[Pure Speculation] A Theory About the Vegas Shooting

in #informationwar7 years ago (edited)

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I could be completely wrong and may be proven so quickly over the days and weeks to come.

The Las Vegas murders have inspired a lot of speculation since speculation is pretty much all anyone has right now. Political operatives on both sides of the spectrum want to claim the other side is responsible, so all reporting has to be taken with a serious pinch of salt, an eye toward past performance during other related crises and an understanding of the biases coming from different commentators.

The Main Stream Media's Shtick

Source - Dictionary.com

In past shootings, there have been a few characteristics of the MSM reporting before facts emerge.

If the fact-finders at the MSM networks suspect the shooter might be Islamic/ISIS-affiliated, we usually see a great reluctance to report the shooter's name and we hear a lot about how we shouldn't rush to judgement before the authorities confirm that terrorism was the cause. The knowledge that the shooter was shouting "Allahu Ackbar" as he mowed down anyone he could comes out fairly slowly considering that must have been one of the first facts the witnesses on the ground reported.

If the shooter was a person of color, we see a great reluctance to publish any pictures of the attacker and we hear about how such violence can be inspired by poor economic circumstances that cause such frustration such attacks should just be expected. In one case recently, the attacker's photograph was even altered to make him appear "less black" in the initial reporting of his attack on multiple police officers.

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If the shooter was white, we usually quickly hear the name and see the face of the shooter accompanied by information on local militia groups, preppers, tea party activists, NRA affiliations and speculation that Rush Limbaugh's radio show is so popular among white people that he may have inspired the hate causing the attack.

In all cases of the last scenario in the past years - my memory really only goes back to the Oaklahoma City bombing, so that's where my frame of reference starts - it eventually comes out that the shooter has no affiliations to typical right-wing organizations and causes and is often either apolitical or even loyal to the political left. They have not been Christian, as is often initially speculated, but often atheistic, sometimes even involved in satanic worship (as in the case of Senator Gifford's shooter).

A Middle Aged White Man

Because the initial reporting of the Las Vegas attack followed the third pattern - we were quickly told Steven Paddock's name and shown his face, displaying he was clearly a middle-aged white man - I believe we are going to find out that this is a political (anti-Trump) attack rather than an Islamic (religious) attack, even with ISIS claiming responsibility.

Stephen Paddock - Vegas Shooter

What Gets a Fanatical Shooter Shooting?

I suspect this is a follow up to the baseball diamond shooting. It is interesting that Steve Scalise just received a standing ovation on the House floor and he's being treated as a hero.

This must really irritate those who have become unbalanced by the last election. It could 'trigger' a seemingly non-violent leftist to take extreme violent action, although reports filtering through as today moves on show a degree of planning on Paddock's part that indicates he had this kind of action in mind longer than the few days it's been since Steve Scalise came back to his job.

James Hodgkinson - Washington Shooter

Buncha Red-Necks Clinging to their Guns and Religion

Country music festivals are stereotypically thought of as a bunch of red-neck hicks clinging to their guns and religion, even though in reality it's a mixed crowd. If a shooter was looking for an opportunity to initiate a "war on Trump", he may have seen this gathering as a prime target.

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It's interesting that today the MSM has definitely latched onto this fact but instead of speculating about Steven Paddock's reasoning for shooting into the crowd, they are acting as if such action is somehow understandable and are instead discussing whether this will make President Trump actually unhappy about the murders instead of just faking it as he is supposedly doing when it comes to the hurricane tragedy in Puerto Rico.

Why So Quiet?

The MSM will not even speculate about Steven Paddock's political history. They're keeping strangely quiet about it. We usually hear the MSM use the words "right-wing" and "terror" when they have evidence that there is any association that direction. In this case, they have told us a variety of publicly-available details such as Paddock's lapsed medical license and information about his real estate properties and gambling debts. They haven't mentioned (at least, not that I'm aware of) an easily-available public detail...

Is Steven Paddock registered to vote and if so, with what affiliation?

Why won't they tell us if he's registered as a Democrat or Republican? I suspect they know, but are not telling us. It's an obvious conclusion that someone of a leftist persuasion might be more likely to target a supposed holdout for right-leaning voters like a country music festival. What's interesting is the reluctance to confirm this and the lack of interest in why a difference in politics should inspire someone to massacre a bunch of people.

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It's a Game to the MSM

The MSM is always trying to control the flow of information to maintain their narrative. The evidence isn't in yet, but analyzing the information we are being fed, we can get hints as to what they already know and are trying to suppress from us in order to maintain and further their narrative.

Their narrative at present is that the rage against the right side of the political spectrum is understandable, expected and defendable. If anything truly despicable like this happens, guns are at fault and should be removed from any citizen's hands.

It's an interesting side note that this particular man was willing to modify legal guns to become something that's been banned for many years: a fully automatic weapon (or at least, a simulated one). One wonders if guns were made completely illegal if someone like Steven Paddock might have the savvy to just manufacture his own from scratch, which makes all the gun control in the world completely pointless.

