Has Trump been trumped by the Deep State?

in #informationwar7 years ago (edited)

Take a moment to read this post:
The OODA loop of Trump's Insurgency has been Smashed

Here are the pertinent points of the article:

  • Trump got elected as a rallying point of everyone who hates the status quo; Robb (the writer) describes this as an insurgency

the real uniting goal of Trump's insurgency was "opposition to a failed establishment"

  • the Ministry of Truth (the media) kept this insurgency alive with it's propaganda supporting the Establishment

The media is the voice of establishment interests (social, economic, and national security)... It also explained away failure after failure... of the US establishment, as if it never occurred.

  • The generals in Trump's admin have staged a successful counter-insurgency by controlling access to information

(if only they were half as good against real world insurgencies)

by controlling Trump's information flow with social media/networks, the generals smashed the insurgency's OODA loop (observe, orient, decide, act). Deprived of this connection, Trump is now weathervaning to cater to the needs of the establishment

  • Robb predicts that this will lead to Trump's loss of support

Trump's popularity will plunge into the 20's as he mainstreams -- large segments of the insurgency will walk away permanently and those who have opposed him will continue to oppose him (he won't get any credit for mainstreaming). At support in the mid twenties, the stranglehold that the insurgency has on Republican Congressman will end (impeachment/removal?)

My take

I had high hopes for the generals that Trump brought into the administration; Flynn, Mattis, Kelly. I also had high hopes for Sessions as Attorney General.

I have seen none of that hope borne out as of yet

  • Clinton remains prosecuted for "mishandling" classified data
  • Comey remains prosecuted for conflict of interest and perjury
  • There is not a Special investigation into the Clinton corruption ring, DNC-media collusion, or DNC election fraud
  • There is not a Special investigation into any Obama administration illegality
  • Deep State hack Mueller is still running an investigation into the false "Russian" conspiracy as a Special Investigator
  • The sanctuary city politicians and burrocrats remain a Shadow Government for 8 USC 1324 violations
  • Mattis has retained "global warming" and "sexual identity" policies harmful to military efficiency
  • There has been no pushback to judicial overreach on immigration policy
  • The Corker deal is still in place
  • Flynn, and every other security expert that recognized Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the government, has been purged
  • The NSC and the DOJ remain full of Obama appointees

There are arguments that Trump needs time to build his own networks, gather evidence, and to "prep the battlefield" for his own actions.

Maybe so. I have seen no evidence that he is doing so. It is possible that he has been building a Shadow Government of his own. If he is doing this, a sudden rollup of everyone in the reason/corruption network would be his end game. I have seen no evidence him building a Shadow Government, either...but if he has been successful at doing it, then I wouldn't.

In the Shadow Government scenario, Trump's senior advisors and officials would engage in misdirection and suggest they were kowtowing to Deep State interests.

We shall see.

What do you think?


Should, or Can, Trump move decisively against the Deep State and/or the Left now? Discussion - Part One

Should, or Can, Trump move decisively against the Deep State and/or the Left now? Discussion - Part Two

Conflict of Interest Surrounds The Election Investigation

Is Trump Serious About Draining The Swamp? Your Thoughts

Should Trump Fire Sessions? I say YES

My Books


I think it's depressing.
Kinda makes me wonder if it's even worthwhile to vote.

This was the first time I voted in years, on the off chance he would and/or could make a difference. Normally I believe that voting only encourages them.... turns out I was right.

it's not my friend, more people voted 4 clintin(just like 2000 election more people voted 4 gore)it was that damn elect college that has the final say, this is not a democracy.

Of COURSE it's not a democracy...where did you EVER get that idea?
The United States is a Republic...NOT the same thing.
Kids these days...I swear...don't they teach you anything in school?

oh..by the way...more people did NOT vote for the Hildebeast. She got a bunchaton of fraudulent ballots like democrats always do. (millions and millions...and she STILL lost)

i can tell your an old hag, mad b'cuz you put your faith in a broken system, i didn't mean any harm in my comment i even said "my friend" and you come at me with this bullshit? Do the earth a favor, find a nice place to lie down and stop breathing. Have a great day and best wishes from kenentertainment!

was it something I said?

He has been trumped or he merely made the swamp his? My hopes were very low but I still had some; now I have none. I mean, he did name a fan of civil asset forfeiture as attorney general

I do think that argument can be made that Trump is serious, I'm not sure of that myself, but I usually post as if that were the case

It is very easy for a people to get so wearied of being lied to that they give up hope.

I hope that if enough of us are loud about demanding that Trump keep that promise of DRAIN THE SWAMP, that it might have some effect on people in powerful positions who are not Deep State themselves

Just look at how he cozied up with the Democrats recently. And how he has gone neocon in less than 6 months.

Let's see how his deregulation scheme goes. That's probably the last hope of change that remains

one of the theories I've heard bandied about is that Trump wants people to vote in new congresscritters who will be more responive to the wishes of the populace...

the problem with that as a stratrgy is that new critters will be bought off as fast as the old ones were, and that there will be no punishment for the traitors.

w/o punishment, they will continue the corruption

but again, that aasumes Trump is serious

@Pgveer I do believe that Trump is focused on cleaning up the Swamp, but to do that he had to cede foreign policy back to 'the grownups' and that means Israel, the MIC and the neocons... or do I repeat myself?

I still expect (per my many posts on the subject) that he's getting ready to bodyslam the DNC over the Russia narrative/hack/bullshit. That's all lining up if you look really carefully, and most people aren't.

