InformationWar Discord Meeting 4/28

Hey all!

This post should have gone out yesterday. I went to the gym and my back was sore, really sore, when I got I took a muscle relaxant. Mistake LOL

So my apologies for the late notice.

Bringing the IW Discord Meeting Back

Starts at 2 PM Central Standard Time...til whenever
TEXT based chat

I have been informed by more than a few people that the meetings were getting a little disorganized.

That is just to be expected with so many people on board

So what is the best way to communicate with each other in a clear manner?

Let's give the following approach a shot

We set an agenda for the weekly meeting in discussion on the summary post (see downpage), and on the weekly-meeting-agenda-suggestions channel (see downpage) on our Discord. On Thursday (not Friday...someone should tell that Steve guy this), we put out an agenda for the next weekly meeting.

The summary post: after each weekly meeting, we put out a post on Steemit going over the main points of the meeting...if someone feels their point was lost and not included in the summary, they should feel free to comment that point on this post. This post will also serve as a discussion point for the next week's meeting.

Here is an example of a previous summary post:

I have been keeping these summaries on the links-to-older-summary-posts channel on Discord, and will do so in the future.

From the discussion that follows, we put out an agenda for the next meeting, as @truthforce did in this post:

Today, I created the following channels:

  • weekly-discord-meeting
  • weekly-meeting-agenda-suggestions

We will have the weekly meeting in the "weekly-discord-meeting" channel set aside for it, which will leave the "general" channel open for side discussion

The "weekly-meeting-agenda-suggestions" is open at all times to suggest agenda items.

During the meeting, one person will be a moderator, who has the unsocial task of making sure we stick to agenda

This weekend's meeting agenda

Because we have been busy or gone, we have let these meetings slip a bit.

Therefore there is not a set agenda for this meeting...HOWEVER...I am going to mod the meeting.
I will lead the discussion and change points when necessary

There are a couple of things I will be looking at:

  • whether this format works or not
  • community reaction to this format
  • agenda suggestions for next week or down the road
  • IF I get the time, I will be looking at older agendas/summaries and discuss them

Also check out:

Please share this with your followers. I am going to spam the hell out of Discord with this link. Hope to see you there


Cannot agree more! I'll be there tomorrow!

Great, I'll try to be there. For now, I just do resteem. Force!

Good idea for a separate channel to have the meeting on.

Some of us like to hop into voice chat for the meetings to discuss things a little easier. Do you have any issues with us doing that or should it be all text chat?

this is @stevescoins

I think the board should be in voice and text, and bounce back and forth to the meeting channel.

this allows us to focus on better ideas but doesnt throttle back community feedback either

really important points should always be put in text so I can record them for the summary

Sounds good :)

wow very excellent informationwar @stevescoins

I am a new follwer for you

Beep! Beep! This humvee will be patrolling by and assisting new veterans, retirees, and military members here on Steem. @shadow3scalpel will help by upvoting posts from a list of members maintained by @chairborne and responding to any questions replied to this comment.

updating the "about information war" post - what needs to go in

also - resteems and notes on "post-promtion" are ways for low SP folks to contribute

also worth noting for everyone:
if you post multiple times a day on the IW tag some of them might not be voted fo

recognizing current stakeholders!!!!

we arent going to be able to curate everybody that uses the tag, so we have to decide on the best ways to curate

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