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Eventually the truth will leak out and the MSM is going to have to start telling the facts they actually know, but they probably won't do that until they've beaten their wished-for points into everyone's heads and obscured the actual truth about what happened. They are probably simply hoping for a next big story that will overshadow the emerging details about Paddock's deadly rampage and are treading water until it happens.

MSM Loves to Tell Us How To Think

This gem is circulating from the famous and trendy propaganda rag "The New Yorker":

I think I may know the answer to this...


..that's embarrassing.

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I think it is also interesting that is was a musical event, like the Ariana Grande concert, recently here in Manchester UK. Makes the conspiracy theorist in me wonder if there is more to this network of terror than meets the eye. And that is a very scary thought.

It's a sad but true fact, that music concerts effective are targets for mass shootings or bombings. Lots of people, crowded together. Drinking. Light show. Loud music.

I'm speculating that this is a "war on Trump culture" shooting, but we're just not allowed enough evidence to know for sure. The evidence displayed via cell phones and the police scanner is far more reliable than the story we're being sold.. i mean told.

This post is purely theory/opinion/speculation based on very limited information.


There could be another layer at work here. Something akin to 'Fast and Furious' and no, I don't mean the movies! =D

I think it is frowned upon to do this, so feel free to correct me but I have some details here:

Great take on the lack of information. My opinion is that they want to slowly release in order to control the narrative. Given the lack of evidence, it's completely plausible that I'm wrong.

Ya that's why it's always "a developing story*, they leak a little out at a time to see what sticks and what the reaction is, so they can change adapt and distract as they build the "facts"

Absolutely! They develop a strategy on how to best integrate the story with their master narrative. @ironshield

"How can we best twist the truth in order to push our agenda?" - CNN

Good work!the media's story doesn't add up to me, maybe there was more than one shooter? Either way, they always find a way to push their gun control narrative

The shattered glass on the side of the building would not give the best view of the crowd, it's possible he was also targeting something or someone in that direction. @ironshield

The silence coming from the FBI suggests that his situation was more complex than a simple political/religious nut.

Personally, I think it was likely that he was an international arms dealer considering the huge amount of (possibly laundered) gambling money he was spending and receiving alongside his wire transfers to the Philippines.

I think he possibly had his weapons cache hijacked by some shady individuals. He surely wouldn't need to have 21 assault rifles to carry out the attack?

That's quite possible. It will be interesting to watch as things continue to unfold. Just can't be distracted by the next big nothing burger. @ironshield

Thanks for sharing this. Be it is true or not, lives have been lost :(

Have they? We are told they were but is there proof other than pictures? We were told a bunch of kids died at Sandy Hook yet no one ever saw any dead bodies there.

Good read. Makes me want to do my own investigating on this guy.

It's a very strange story, the facts presented from witnesses does not add up to the story we are being told. @ironshield

Glad to see you are still on here @ironshield . I thought you had left for awhile. Very interesting point of view and I believe very true. It's all about control of the masses. Scare everyone to freely give up their rights, guns and privacy to be governed, monitored and controlled by the government. The Deep state and others funding all this want Trump out of the way. To them he is a thorn in their side. Trump being elected messed up all the plans for a One world order. Things are just out of control and the left will not stop until Trump and Pence are removed from power and they can proceed to dismantle this country. To find the truth always look the other way. They distract and misinform many while overshadowing one tragedy with another. To know the truth just remember that "What's good is bad and what's bad will be good in this world. Everything will be opposite. May God help us all!

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto [them that are] wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight! Woe unto [them that are] mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink: Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, [so] their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the LORD of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel. Isaiah 5:20-24

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil, they have cast away the law of the LORD of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel !


We are not entitled, we are gifted.

Pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in the Heavens. He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. Matthew 5:44-45

The evil and the good receive the gift of life from the Father in this world that everyone has a chance to repent and bear good fruit. @ironshield

This is a great read and I honestly think you are asking a lot of the right questions. Will we ever find out what really happened? Probably not...But sometimes I feel like knowing what has been omitted from the MSM narrative when these sorts of events occur tells us more about the bigger picture of whats going on in the world than the facts actually would...Does that make sense?

Makes perfect sense. If you string together the missing data you can sometimes see the truth behind the spin. It's just a matter of time before we hear the suppressed portion of the story, but by then the MSM is hoping there will be some Trump Tweet to make a big fuss about so it becomes a non-story. @ironshield

Hahaha yeah that's it! The art of misdirection hey?

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The news was very pathetic. It should not be happened again.

I agree, if news organizations want to be trusted, they have to be more honest. But people are too lazy to seek these things out for themselves, or think for themselves. They rely on the MSM to do their thinking for them, feeling they are more qualified. That's what's truly pathetic. @ironshield

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