helps them get the control. That's why they pounced on the narrative so quickly. It doesn't matter if the guy turns out to be a pink vagina hat wearing douche, they want to spread the seeds of doubt as soon as possible to keep the anger against those who disagree with a total gun ban.

What they don't seem to get, is that if they did get to the point of door to door confiscation, it would start the civil war they want, but their side is poorly armed.

looks like a good start to a post; if you run with this, post the link here ;>

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Question: how many of the dead and injured were shot? How many were trampled by the crowd?

good question:
somebody ought to check out the local hospitals

Note that the suspect is unlikely the shooter - as evidnce has emerged proving that there (also) was a shooter at the fourth floor.

Sorors - Antifa - Cllinton.

I just watched those two vids; compelling. I resteemed @ura-soul's post with the vids

There are claims that this light is a strobe light, and not muzzle-flash

  • Windows can't be opened
  • Light doesn't match sound of gunfire
  • a strobe light can be seen behind a reporter later

Counter claims

  • Windows on lower floors CAN be opened
  • Distance and behind windows distorts sound wave
  • A strobe light can be place after the fact
  • no muzzle flash can be seen from 32nd floor

I posted about this earlier... Two vids- one eyewitness said 10th floor and police chatter saying about halfway up and another saying a third.

QUESTION(s): Why are no details regarding the span between when he rented the room and his stay?

Why are they so slow to report the makes/models/calibers of weaponry found? (There are some pictures floating around now)

Followed and resteemed.

SOURCE: So the girlfriend is back from the Philippines..in a wheelchair. She could have shackles on I suppose.

Manually curated and resteemed by @openparadigm for

By the way pal... Thanks for quoting everybody else on steemit but me.

Sorry Rich, just going by what I see on my feeds; I've taken some time off too, so you probably hit the feed while I was guzzlng coffee

push your links here! then I'll see em for sure


We are going to find out that this is a political (anti-Trump) attack rather than an Islamic (religious) attack, even with ISIS claiming responsibility. I suspect this is a follow up to the baseball diamond shooting. Interesting that Scalise just received a standing ovation at the house and he's being treated as a hero and martyr. This must really irritate those who have become unbalanced by the last election. This could 'trigger' a seemingly non-violent leftist to take extreme violent action.

Country music festivals are stereotypically thought of as a bunch of red-neck hicks clinging to their guns and religion, even though in reality it's a mixed crowd. If a shooter was looking for an opportunity to initiate a "war on Trump", he may have seen this gathering as a prime target.

MSM will not even speculate about Steven Paddock's political history. They're keeping strangely quiet about it. We usually hear the MSM use the words "right-wing" and "terror" when they have evidence that there is any association that direction. They have nothing.

Why won't they tell us if he's registered as a Democrat or Republican? They know, but are not telling us.

MSM is always trying to control the flow of information to maintain their narrative. The evidence isn't in yet, but analyzing the information we are being fed, we can get hints as to what they already know and are trying to suppress from us in order to maintain and further their narrative. Eventually the truth will leak out and they will back peddle. @ironshield

well stated; you may want to post this as a blog...if you do, link it here, and i'll come back to vote for it

Hello @stevescoins, I did a post on my theory about the Vegas shooter being a leftist.


I'll have something by this evening. Thanks! @ironshield

I don't get it.. people just don't snap and kill 58 people. This is crazy.. the world is nuts.

could be a brain tumor, could be a terror op that is being covered up, could be a false flag.

After seeing the vids of the 4th floor muzzle flashes, though, "false flag" has more credibility atm

and snap?

if this guy did it, he took the time to build an aresenal of illegal weapons

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