But, as far as the foreign policy is concerned, we're headed towards a very ugly few years as the geopolitical order rearranges itself and Trump's team is completely outfoxed by Putin and Jinping.

Of course he's winning when it comes to Russia. The "proof" of the direct involvment in slimmer than a sheet of pure gold. However, depending on how the healthcare debate goes, one house could easily turn blue.

I'm still with Trump, and hoping that we get arrests and proper Hillary and Democrats investigation.

I agree with ever point made here.👌

The one thing that we can be sure of is that Trump's election gave us time to prepare for what comes next

And that's more than anyone else would have.

OMG, @stevescoins There is so much I want to point out but all I can say is there is so much that we don't know. Have you read "The Art Of The Deal" by Donald Trump? I haven't but I have been told that the art of the deal is to ask for much more than you want so you can negotiate to what you really want.

So if you think of everything Trump said, he said the more extreme things that people are thinking, knowing that his base who understands what he is saying also understand that diplomacy and policy is a compromise. The only way Trump can fail is if the American people lose faith and hope in him. Everytime something is written or spoken about President Trump in a negative or doubtful way, the enemies of freedom and truth are emboldened with new fodder.

It's good to look at both sides, to question and to change our views as things may change but this is a momentous time in American history. We are at a turning point, and we need to see President Trump in a global view.

The corrupt powers that have been in increasing control over our Republic and its 3 balances of power for the good of the people are now in panic mode, they are in survival mode. The Luciferian forces are in retreat. The human trafficking/sex slave trade is being cut down. People all over the world are looking to this man, while we debate whether he can beat the Deep State.

Also great points. The fear of him winning was too strong. He's still got cards in his hands for sure, and I wouldn't be surprised if waiting for others to think he doesn't is part of the plan. What I also rely on is knowing how determined and confident he is, and how long he's probably been preparing/planning. Since the eighties at least. It almost seems like most of what he's done with his life has been building up to this. It's truly amazing.

I can say is there is so much that we don't know

Agreed; but we have to keep the pressure on for results

diplomacy and policy is a compromise.

My position is that we don't compromise with thieves and traitors; that is what we have been doing, and it has failed us.

When we said LOCK HER UP and DRAIN THE SWAMP, we were not joking, or posturing.

Those people must go; they broke the law, they betrayed us.

I understand but this is not about a bunch of criminals/traitors being brought to justice. This is about taking down one third of our govt officials, 90% of media/entertainment and probably 50% of foreign officials and business and religious leaders. We don't know what is going on behind the scenes but you can find very intelligent minds with inside information who are doing what needs to be done. You can't believe the media or the establisnment.

Trump said he was here to do the will of the people. There are good honest people in all groups, there are bad dishonest corrupt people in all groups. Trump is giving everyone benefit of the doubt. He said in the debate, one thing that might be a weakness for him is that he trusts too easily but he said, you lose my trust that is it. Trump is sorting out the corrupt from those that loyal. It is a crazy time but I think Trump is so above the media nitpicking, lying and he trolls them into ridiculousness. Trump will never lose his supporters because we know the stakes. There is no alternative. We never expected he could do have of what he has already accomplished.

Trump will never lose his supporters because we know the stakes

He will need them.

I did not add an article to the main point, but I think you'll like the direction it goes.

Trump has spent some time in outreach to the company level officers in Special Forces units; I don't think the Deep State/Left is going to push too hard for a coup

However, we need to keep the heat on and continue to push for arrests...and any other measures needed...to purify our government

I agree with you.

I have no faith in politics of any sort any more. I look forward to a time when government goes the way of MySpace. We can do better without them.

Voting is an absolute waste of time. It's no wonder we have such a low turnout in the States. At least in other countries, your vote might count. Emphasis on might XD

Ah, but it's still forcing one's view on others through the force of government. Never valid, imo.

Yea dude really sucks but i think if clintin was in we'd be in syria(not just few hundred like now to help proxy's) with that whole no fly zone she was wanting. Anyways i believe it don't matter who is pres the deep state will be there to tell them what to do.

@stevescoins As I said last month... Trump made a deal with these evil people to try and get his domestic agenda through. He's now completely trapped by them and they will feed him only that which they want him to see.

His latest UN speech was an embarrassment to the idea of diplomacy. The high point of his first term was his meeting with Putin. Everything else is just more of the same.

There will be indictments over the DNC stuff. That is part of the deal. But, on foreign policy, the beat goes on or he gets killed.

It's a real shame.

I still have faith. I think Trump is Trump and he's not going to tell his hand before it's played. I hope that since he likes to watch the news (not msm) that he'll stay grounded by watching Limbaugh/Hannity etc.

Lately, Trump's been a disappointment and as things stand right now this idea of building a shadow government looks more like wishful thinking.
One thing I don't agree with is the idea of someone controlling Trump's information flow. I don't buy that, I think he knows what's going on and he decided to go Deep State, at least for the time being.

Chump being elected was a huge upset to the status quo.
Just that alone has changed things.

Chump will do a few more "wild card" things, but I doubt he will drain the swamp. The swamp is currently the foundations of The US govern-cement. The Constitution of The United States of America (note capitalization) was the foundation of the swamp.

I would say that less that 1% of the people know what that constitution really is, or have a clue what it means.

However, to change everything, what has to happen is not the changing of the piece of paper, what changes is that there becomes transparency in what govern-cement does. And measurement of the good that govern-cement does. When you have these measurements, then you can easily see where the govern-cement is going and steer it.

In other words, the law is all fine and good, but if most of the people do not follow it, it is not a law. The govern-cement has stopped even giving lip service to the document we think we have.

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