InformationWar Discord Meeting May 5 - Agenda

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

Meeting Info

  • Your Discord Invite...assuming you aint already on ;>
  • TEXT meeting, voice is available in the "#general" channel; there are too many folks to do this via voice
  • The meeting itself will be in the Discord "#weekly-discord-meeting" channel
  • Time 2PM Central Standard Time (5PM Greenwich Mean Time)
  • winds down
  • Agenda is down page
  • I will create a summary after the meeting...if you do NOT WANT to be included, let me know.

Who We Are

About Information War

The tag informationwar is for posts discussing Information War, Propaganda, and Disinformation. This covers the history and methods of infowar, where it fits as a method of war, what fakenews is and how to recognize it, and tools for fighting the war.

Tools include critical thinking, logic, and intelligence methods

This also deals with the current war that the Deep State is fighting against us, and how we can fight back

The ultimate purpose of InformationWar is to give you tools to defend liberty in this war

@Krnel came up with this:
Information Warfare: Decentralized dissemination of truth and liberty
...which also has a nice ring to it and a nod to the Steemit concept.

Last week's summary

Information War Discord Meeting 4/28 - Summary

There will be some unresolved items from that meeting that WILL NOT be discussed this week; they are not forgotten

Agenda Item One - Curation

  • Curation guidelines remain an issue
  • The IW leads along with our Board will discuss tighter standards, so that everyone knows what is expected; this will be the last IW meeting in which we take feedback before we standardize
  • IW is manually curated
  • Even if you have a good, and relevant post, it may miss curation!
  • See @truthforce's post Quick Update On IW Tag Use and Misuse, and my comment for a good idea of where we are right now.

Agenda Item Two - Skin in the Game

  • We feel that there has been an issue where folks are benefiting from the tag, but not contributing to the community. No names, and no accusations, please!
  • It is not a critical issue, but it could be a serious one, so we are going to discuss options for getting folks involved.
  • At the same time, we recognize that part of our mission is to aid new Steemers use and contribute to the tag!
  • Possible solutions include
    -Required delegation to @informationwar (recognizing this is beyond the ability of low SP community members)
    -Required membership in curation trail
    -Restricting use of "#postpromotion" to OTHER people's other words, no self promotion
    -A separate channel for Stakeholders to discuss IW
    -Require some delegation to the IW account before curating a Steemer more than once a day
    -Requiring a certain amount of ReSteems from low SP members
    -Creating tasks for low SP Steemers to help us(research, creating specific posts, use of outside SM - these would be examples)
    -@richq11 makes a point about the @familyprotection community, which ran into the same problem

Family Protection got so many people trying to profit from their upvotes that they implemented a policy- if you don't give back a % of your payout, you stop getting votes!

  • These ideas requires a lot of community feedback, and we are looking for ideas that benefit everyone.

Agenda Item Three - Fishing for Whales

  • The community has grown quickly. We feel that getting support from whales would benefit the platform, the account, and the message.
  • So while we have identified some people we would like to join, or help us, we do not have an organized method for approaching these folk.
  • Personally, I (@stevescoins) am not socially confident. I have worked in sales before...I am not good at it LOL. I am very much a keys-down thinker.
  • Perhaps we need to find a "recruitment agent", A Steemer that is comfortable in approaching folks for delegation or participation
  • I'd like this discussion for the meeting to focus on organization methods and perhaps finding a person who would be willing to "sell" the @informationwar community

Agenda Item Four - This is a Board centered discussion - Use of accumulated SBD

  • We may open up to general discussion
  • Should we buy it moral for us to buy upvotes?
  • @Wakeupnd suggested using the funds as contest rewards. I like this idea, and have run several contests here on Steemit previously

Agenda Item Five - Secondary Meetings

We have several community members, including our longest running curator, @openparadigm, who are unable to attend these meetings due to scheduling issue.

I think we should hold a second meeting during the week in order to get feedback from these community members

This is enough meat at the table for one sitting. We can always add suggestions on the "#weekly-meeting-agenda-suggestions" channel, or on the Agenda/Summary Posts

Please share this with people you think will be interested!

  • Creating tasks for low SP Steemers to help us(research, creating specific posts, use of outside SM - these would be examples)

That's a nice way to help new steemers to know what IW is about.

Contributing to the spanish translation of "How to be an IW Activist" has helped me understand how to really contribute with the truth!

I'll be there on saturday.

I'm glad you found the posts of value!

see ya Saturday!

Beep! Beep! @shadow3scalpel at your service. I am here to assist all military members on Steemit. This HumVee will be scouting posts from a list of Veterans that is maintained by @chairborne. If you are a Veteran and new to Steemit, and you have questions or want to join the Veterans community, reply to this comment. We got your six, unless you are in the rear with the gear. Ooh-Rah!
Comment by @inthenow. This is a opt-in bot.

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