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RE: OSINT Day Two - Mandalay Bay Casino Shooting

in #informationwar7 years ago


We are going to find out that this is a political (anti-Trump) attack rather than an Islamic (religious) attack, even with ISIS claiming responsibility. I suspect this is a follow up to the baseball diamond shooting. Interesting that Scalise just received a standing ovation at the house and he's being treated as a hero and martyr. This must really irritate those who have become unbalanced by the last election. This could 'trigger' a seemingly non-violent leftist to take extreme violent action.

Country music festivals are stereotypically thought of as a bunch of red-neck hicks clinging to their guns and religion, even though in reality it's a mixed crowd. If a shooter was looking for an opportunity to initiate a "war on Trump", he may have seen this gathering as a prime target.

MSM will not even speculate about Steven Paddock's political history. They're keeping strangely quiet about it. We usually hear the MSM use the words "right-wing" and "terror" when they have evidence that there is any association that direction. They have nothing.

Why won't they tell us if he's registered as a Democrat or Republican? They know, but are not telling us.

MSM is always trying to control the flow of information to maintain their narrative. The evidence isn't in yet, but analyzing the information we are being fed, we can get hints as to what they already know and are trying to suppress from us in order to maintain and further their narrative. Eventually the truth will leak out and they will back peddle. @ironshield


well stated; you may want to post this as a blog...if you do, link it here, and i'll come back to vote for it

Hello @stevescoins, I did a post on my theory about the Vegas shooter being a leftist.

I'll have something by this evening. Thanks! @ironshield

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